Part 38: A Scotsman In Egypt - Chapter 37
Crown Prince Tamim hated the letter S.So now he did what he could to safeguard what small portion of land the Moors had left. As the more immediate threat was the Spanish, he had taken his men on manoeuvres to the West to dissuade the Spanish from marching against them.
"My Prince," noted a Commander respectfully,"One of our scouts returns."
Tamim noted the man approaching, riding a camel at full speed, lashing at its side with unmistakable urgency. He frowned, the only reason for such haste was for news of great import, but was it good or bad? He had a feeling he knew.
"Speak," he demanded as the Scout staggered off of his exhausted camel and staggered to his knees before his Prince,"What news from the West?"
"M.. my Prince....," gasped the Scout, breathless and sweating profusely,"For-- for-forgive this... humble.."
"OUT WITH IT!" demanded Tamim.
"It's the... the S.... the S......" moaned the Scout, and for the first time Tamim realized he wasn't simply exhausted but driven near mad with fright. His eyes were bugging out, sweat ran freely down his face and his eyes mouth was constantly working even when he wasn't speaking,"The S....."
"The Spanish? The Sicilians? Who man!?! How many!?!"
"S.... S..... SCOTLAND!" screamed the Scout,"THE DEMONS OF SCOTLAND APPROACH!"
Tamim's eyes widened at the unexpected news, and looked to the West where the Scout had come from, seeing the first signs of a rising dust cloud, lifted by the hooves of hundreds of horses and the feet of hundreds of men. The most dreaded fighters in the world were on the march to do battle with the Moors, and Tamim spoke the words out loud that all the Moors knew.
"We are dead men."
"Ye just relax now, lad," chuckled one of the men holding him down,"Ye part in this fight is done."
He watched in desperation as the few surviving members of what had been his army were chased down by the Scots, wondering as he did what they were doing here. The last he had heard Scotland was recovering from its expensive war with Milan, how had they moved so many men to Moorish land without creating tensions with the Sicilians?
The Scottish Noble who had ordered his capture approached, and Tamim fixed a suitable unimpressed scowl onto his face. This man rode under the crest of the Canmores, so it seemed to Tamim that he had been defeated by a truly worthy foe, the King of Scotland. But then the man removed his helm, and Tamim's emotionless mask shattered in shock. Dim memories of a trip to Alexandria twenty years earlier, seeing the same man during a diplomatic meeting between the Moors and Scotland. The man's hair hadn't been so dark then, but the face was the same and the eyes unmistakable, he'd never seen such cold, hard eyes on any man, even his Father.
"Edmund Canmore," he gasped,"What devilry has kept you young and alive? I heard you died facing the Mongols."
The man laughed, though the laughter did not touch his eyes.
"Edmund Canmore?" chuckled Aodh,"Nae, but ye'll soon wish I was. I intend to use ye in a far crueller way than my Father ever would have."
Sultan Jalaf stood on the walls of Algiers and stared at the vast Scottish horde stretching out before the final stronghold of the once mighty Empire of the Moors.
And his Brother.
Aodh Canmore stood behind the kneeling Crown Prince Tamim before the walls, a sword held to the back of Tamim's neck. He had just called up the conditions for Tamim's release, Jalaf would take the men he had left to him (less than 100) and leave Algiers, paying a 10,000 florin ransom for his Brother. They would then be free to disappear into the desert and survive as best they could. The price was clear - Jalaf's Empire for his Brother.
He refused.
"Very well," muttered Aodh carelessly, then shoved his sword through Tamim's neck and out his throat as the Moor stared in horror up at the walls and his older Brother. The last thing he saw before death claimed him was his Brother turning his back and walking away.
"Why did you refuse their offer!" gasped the Commander of his Bodyguard and closest adviser,"We could have raised a new army, or found a new desert stronghold far from the Scottish and Spanish and Sicilians-"
"All I have left is my Empire, such as it is," interrupted Jalaf coldly,"I would rather die than live like a bandit in the deserts my Father once ruled over. It was better for Tamim to die than live like that, and better for me to die in glorious battle than alone and unmourned in some desert cave."
"You've killed us all," gasped the Commander, and Jalaf smiled.
"We were dead men the moment the Scottish landed on our shores, the least we can do is die with honor."
"What next, my Lord?" asked Nevin, appearing behind Aodh as if from nowhere, speaking as if he had been reading Aodh's mind. For all the Scottish Prince knew, he had been, the man's knowledge sometimes seemed almost supernatural.
"My Father and Uncle Edward's campaign against the Moors was aborted before it began because of the Sicilians," he muttered, leaning over the balcony's stone railing,"Soon after the Mongols came and Scotland became locked in an expensive and brutal war that it won at the cost of my Father's life. Domnall had his revenge on the Mongols, now I shall take mine on Sicily. Let them suffer the same fate as the Moors, and the sooner the better."