Part 30: Update XXVIII - Featuring: More dull dungeon design
Update XXVIII - Featuring: More dull dungeon designMusic: Ladyin - Sacred Tranquility

Oh look, more spiral stairs.

With a heal point to mark that we're halfway there.
...Now that I think about it, I don't think we've seen a normal blue save point in a dungeon. All of them have been green heal points.
Which further cuts the game's difficulty, since always having a free heal nearby makes it even harder to run dry during exploration.

Perhaps they put in a new dragon?

Ha ha, no. It's just another Morph Dragon.

On this floor the inner circle is undamaged, with two dragons moving in a loop.

The first is a Dark One.

There's another chest on the opposite side.

And the second dragon is, and try not to be surprised now, another Dark One.

To the north.

Is a Morph.
Also look at that MN recovery from scapegoat! Each use of it damn near refills Aiden's pool, and even Yuno gets half!

There's the chest we've been seeing on the map.

There's another door to the north.

Which leads to another path down.

Every time I get one of these, I think of that single revive we got as a rescue reward.

But before I head down, I need to finish clearing out this floor.

VFD really needed more dragon variety. We're halfway to Nyala and we've just seen the same two dragons over and over.

That's this floor cleared.

The stairs lead us back up to the flower wall from before.


This opens up a shortcut, but it really isn't all that short when you compare taking the stairs to taking the outside path.

That's the floor mapped out.

And done.

So back down to the door we go.

It has the exact same layout as the last corridor, but with a forced dragon fight.
Music: Battlefield - Furious Predator

...And its an actually new dragon? And a unique one at that? The fuck!?

Of course, it has less health than a Dark One so lol.

But it does Power Charge on turn 1, forcing me to deal with a buffed hit.

I try to get clever and use Jinka React.

Except Valerie's paralysis canceled the attack, so all it did was a single normal that turn.

I try Moon Stance to force it to target Inoue.

But that also fails.

Shows what I get for trying to get fancy.

Oh well.
Music: Ladyin - Sacred Tranquility

That dragon was the only thing here.

But with that, we're now at the very end of Ladyin.
Which means that, yes, the final dungeon of the first act is literally the same room over and over again with a few changes in floor layout. The budget is only going to get smaller from here.
Welcome to VFD.

The center of the area is nice and open, after the cramped stairs until now.

There are more Morph Dragons down here, naturally.

I double back to check upstairs.

And holy shit one of these guys!
If the devs were willing to use them here, why didn't they scatter some of them about so we don't end up the exact same dragons multiple times in a row?

They're the exact same dragons we saw during our trip to Berg's basement, beyond that.

I've also started to fill out Yuno's skill set a bit more.

Plus I finally grabbed a gun skill for Aiden.

Air Assault is a very good skill, being able to wipe mobs at level 1 and have priority.


This is the only thing up here.

And while it looks like there should be an exit leading up, the stairs are blocked by rubble.

Air Assault basically turns Aiden into Unit 13's best trash clearer for random encounters.
And while it is rather pricy at 7 MN a pop with Aiden's poor reserves, I can use Quick Hack procs to immediately top him off.

This is the last civilian in Ladyin.

Just two more dragons.

And that's all of Ladyin except for Nyala himself taken care of.

So I should go check on the new rescues before I go face him.
Music: UE77 Tokyo

Music: The Daily Grind

Kino: Oh! You've saved 30 people! As promised, here's your reward! Thanks a lot!
Kino this better be more worthwhile then last time...

...A single healing item???

I had 10 of these!!!!!!!

Defeated Soldier: I haven't had any nightmares about dragons for three nights and counting!

Hungry Soldier: However, I can't forget the succulent taste of the monster flesh I ate back in Ladyin...

Hey look, Valerie's starting to gain some affection!
...Wait, how does she have a rank with Opal? They've never fought together.
Maybe Buddy skills contribute to it.

I must see if it changes the dates.
Music: Re:Vanishment (code:VFD Ver)

Oh hey, it does!
Music: The Daily Grind

Now-Awake Woman: Then I couldn't find my way out of the sealed district, so I just sat and waited for death...

And that was everyone I could find.
Music: UE77 Tokyo

So all that's left is to head back to Ladyin...

...And prepare to fight a god.
Next time: Unit 13's first True Dragon.