The Let's Play Archive

7th Dragon III Code: VFD

by BisbyWorl

Part 63: Update LX - Featuring: Even more filler

Update LX - Featuring: Even more filler

Music: Destructive Curse

Oh joy, we can see what atrocities the ISDF can get up to with two more True Dragon samples.

This is an incurable disease. Stopping its progress is a great achievement in and of itself.

Thank you. However, after further research, I was able to confirm that it is no ordinary disease. It shouldn't even be called a sickness in the first place. It's almost as if it's testing humanity...

So it is a sickness that... filters out the weak?

I believe so. I can't help but feel... There is an immeasurably powerful being watching over humanity... Stimulating our growth...


The sickness is a filter? That seems unnecessary. The strong can simply control the weak. That is the most beautiful state of existence.

Oh so that's where Yuma got it from.

That arrogant ideology suits you well, Akutsu.

Hahaha! That seems a bit harsh.

Professor Nagumo... We wish for you to further strengthen Yuma using those specimens.

There we go.

You fool... Yuma has already had three True Dragon specimens installed into him. Adding any more may very well destroy him!

We are well aware, Professor. No need to worry, though. We have many replacements... More importantly, Yuma himself desires this.


I want to be stronger, no matter how dangerous it may be. Death is better than worthlessness!

It really does irritate me that the game never brings up how the only reason Yuma wants power no matter how self-destructive it gets is because he was raised to want it.

So, you're still worried about proving your worth... Haven't I said not to bother with that? I'm sure the marginalization you feel stems from your being developed in a labora—

Also because, again, Akutsu made it clear that he'll be thrown away the moment he falls behind.

Please, do not brush off my hunger for power like I am some mere gnat. I must prove that I am the strongest! I will not let anyone stand in my way!


Thank you, Professor!

Yuma... Have you discussed this matter with Yoritomo?

No. He would surely object, so... this decision is mine and mine alone.

You fool. Don't you understand how much he cares about you...?


I'm not going to let you die, Yuma. I'll make the adjustments as painless as possible. You must survive, and defeat the True Dragons...

Music: Re:Vanishment (code:VFD Ver)

Hm...? What's wrong, Allie? What are you doing down here?

*chuckle* I should be asking you the same thing★ Why do you seem down when we're so close to finally completing the Dragon Chronicle?

Mmm, it's nothing... I was just reminiscing a bit. I had almost completely lost hope in humanity before I joined up with you guys. Operation Code: VFD... The plan by which we'd complete the Dragon Chronicle and save humanity... It was easy to laugh it off as a fanciful story at the time, but now it's actually taking shape...

I always believed that you could make it happen, Julietta.

*giggle* Thank you. Allie... I have much more faith in humanity than I did back then.


They believe that even the most hopeless of situations can change as long as they don't give up... They've even influenced me into working harder... and we all know how hopeless that seemed. *giggle* I suppose there are powerless people all over the world, and yet... As long as people like Unit 13 exist, humanity will bounce back, no matter how many times we fall.

I was ready to give up on humanity after just the slightest scratch to my ego...

Yes, of course. But...

What Unit 13 has shown us... And the darkness you saw with ISDF ten years ago... Both are faces of humanity. Did your observation of Unit 13 make you forget why you left ISDF in the first place?

...!? Of course not! I'll never forgive them for what they did...!

Having said that, we must always be thinking about the future of humanity. Don't you agree?

Yes, you're right... I'm sorry, I let my emotions get the best of me.

Allie... Can I leave the search I for the final True Dragon specimen to you...?

Of course! My sixth sense will handle it!

I'll be counting on you. Let's do everything we can to fulfill our ideal... and complete Operation Code: VFD.

Music: The Daily Grind

Same rules as the last Intermission, we have a few marked quests we have to do before we can move on to chapter 6.

Oh by the way, Director Yoshida was looking for you, too. He wanted to let you know about these things called... EX Skills, I think. Director Yoshida's down on the R&D Floor, so get down there and visit when you have the chance. Honestly, I wish we could give you some time off before your next mission... But you can't eat for free! Looks like you're gonna have to work extra hard today!


Construction is now available for the Reference Room Lv. 3.

Construction is now available for the Warehouse Lv. 2.

