Part 2: I hate bandits, all my homies hate bandits.
I hate bandits, all my homies hate bandits.Last time on ATOM RPG, the heroic Bear Bearovitch got cutscene defeated by bandits with brass knuckles despite owning an AK-47. Today we're going to pick up the pieces of our shattered dreams and maybe...I dunno, hope that strangers noticed a covert military expedition?

Meet Owie the Brick. Owie is our new best friend, and that's kind of our life in the early game. There's one guaranteed gun that we can get, but...well, you'll see. We can also build our own homebrew gun by scavenging the trash cans. Really.

Having grabbed Owie and our water canteen (which the bandits left us, because, um, why?) and being unable to pick up the tent because it's part of the map layer, we walk across the bridge. That green area is the map exit.

There's a little video cutscene when we approach Otradnoye, which is just a pan around the scenery. It's very nice, but couldn't you have put some effort into making character mechanics that weren't absolutely trash?

Open challenge for the LP: Figure out whose portraits were ripped off for a given character. I don't know them all, but I think BraveLittleToaster accurately called that PC portrait as Gregory Peck in To Kill A Mockingbird. We'll see a few more I can ID, mostly from Google.

Get used to this. The game is going to give you four questions to ask everyone, and boy, is it not going to shut up about it.

And just like that we have the location of the next big plot beat. Kind of. But 10 minutes in we already have the location of the bunker Morozov was ordered to command and control.

ATOM is also super incompetent, once again. Don't worry, that's not the last we'll see of this.

Don't worry, it's dumber than that.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Hey, comrade! I'm Yan. What brings you to our village?
: I'm just passing through, uh, yea! Have you seen any totally unrelated military units passing through the area?
: Actually, yes. A bunch of hardasses with bad attitudes, except the guy who told me all about their super secret operation to go to some ruins. Here, let me mark it on your map.
: Wow, damn, that's like half the cutscene intro mission done in five seconds. Any work?
: Well, our tech guy disappeared. He said he was going to be a millionaire, but it's actually super suspicious, you know?
: Cool, bye.
Atom NPCs, even the most minor ones, are chatty as hell.

This is.. let's check it out.

This old man refuses to talk to us right now. We'll be seeing him later (and I actually like him). We're actually here for something else.

This book. You want to read this book.

This gives us some hints about the old man, but also turns us from an AK-47 forgetting dumbass into a hardened streetwise criminal.

Unfortunately, poor Owie did not absorb the lesson, but we gained the ability "Streetwise" which lets us talk to criminals. There are not a lot of these in the game, and some of them are very dumb.

I go to pick up some water, and here we see one of the many mechanical failures of ATOM RPG.

See, we need to fix the generator. But skill checks aren't just a check against your skill level to do something, there's RNG involved. The game kindly lets you know - at least when lockpicking - whether your skill is high enough to succeed, so lockpicking becomes a dull affair of repeatedly clicking on the lock until the game deigns to roll high enough to open it.

Water in this game is kind of useless, so we wander over to the pub to see if they have something stronger, hopefully for free.

The tavern is almost the only feature this village has.

Look, man, we have a brick. What more do you want from me?
Seriously, that brick and canteen are our only possessions right now.

The reign of questions is eternal.

There's a reason we're doing this, and it's not inane chatter.

Occasionally this will point you to something good, like experimental weaponry from the old world. No, we don't get lasers in this game, stop asking.

There we go.

Also the random encounter rate is stupid high and you'd be eaten by rats.

I suppose he's not asking us to get Rothfuss books.

Time to chat up the sister.

Oh boy.

So this might seem like a random encounter, but it's actually part of the main plot.

For those of you who haven't played the game before, feel free to speculate on what's going on.

This also magically clears our hunger, proving that the devs are capable of doing that, but will not extend us this privilege in later encounters.

Bear is surprisingly forgiving of people poisoning him if they're attractive ladies, I guess.

Will we ever be free from the curse of pointless words added to dialog? I just finished Absalom, Absalom!, and while that had a sentence over 1000 words, it did not have this kind of excess shit.

Lady, we nearly died because of your weird moonshine. Recommending us to Kovalev is the least you can do.

