Part 65: Update LXII - Featuring: The Hanged Man Social Link from Persona 3
Update LXII - Featuring: The Hanged Man Social Link from Persona 3
Music: Let's Get to Work!!
I can grab Aiden's EX whenever.
So let's start knocking out those side-
As a reminder, I did 5 quests when I put off Hypnos. If I just beelined straight for her there'd be 11 quests to do, and that's assuming none of these quests open up more quests!

This mission is top secret. Please go talk to Yuta in the Atlantis Evac Ward!

This request comes from the one, the only, Julietta. He'd like you to escort a VIP to a very special place... In other words, you need to be a bodyguard. I wonder what NGM means, though... This operation is very mysterious... Further details are top secret. You'll have to ask the client in the Director's Office for more information.

ISDF Admiral Yoritomo submitted this request. He said they've found a wounded High Dragon in the city... More importantly, it sounds like this dragon has some history with Unit 13. Hence, he'd like you to join you in defeating it. Your client is waiting in the Main Plaza. Please talk to him there.

This comes from those people from Eden, Sailas and Brijilt... They're going to arrive here soon as an envoy from their homeland... As such, they'd like to inspect the facilities of Nodens Enterprises... You'll have to ask them for more details... For now, please head down to the Portal to welcome them.

This is somewhat startling... This request comes from Blaster Raven! It says he'll be waiting in the Tokyo Underground. Please be prepared for anything that may happen... I don't know what I'd do with myself if something happened to you now, Unit 13... O-Oh, I-I didn't mean anything by that! It's just, there are still lots of requests to fulfill. I'd never be able to finish them all without your help...

Do you remember investigating that ghost earlier? Well, it seems like the rumor has spread throughout Nodens... Some people think it's the spirit of a Nodens employee who died from being overworked day after day... Anyways, that guy from last time isn't satisfied with the results of your first investigation. He's waiting for you at the Eden Evac Ward, so please go speak to him for more details. Good luck...
Music: The Daily Grind
Let's start from the top.
Maya: It's nice to meet you.
Yuta: This is a secret to everyone, but... we're gonna elope!
Kid you're like, what, 12? 14? You're seriously going to run away in the middle of a dragon invasion?
Maya: Um... Let me explain. My papa just won't understand...
Yuta: I'm from Cladeon, but she's from Atlantica, so her dad just keeps telling me to stay away. But where we're from shouldn't matter, right? It's not like we can go back there.
Maya: ...That is why we're going to elope. This is our last resort!
You what.
Maya: We don't have money, but we have jewels! And we can cook and clean! And do laundry! But if we don't have a home, we won't be able to live...
Yuta: Could you help us...?
This is what time travel has been reduced to.
Let me talk to Brijilt.
Helping two actual children run 5000 years into the future because daddy said no.
Yuta: Who's Brijilt...? But, but... that means you're gonna help us, right?
And before you ask, no, there is no option to tell their parents that Yuta wants to run away from home. We have to help the kids move to Eden.
Leave it to me.
Yuta: Do you know someone in Eden...? I knew we could depend on you, Unit 13!
And this is our first quest of the day.
I can assure you things will get even dumber by the time we finally reach Chapter 6.
Yuta: We'll be waiting!
Welcome to VFD.
Jil rematerializes in the Eden Ward for this quest.

There is an old man named Noyle who owns a great deal of property in Kazan. But... what do you wish to use it for?


Eloping children!? I would turn this down for anyone but you, Unit 13. You must surely have put some thought into this. Very well. I shall write a reference letter to Noyle for them. Give me a short moment.
Might as well start up another quest while we're here.
Hope: I was trying to look up more info on Aytel after last time, so I went over to the Reference Room... And found this. Look! It's a recorded history of 2020. According to this, Aytel was part of a gang in Shibuya called SKY! But I thought she was like, some kind of ghost? I'm so confused...
Let me investigate!
Hope: Alright! I'll be counting on you!
She doesn't look like a gangster.
Hope: I know, right? She's definitely a member of the elite.
Hope: I've heard rumors of an old man who grew up in Shibuya who's living in the Tokyo Evac Ward. Maybe he'll know something... Sorry, but could you go find out?
Well we're only one floor away.
Also I want to put off going to Eden for a bit.
Shu: I've got 8 bros and 9 kids! My extended family's got over 100 peeps! Anyways, sup?
Tell me about SKY!
Shu: SKY?
Do you know Aytel?
Shu: Aytel?
Shu: Fo shizzle! I'll tell you how hip we were! Um... Do you mind if I talk normally for this part?