Let's get a quick cutscene out of the way before we do anything.

Music: A Place to Come Home

Chika, no! Get up get up get up!

Snap out of it! We've got loads of work still left to do! No breaks 'til the end of the month!

You're so... cruel... I don't like this... I wish I could turn into a koala... Nobody bothers them when they want to sleep all day...

Yeah, yeah. That's enough of your silly talk! It's time to work work work! Ah, I'm so thankful that I have somewhere I can work every day! That gratitude is essential!

Urgh... You're such a workaholic...

*scratches head*

Oh, Unit 13... I've been working every day and night for a week straight... I'm so worn out... Who ever could help me finish all this work I have...? *wink* *wink*

Haha! Abusive work culture!

Chika! Don't be so quick to rely on Unit 13! You need to figure out how to do things on your own!

*whimper* Did you hear what she just said to me!? I'm so embarrassed...

Look, I know we have all sorts of quests n' stuff now, but I'm sure Unit 13 is busy, too.

I love working.

U-Unit 13...! Such courage, jumping so willingly into the jaws of death! You are truly the model corporate worker team! I'm moved to tears!


I'd do anything for Chika.

U-Um, I... I, uh... have a little bit more work left today... But... I'll be free after five...

You can star in your little romcom once everything's finished!



Um... There are three requests specially for Unit 13... If you finish those, I'll be able to sleep in my bed for the first time in two weeks... Would you... help us...?


Thank you, Unit 13... *sob* I put a ★ mark on the quests you need to help with. Thank you so much...!

Music: Let's Get to Work!!

Clearing out Preloma left us with just enough Dz to make one thing right now.

The final level on the Skylounge gives the third set of dates, which also give out a lot of really good gear. However, I want to wait till I have everyone's IDs so I can knock them out in one go.

I upgrade the Reference Room to see if it unlocks that door in the restricted section.

Music: The Daily Grind

She looked like she was gonna die from working so much. I guess she's always like that, though.


*chuckle* As President of this company, I'm honestly impressed with your work, Unit 13★

As you might expect from this game, the vast majority of NPCs have the exact same lines as before.

The Sway Ring is an accessory that gives +10% evasion. Combined with Opal's SPD Acupressure you can get a whopping 35% dodge chance!

Shame that VFD is a hyper aggressive game and no one picked up Idol's Miss React so evasion isn't really important.

I also grabbed Valerie a set of Phazer Rings to kill the chance of an enemy attacking her before Brave Sword can land.

I then completely forget to check the door.

It's still locked, by the way.

The Eden refugees are the only generic NPCs with new lines.

Wounded Huntsman: I was getting my arm checked out in the Infirmary, but it got so crowded they had to kick me out!


Disoriented Girl: *cough* *cough* N-No matter where I look, I can't find the Infirmary...

Although there seems to be a trend here...


Goht: 'onestly, I'm real good at cooking!


Chiako: We came here to get away from the dragons, yet they're rampaging here as well...

Myrna: My name is Myrna.

They used to be real snooty, but they actually came and talked to me! That's what I call progress.

Is the material of my clothing too thin...? The people of Tokyo tend to gaze... at my chest.

Again, she's 16 what the fuck.

The time has come.



Director Yoshida: My job is to analyze your fighting data and make sure it reflects accurately in 7th Encount. That's why I know everything there is to know about you guys, especially regarding battle! From what I can tell, you should be able to push your battle abilities to the next level! But you're probably wondering how you make that happen, right?


Director Yoshida: EX Skills are called such because in order to use them, you have to expend a full Exhaust Gauge. They're the most amazing, perfect powers in existence! But in order to master a class's EX Skill, you'll need an EX-pert! Someone level 50 or higher! Does that sound impossible? Don't give up! Just ask away. Which EX Skill are you interested in?

Just like 2020, each class has to do a small sidequest to unlock their EX Skill. Samurai in particular has to do one for each sword style.

Samurai (Sword)

Director Yoshida: Let me give you a hint about how to acquire that EX Skill! The guy who raised Yuma should know all there is to know about the Samurai class. Go seek guidance from Yoritomo on the Medical Floor. He'll coax out your ultimate form! Make sure your leader is a Samurai who's level 50 or higher! Your sword will overcome all!


