The Let's Play Archive

7th Dragon III Code: VFD

by BisbyWorl

Part 68: Update LXV - Featuring: Animation glitches

Update LXV - Featuring: Animation glitches

Music: Tokyo - Cascading Ordeals

The Vermilion Tower just feels so... empty.

The dragons are so far apart that there's nothing to do most of the time.

The fact that they die instantly certainly doesn't help.

Hell, that's the only dragon on this side of the floor!

Lonely Soldier: Unit 13...? I've heard of you! I beg of you, rescue me! I, um... got lost in here.

And that's 1F cleared out.

There's another door in the same room that led here, but let's check this path first.

And that's it.

Up next: stairs.

And entire floor, with only four dragons on it.

The southern path leads to the wrong side of that wall.

So we have to take the top path.

Reckless Man: I was seeking some thrills, and before I knew it I was all the way here... Heh... I shouldn't have been so reckless.

South from the cat.

There's the wall dragon from before.

But there's something special I need to do here.

Music: Battlefield - Furious Predator

See, the Criminal Dragon here has a gimmick where, after either four turns or losing 50% LF, it will snap its chains and get stronger.

The part I'm focusing on is 'after four turns'.

Beyond this, they have Jumpkick for a big hit, Muscle Gaze to hit someone with Skill Seal, and Boost as another reused attack animation.

So I put the Criminal Dragon to sleep.

Then wait.

Then wait some more.

The dragon breaks free on schedule, but...

The shackles magically reappear when it attacks! What gives?

Well, the Criminal Dragon's AI is a bit borked, in that while the animation for breaking out plays at turn 4, the actual changes to the AI and attack animations requires 8 actions to change over. Since turns spent asleep don't count as actions, the game gets confused and acts like the dragon is still shackled. Once it hits 8 moves or gets knocked below half health things will go back to normal.

And since Team 1 doesn't really get to do much these days.

I might as well show off some of their shiny new moves.

It still does less than GEORGE!.

Music: Tokyo - Cascading Ordeals

Opal had her fun, so GEORGE! gets to take over once more.

There's a door here, but more floor to cover, so I turn back.

West of that large room just above.

And west of that split just above that.

There's just... a completely empty room here.

I'd bet money that there was either a chest or a civilian here back in 2020.

Now, you notice that dragon in the bottom right?

The way there is on the previous floor, so I have to backtrack all the way there, then head all the way through 2F once I'm done there.

We got more stairs.

The funny thing is that the game never explains why Tokyo Tower is just this massive shrine-themed dungeon. If you don't know about the 2020s this just shows up out of nowhere.

All you get for coming here is a uniform that's been sitting here for 80 years.

Somehow it's still better than what we have today.

Several minutes of random encounters later, we make it back to the end of 2F.


But this time we get an actual cutscene to break up the monotony!

The matter I wanted to talk to you about... is Mio. As you may have already guessed... I am Mio's father.

I knew it...

Yes... I abandoned my parental responsibilities and left Mio in Professor Nagumo's care...



Hm? You didn't notice? I suppose Mio looks more like her mother. That's probably a good thing, huh?


Yuma has told you about how he came to be, correct?


Mio's mother, Miharu... She was created in the same research facility as Yuma. Miharu devoted her life to studying dragons with Professor Nagumo. That lab is where Miharu and I met... and where we had Mio.

But Mio's mother...

Yes. She died... of Dragon Sickness.


How did you woo Miharu?

...! W-Well, Miharu and I both adored kittens. Many of our likes and dislikes were similar. However, we were only able to live as a family for a very short while... This all began when Miharu passed away... From Dragon Sickness.

A dragon roars.

Next time: A bunch of EX Skills.