Shu: SKY is a gang that was formed in Shibuya a century ago.
For those of you keeping up with Sympathy, this is Shino and Maki's kid! They grow up so fast...
Shu: The first head, Takehaya was a hero who beat a True Dragon. Aytel was his one true love. But I was born in 2021, so I never met either of them.
What is Aytel doing now?
Shu: I dunno, but I heard that Lady Kat- Oh, she was the second head of SKY, btdubs. Well, Lady Kat said that Takehaya and Aytel are in a forbidden land.
Kat is the official name for 2020's Neko. I wonder what Neiko would have been turned into. Cait, maybe?
Do you know anything else?
Shu: Well, Lady Kat said that Takehaya and Aytel are in a forbidden land. Who's Lady Kat? Oh yeah, I forgot to mention! She was the second head of SKY.
Shu: Apparently Aytel appears from that forbidden land every so often to give advice. Thanks to her, we didn't get lost in the confusion after the Calamity. Do you wanna meet Aytel?

Shu: Then take this.
Shu: I heard that the first Unit 13 and the original members of SKY were homies. I prolly won't be around much longer, so... I'm entrusting this emblem to you, dude! Carry on our legend! Peace out!
Like the last time we talked with Aytel, we have to go to bed.
Music: None

100 years ago... It was just me, my sister, and Takehaya... I remember those days...
Hey Aytel, nice to see ya.
We kiiiiiiiiiinda killed you and your sister in 5000 years after you fused into a True Dragon. No biggie.

Even though our bodies were imprisoned by the fire of war, there was also a strange peace. Tell me, Unit 13... In the far future of this planet... Did my sister meet the peace of eternal sleep...?
Oh so we're just-
I like to think so.
Straight up telling her?
So for all we know we just had a knockon effect on the timeline and the Eden arc will retroactively play out differently now that Aytel knows of their impending deaths.

Thank you, Unit 13. Knowing that, I can finally return to my slumber...
I'm sorry...

There is no need to apologize. I am sure my sister is thankful... I can finally return to my slumber...

Goodbye, dragon hunters... You, who carry on the will of the ones I love... Let us meet again at the far ends of the earth...
Music: The Daily Grind
It's a little confusing...
Hope: It'll prolly make zero sense to me if you guys had a hard time with it, Unit 13. Sounds like Aytel just isn't someone I'll be able to handle.
She's taken.
Hope: What!? N-No way... I love flirting and all, but it's totally against bro code to steal another guy's girl...
Hope: I understand! I'll forget all about Aytel! Thanks, Unit 13. Here, this is your reward for today!
You obtained 8,000 Az!
You obtained King Bracer x1.
The King Bracer is the big daddy of ailment accessories, with a 55% chance of blocking any ailment.
One down, five to go.
Let's go say hi to Jil and Sailas. to put off having to help the kids run away

*sigh* I'm so sleepy~... We've had meeting after meeting in Eden... I haven't had time to nap, or even research~...

Do not speak of such things! Listen, Unit 13. Sailas has helped us organize a restoration team much quicker than originally anticipated. It may not look it, but Sailas is in fact a man of great ability! Hahaha!

Why do you sound so proud, Jil~? *yawn*

Hm? Well, I... Who cares about that!? There is nothing wrong with being proud of your teammate! Never mind that, Unit 13! The real reason we are here is...

Jil, we need to go see Ms. Nagiri before we do anything, We still never properly explained what happened with Ms. Emel...
Oh right, Nagiri. She sure is a character that exists.


Yes, you are correct. It may be painful, but it is a matter of great importance. Please, guide us to the Infirmary where Nagiri is being kept.


You have my thanks.

Is that so...?

Y-Yes, it has been a long, long time, Nagiri...

How are you feeling~?

Much better. The medical treatment in Tokyo is... truly astonishing.

I am very glad to hear that! H-Haha... Hahahaha! O-Oh yes, Nagiri! Are you hungry? Do you need anything? Request anything you desire~!