Samurai (Dual Blade)

Director Yoshida: Let me give you a hint about how to acquire that EX Skill! The guy who raised Yuma should know all there is to know about the Samurai class. Go seek guidance from Yoritomo on the Medical Floor. He'll coax out your ultimate form! Make sure your leader is a Samurai who's level 50 or higher! You will see the duality of life!



Director Yoshida: Let me give you a hint about how to acquire that EX Skill! As an Agent, the ability to gather information is absolutely necessary. As a test of your skills, try hacking into one of the PCs on the Development Floor! Make sure your leader is an Agent who's level 50 or higher! Work those magic fingers!


God Hand

Director Yoshida: Let me give you a hint about how to acquire that EX Skill! There exists a hero who fights only with his fists... Yes, I'm talking about that badass hero! You must go fight against him in 7th Encount! But first, meet up with him in the Main Plaza! Make sure your leader is a God Hand who's level 50 or higher! Fists of fury, go!



Director Yoshida: Let me give you a hint about how to acquire that EX Skill! Put 1,000 Az into the vending machine on the Conference Floor, then hold down the change button! If you're lucky, you might get a super rare duel card!

They aren't even trying to hide that Yuno's playing Yu-Gi-Oh.



Director Yoshida: Let me give you a hint about how to acquire that EX Skill! Do you know the creature that holds the meow-stical ability to soothe hearts? Go to the cafe once you rescue them all! If you use it as usual, you might just think of something! Make sure your leader is a Fortuner who's level 50 or higher! It'll be purr-fect!


Rune Knight

Director Yoshida: Let me give you a hint about how to acquire that EX Skill! According to my research, there's a secret tome about Rune Knights hidden in Atlantis. I'm sure Eigur would know its whereabouts. He's the best Rune Knight there's ever been! Make sure your leader is a Rune Knight who's level 50 or higher! Good knight, and good luck!



Director Yoshida: Let me give you a hint about how to acquire that EX Skill! There's a book somewhere in the Reference Room called 666 Sights of the World! Find it! Knowing everything about the breathtaking sights of the world may help you reach a new horizon. Make sure your leader is a Mage who's level 50 or higher! It'll be a-mage-ing!



Director Yoshida: Let me give you a hint about how to acquire that EX Skill! Do you know of an elusive dragon in the Kazan Republic called the Noble Rosier? Go get its claw! The Noble Rosier is said to only appear in front of a high-level Banisher. The best Banisher in all of Eden should know what to do with that claw! Bring it to Brijilt! Make sure your leader is a Banisher who's level 50 or higher! Banish all your negative thoughts!

So, we have to go talk to Yoritomo (twice), go hack the mainframe, fight Blaster Raven, buy cards until we get the secret rare, rescue every cat in the game, talk to Eigur, read a book, and go fight a dragon. All on top of whatever quests we have to do for the Intermission.

We're going to be here for a while.

Let's start off with good ol' Valerie.

But only the strongest Rune Knight in the world can actually read it. Until he died, that was King Utrello. So, the secret book is in a hidden room in the back of the palace. If you want me to help you, come to the Berg Palace Gate with a strong Rune Knight as your leader.


Music: Berg - Ultimate Sea Palace


But first, the only one who can read the secret book is the best Rune Knight in the world... You catch my drift?


It's time to see once and for all who the best Rune Knight really is!

I'll give you a hint, Eigur:

It isn't you.

Eigur's mostly the same from his fight back in Chapter 2, only he traded out Offense Stance (1.7x ATK) for Power Rune (3.4x ATK). I played around a bit before hitting the Delete Button and he didn't pose a threat.

Dammit... I lost. Looks like you're the best... The book's all yours. Alright... Wait here a sec.

System Message: EX Skills can be learned just like other skills, by allocating SP in the Skill menu. You must have a full Exhaust Gauge to use an EX Skill. Use these skills wisely in battle.

But I'm gonna catch up to you. And someday, I'll be stronger than you. Don't rest on your laurels! I'm coming for that book!

That's Valerie taken care of.

So let's go deal with a dragon real quick.

Next time: Dragons, ethical dilemmas, and Kirino Ayafumi being a dork.