Part 90: Update LXXXVII - Featuring: Inoue going sicko mode
Update LXXXVII - Featuring: Inoue going sicko modeMusic: Forfeit - The Dragon Inquires

Up next on our trip down memory lane is...

The Vermilion Tower!
This floor has Criminal Dragons, Spy Dragons, Darkmorph Dragons, and Doom Lizards.

We finally get a checkpoint, saving me from running through the entire place each time I go shuffle my party.

We also finally start getting ultimate for every class, as is the norm for these bonus dungeons.
There's just one teeny-tiny itsy-bitsy problem with them...

They're worse than the DLC weapons, meaning they're only useful if you're using multiples of the same class.
Only by a few points, sure, but you're still shelling out money for end-game power.

The Cat Tail is the ultimate evasion booster, giving +20% EVD. Combine it with a God Hand's SPD Acupressure and you'll get 45% evasion!
...If evasion was worthwhile over killing the enemy faster.

Downgrade for Mages.

There's a second door on this floor, but it's unusable.

So we have to take the one by the teleporter.

Which leads to Chika and Rika.

This time, the Mage Squad will finally get to do something.

Video: VS Chika and Rika (Again)
Music: Battlefield - The Hunter

The massive boost in LF Shadow Agni had is matched by Chika and Rika, with both coming in with 21K LF for a combined 42K LF to burn through.

You know the drill by now.

The Mage Squad has the bare minimum in levels and only has a single level in Volt Storm. This is entirely Inoue's show.

And in one turn Inoue brought Chika to half and nearly killed Rika on the spot.

And you know what the best part is?

Since I needed three turns to set up, I only have to wait one turn before I can do another Unison!

Rika goes down on the first hit.

Inoue's landed so many hits from this that she's fully restocked her EX.

And Chika's a hair off from death.

And done.

Music: Finish Them Off

Music: Forfeit - The Dragon Inquires

Next is the lobby of the Diet. Here we have Killhorns, Icemorphs, Carrions, and Noble Rosiers.

ATK/MAT +7, SPD +5.

The only thing to note is that Killhorn Alphas are so bulky that they only take a bit over half their health from Earthquake.

This floor is really short.

The next boss is Yuma, naturally.

The theme this time is Really High Damage.

Video: VS Yuma (Again)
Music: Battlefield - The Hunter

Due to his full heal gimmick, Yuma has a much lower 23K LF compared to Chika and Rika combined 42K. Dropping down to Casual still cuts his health in half.

Two turns to buff up.

Who needs Unison?

Music: Finish Them Off

Music: Forfeit - The Dragon Inquires

Also there are two chests here.

Downgrade for Samurai.

And we're sent directly to ND.

Breath of Life is a really annoying buff, so ND will not be allowed to move.

One of ND's roses is noticably clipping into the ground.
Video: VS ND (Again)
Music: Re:Vanishment feat. Annabel

28K LF.
It won't last long.

No buffs for you.

And to make absolutely sure she's stuck I put her to sleep.

Music: Finish Them Off

The cutscene sends us to... the top of the Vermilion Tower?

More weapon downgrades.

Nyala's staircase from the end of 2020 is here this time, but there's no way that-

Oh, come on.
Next time: We finish the Shadow Realm.