*giggle* Acting considerate really makes you look foolish, Jil.

F-Foolish...!? I-Is that the case? No, it cannot be...

*sigh* Just stop, Jil~. Subtlety is clearly impossible for you.


Well, I didn't go that far~.

*chuckle* I'm relieved to see you both... doing so well.
Music: Stops

Music: Re:Vanishment (code:VFD Ver)

That obsession with hate caused her to lose her sense of self and transform into a True Dragon. At that point, we... We killed Ms. Emel, in order to save Eden.


The dragon threat has gone, and we are currently in the process of steady restoration. Eden... is safe.
I'm sorry I couldn't save her...

Do not speak such foolishness! There is no need for you to apologize...!
The one who killed Emel was...

Don't, Unit 13. That's not a burden you need to carry alone. ...Don't make us look so shameless.

... I just have one question... What were Lady Emel's last moments like? Please tell me, Unit 13. Don't worry about how it will make me feel.


Jil... I stood beside Lady Emel... but she was always alone. That void ate away at her constantly. She truly lived a solitary existence... I... wish I could have been the one to rescue Lady Emel from that loneliness, but... In the end, she was saved... She was able to find true happiness in her dying moments... I'm glad... I'm so very glad... *sob*
Doctor Hori: We should step out for a moment.

I agree. Let's leave this to Jil.
Music: The Daily Grind

How is Ms. Nagiri...?

She is better. Once she has fully recovered, she will return to Eden and join the restoration.

Ah... I'm glad to hear that~...

Very well! Let us switch gears. We have one more destination!

There's someone we have to meet who's crucial to the restoration of Eden~. So without further adieu, let's head over to Ulania's~! Come, come! Let's go~!


Oh! I just had a great idea! Hm? What's my idea? *giggle* It's a secret~♪ I think you're really going to like it, though!
And Nagiri's standard line hasn't changed a bit.

Hmm... Lemme come with you. I was bored to tears before you came along anyways! C'mon, let's go!

You wish to speak with me...?

Yeah, to tell the truth...

D-Does that mean... we're gonna move to your world?
I'm pretty sure the timeline has more holes in it than a block of swiss cheese at this point.

But of course~! Not everyone will be coming, though. Anyways, I heard your staying here is only temporary until you can rebuild Atlantis~. However, if there is still no plan for restoration... We would love for you to come to Eden with us~.

This is truly a godsend... but would it not be an imposition?

Not at all~! Countries all over Eden took massive casualties during the Dragon Calamity. Bringing in people from Atlantis to replace those casualties is the most logical solution available. So you see, it wouldn't only be helping you. We benefit as well~!

Hey, Ulania! This sounds like a great idea!

Y-Yes... However, I must decide on such a serious matter on my own...

Gotcha. You're our leader, Ulania. No matter what you choose, we'll follow you. That should be a given.

Leader... Yes, that is correct. *chuckle* It seems I am still lacking in self-awareness... Mr. Sailas...


I wish to uphold the bond that Unit 13 forged between our two periods in time. I will seriously consider this offer. Thank you for your help, Eigur.

Y-Yeah, of course!

Phew~! Thank you for being so receptive to the idea~!

By the way, Unit 13... I think I'll stick around here for a while and take in some more of Tokyo's technology~! Teeheehee~!
I'll do what I can to help you.

Hahaha! That is our line! Our debt to you is so grand, I am unsure we will ever be able to pay it back!

That stands for us as well. We owe a great deal to Unit 13.

I think the best way is just to beat that 7th True Dragon that's coming for Tokyo!
The future is bright.

Indeed. It would be disrespectful to those who have fallen if we did not make the future great!

But first and foremost, we'll need to beat the 7th True Dragon that's going to appear in Tokyo. We'll spare no effort in helping you out, Unit 13!

Rightly said! If the three time periods work together, no True Dragon will be able to stop us!

You're goddamn right!

Unit 13, it was thanks to you that this whole thing went off without a hitch. Here, this is a gift from me and Jil. Please accept it~!
You obtained 8,000 Az!
You obtained Hauberk x1.
You obtained Mythril Vest x1.
Two down, four to go.
Next time: We *sigh* help two kids run away from home.