The Let's Play Archive

7th Dragon III Code: VFD

by BisbyWorl

Part 50: Update XLVII - Featuring: The Sixth True Dragon

Update XLVII - Featuring: The Sixth True Dragon

Video: VS Haze
Music: True Dragon - 1st Encount

Haze comes in with 7.6K HP, 179 in both attack stats, 139 in both defenses, and 72 speed.

Turn 1 is spent setting up buffs, like usual.

Unlike Nyala, who swapped phases based on his HP, Haze instead has a very strict AI pattern.

Case in point, he'll always open the fight with Autocannon, which deals 5 random hits at 0.3x ATK.

Followed by Hyper Shell, a self-buff that cuts all damage done to him by 50% for 4 turns. Buddy skills have a 40% chance to break this.

The fact that he throws up such a huge defense buff before anyone can build enough meter for a Buddy skill implies that you should probably be blocking this turn.

Because on turn 2 he uses Sound Cannon. 1.5x ATK in damage, plus a 60% chance of a 20 point Burn and 40% of a 0.5x accuracy Blind.

As written, Sound Cannon is incredibly dangerous. If Aria took that head on and the burn landed, she'd be dead in one hit! However, Haze will always use Hyper Shell the turn prior, so some Burn accessories combined with the innate status resist on Guard makes it a joke of an attack.

And as for why it's called 'Sound' Cannon, that's a translation goof. It should be Thousand Cannon instead.

He'll then always follow up with a normal attack.

To make things worse for him, Forest Poetry pretty much undoes everything he did!

On turn 3, Haze will always use a normal attack first, then have a 75% chance of using another normal and a 25% chance of using Autocannon.


Bleed damage is untouched, at least.


A 40% break chance is annoying to hit, even with Aiden's double hit.

Turn 4 Haze breaks out Kill Slash, an attack that deals no damage but has a 45% chance of instant death. This is why I bought death resists.

He'll then follow with Autocannon.

For the first time, an enemy's buff actually fell off naturally before I could break it myself.

Now that's a lot better.

Haze is supposed to use another Autocannon on turn 6, followed by a new move called Genocide Valley.

But lol paralysis.

For reference, Genocide Valley is Autocannon's big brother, dealing 6 hits at 0.5x damage. Each hit is targetted at whoever has the most LF.

Hey, just look at the time!

So, fun fact about Windy Canopy:

When I say it follows any MAT elemental hit...

That includes the backrow.

God Hands, unfortunately, can't really do much from the back. Without a way to build G-Depth, the best move they have is Front Punch, so instead I picked up ATK Accupressure to give Valerie a boost.

Inoue alone did close to 2K damage right there. It would have been more if I remembered that Haze had a Lightning weakness.

And then I still have an actual turn right after.

You know what the funny thing about Haze is?

If Haze lasts long enough to go through his entire AI script, he'll just loop back to the start.

The problem is that his script lasts for 18 turns. Not even the worst built team imaginable should take that long.

Even with a Fortuner in the back, that's still two uses of Unison before he can get anywhere close.

Was party development and enemy development handled by two separate teams or something? Because a lot of enemies (like the dragon with a telegraphed defense buff from earlier) feel like they were built under the assumption that the player's power would be far lower than it ended up being.

Music: Finish Them Off

And we get a full party heal for the road.

Music: Ignith of the Final Attack (code:VFD Ver)


But the really sad thing is...

Haze dies in the same chapter he gets introduced, yet he somehow got more screentime than Nyala, who had three chapters dedicated to killing him.



And there we have it, the OG Dragonslayer.

We really did it~! Impressive work yet again, Unit 13~!

Unit 13... defeated not only Nyala, but now Haze as well...

Bro why are you turning your back on the girl who's been trying to kill you the entire fight.

Music: Destructive Curse

Yuma! Pay attention!

Oh no.

The dragon now has a Dragonslayer.

Then Emel exploded and everyone died, the end.

Next time: Grahf called, he told me to tone it down a little.