The Let's Play Archive

7th Dragon III Code: VFD

by BisbyWorl

Part 80: Update LXXVII - Featuring: The greatest weapon the world has ever seen

Update LXXVII - Featuring: The greatest weapon the world has ever seen

Video: VS Yuma
Music: Ignith of the Final Attack (code:VFD Ver)

Music: Battlefield - The Hunter

The time has come for our duel with Yuma.

As the last opponent standing between us and ND, Yuma comes in with a whopping 10K LF, 8K under Chika and Rika's combined total.

...wait, that can't be right.

GEORGE! could one shot him with a War Cry-boosted Earthquake crit, the devs must have made a mistake.

Hell, Opal's team has already dealt 10% of his health right here, and they don't have a win button!

Yuma comes out swinging with Drake Blast, which deals multiple hits of MAT-based damage with a 20% chance of Burn. It has a -100% crit rate, which is a mercy considering the base damage was enough to nearly wipe the party.

Okay, it's clear that Yuma is meant to be a glass cannon boss. He can't take much punishment, but his own damage is sky high to compe-

You what.

Yeah, this isn't a normal fight. Yuma uses Drake Sphere to fully heal himself every turn. The only way to beat him is to take him out in one turn, and his SPD is set to 1 just to make sure he can't interrupt you and heal early. While you could effortlessly do it with a Banisher and a Rune Knight, the intended strategy is to stall until you can pop Unison and beat him that way.

If the implied message of Yuma not getting that it's the power of friendship that let Unit 13 surpass him hasn't clicked for you, the fact that you literally can't beat him (broken moves aside) without teaming up with your friends should make it obvious.

So here's how the fight goes: I heal, Yuma hits me, I heal, repeat for 8 turns because I have a Fortuner in the back.

This is what the devs actually intended here.

Also even his sky high offense isn't a threat, because sometimes he'll just... not attack. At all. You just have a safe turn to patch yourself up for the next hit.

Back Kick has a 30% chance of Null Action.

Crazy Claw is... another multi-hit random target move. It deals 0.5x ATK-based damage a hit compared to Drake Blast's 0.6x, but Yuma has more ATK than MAT so they're roughly equal. The real threat is changing out Burn for the far more serious Confusion.

I could have put Team 2 up front shave two turns off my Unison timer.

I could have stuck Aria and Yuno together so I only need four turns to Unison.

Hell, I could have combined Valerie and GEORGE! to, as mentioned earlier, end this fight on turn 1.

But I didn't, because this is an actual thing the devs designed.

The fight against our friend driven far beyond his breaking point because of an unhealthy mindset, reduced to a meaningless slap fight that will immediately end in our favor the second the timer says we can.

This is the last turn before I can Unison, so I start setting up.

And GG.

If your team can't hit 10K damage even with Unison for whatever reason, the devs put in one bit of mercy:

Remember when I said that all enemies have slightly reduced stats on Casual mode, with one exception? Yuma is that exception, having his health cut in half to make it easier to meet the damage check. Every other enemy in the game only loses about 15%.

...Is that Kirino's defeat animation?????

Holy shit it is.

Music: Finish Them Off

Music: If these Hands could Reach

Even with all of my power... I lost... *chuckle* I knew it... I knew it... all along... Unit 13... You are the strongest of all... Not me...

My existence... has been futile since the very beginning... I am useless... I wish I was never born... If I am not the strongest, I have no reason to be!

*shakes head twice*

Please, don't say things like that. Unit 13 appreciated your being there... and so did my dad.

Nobody's useless.

I am not useless...? Even though I am weak... we could still have lived... together...


You're my teammate, Yuma.

Teammate...? I suppose... it was fun spending time together... even outside of battle...


Admiral... I understand now... The purpose for my existence...

A crackling sound starts.

I never would have thought of something like this... I should've expected nothing less from you.

You're wrong... The blame lies with ISDF. I've always looked up to you, Professor...!

I appreciate that... but ISDF has nothing to do with it. I do not regret my research into NAVs or man-made beings like Miharu... However, even though I created life... I could not create humans. In the end, every single NAV ended their life in despair. Even Yuma... They often searched for meaning to their lives... The purpose of their existence... In doing so, they put their happiness into other people's hands... Tomari... Human happiness is something found between two people... All I wanted... was for them to find that happiness...

Next time: A quick tour of the Diet.