Part 84: Update LXXXI - Featuring: Old faces
Update LXXXI - Featuring: Old facesMusic: Final Battle - Grateful Seventh

The teleporter took us to the inner loop we could see on the map.

Again, this is the entire dungeon.

The inner loop leads to that chest we couldn't reach up top.

Armor upgrade.

On the way back we can see a dragon flying in the distance.

And the loop ends with another teleporter.

It immediately throws you into a quick cutscene.

But first, that flying dragon.

It took 2 turns for it to break in even when I was as close as possible to it. It'd probably take like 4 to break in when fighting the center dragon.

Despite having a cutscene pointing it out, it's literally just a Demon Dragon.

Killing the dragon summons our good friend the Mysterious Masked Man.
He really does get around.

Surprise, it's Iod, the First True Dragon!
No build up or anything, they just wander around all game only for their identity to get dropped on you with no fanfare.



We're allowed to take a moment before talking to Iod.





We then get teleported away.

It turns out that, 'the billions of people within you,' is 100% literal. We do actually contain the souls of all our friends.

For the final dungeon, we have one last party split with Team 2 up first. The teleporter we start on leads back to where Iod was, so the old trick of hopping back to Nodens and shuffling the parties around still works.
Oh, and that thing about the Future of Atlantis?

That wasn't figurative. We have it in our actual inventory and can eat it at any time for a full party revive.

Guess what, the party split is more hallways.

We do have a few new dragons, however.
Megamaws get a new Bleed rider on Devour and can inflict Freeze with Numbing Ice Ball, but past that they're the same old palette swap.

For whatever reason, Megamaws take massively increased damage from everything, but has 12K LF to compensate.

It dies before it can move, as always.

ATK/MAT +10.

The Iron Rosier trades out the full party Confusion from the Noble Rosier for full party Petrify. Valerie was running low on MN so I took the chance to fill up with Aspir Blade.

That's the inner loop done.

Which brings us to an entirely new area.

Although I take a moment to go bait that flying dragon.

At this point in the game, Brave Sword's damage output is starting to overtake Earthquake, although a War Cry proc will still give GEORGE! an edge.

The new area is still hallways.

The downside to using Brave Sword so often is having to patch Valerie up between fights.

There's a dragon directly below me.

Also there are robots in Grateful Seventh.

There's also another flying dragon.

And that's another loop down. We outta be nearing the end of this par-


This is not the barrier dragon, this is the flying dragon right behind it.

And this is another flyer that goes around the area.

This is the barrier dragon.

They really looked at the final dungeon of the entire series and made it a series of identical rooms.

Alright, let's go kick Nyala's teeth in again.

Video: VS Nyala (Again)
Music: True Dragon - 1st Encount

Nyala comes in with 11K LF, putting him only a bit below ND.

His only new move is Authority, a repurposed normal attack animation from 2020 that now hits the entire party.
He actually gets a small nerf here. True Dragon Meteor has been cut from 5x damage to a much more managable 2x, to compensate for how there's no way to break his buffs and therefore no way to avoid Meteor if a fight drags out that long.

He still won't get a chance to use it.

Nyala knows who the real threat is.

That probably would have killed if I remembered to use EX.

Oh look, the self damage actually got Valerie killed for once.


Music: Finish Them Off

Music: Final Battle - Grateful Seventh

Next time: The rest of Grateful Seventh.