And this is where my lack of investment in Speechcraft bites me in the ass. You absolutely want to invest in that skill, it's really good.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Hey, traveler! Are you with all those military guys who passed through? They were pretty cool. Our village leader tried to get them to help him with something, but they just left. Want some booze?
: Do you have any sidequests or something I could do?
: Nah, but you should talk to my sister. I'm a hard working handyman, but she's the brains around here. I know! You could try her weird moonshine she made herself! Get free booze and chat with her, ey?
: Could we make boring small talk about the town?
: Sure! Also, I do have a quest - go to Krasnoznamenny and pick up a copy of Lord of the Rings from Abraham the bookseller.
: Cool. I'm gonna go hit up your sister now. Hey, lady, I was told that you have some kind of experimental space drink or something?
: Yeah, try it!
: You don't feel drunk, but weirdly compelled to take another sip. Then you black out! In your dream, you see a bunch of spooky foreshadowing! General Morozov shows up, speaking as with hundreds of voices! It's super serious, because there are no doofy references! He leads you by the hand, into a forest of mushrooms! Lots of mushrooms, that blacken the sky because they're so huge! Then, suddenly, you are General Morozov! WoOoOoOoO! You see the Mushroom God, and he demands your submission!
: What the fuck was that?
: Yay! He's alive! I'm really sorry, that wasn't supposed to happen! Here's your stuff, we didn't rob you. Anyway, you should talk to me to make sure you're OK.
: I have...questions. What are you doing?
: Accounting! Apparently I found a pre-war notebook, and nobody's making paper anymore or something, so who knows!
: Got any work for me?
: No, but I can give you a letter of recommendation to Comrade Kovalev.
: That would rule, please do that.
: Actually, I need you to go fetch me more mushrooms so I can turn them into whatever that was.
: Look, I'm trustworthy, can I just get the letter?
: Tee-hee! I can't risk our respected family name trying to repay a man I nearly killed with shitty booze, or keep straight whether I want you to do something for me. Go get the shrooms.
There's a recurring trend in this game of giving the player tedious fetch quests for the humor value of how tedious they are. The fact that this is extremely common humor in the gamer community seems to have flown over the developers' heads and neutralized their ability to create interesting game mechanics. There's also something Katya isn't telling us.

Namely, that the village is infested with whatever random bugs and rats the developers purchased from the Unity Asset Store.

Truly riveting stuff. Now, you might be thinking, "this is just the tutorial area. Surely they won't reuse the tiny rat throughout the game, even into endgame areas?"
Oh, how wrong you are.

These guys do garbage damage, but so does Owie the brick. I'm not gonna go too deep into detail on combat yet, it's the standard Fallout/XCom grind based deal where you spend AP and have various attack forms like Burst Fire or Aimed. I'm slowly realizing I have yet to LP a game on these forums that has combat I actually like, and ATOM is no exception.

Here we can see an 84% chance to hit the rat in the head with a brick. Riveting.

There are five toadstools scattered around the map. They are guarded by various mutated animals and insects.

This guy is chilling around the cookfire. He offers to let us gamble (we do not have the skills to win this) but also tells us we can cook any food we find. We still have no food, and before you ask, you need a special skill to harvest rat meat. Really.

There are also these mutant wasps. They look gnarly but are easily defeated by hitting them in the head with a brick.

There are also giant spiders called Shelobits. Theoretically all these guys can poison you, but poison is such a non-threat in this game that you won't take damage unless you drink five gallons of gasoline or something.

The threat is less that you get poisoned and take damage, and more that your character starts spouting off shit like this. The green crap is poisonous, so every 3 seconds we're going to be bombarded by Bear whining about how sick he feels.

The contents of the poison box are an antidote. It could be worse, this game absolutely adores the idea that empty containers should be scattered over the landscape so you can waste time dumpster diving.

These graves are robbable. We will not be doing that.

Owie the brick claims another victim.

We run into this fisherman. You really want to do his quest, trust me. The game bombards us with the standard RPG descriptive text, because I guess the authors and translators were paid by the word.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Bitch! I'll cut you!
: I don't mean you any harm, I just want to waste your time with tedious small talk. How's the fishing?
: Great!
: Can I fish too?
: Bring me some booze and I'll teach you how to make bait from dead mutant bugs.
: Sure, why not?

Hitting this mutant spider with a brick causes us to level up, and now we can discuss this game's absolutely dogshit perk system.

We train Bear in Melee Weapons and Stealth again. Next level I'll have to put some points in lockpicking and probably automatic weapons as backup.

The game has a perk tree. We get 2 ability points every level. So, how much do abilities cost?

Here's the turd in the sundae. Every time you take a perk the cost of new perks increases by one point. You will always get a fixed number of points - but the points per level depends on the difficulty selection. If we were playing on easy we'd get 3 per level, and on any higher difficulty it would only be one. In their infinite wisdom, the developers balanced the game around the player maxing out at least one of these perk trees. We'll cover perks in a bonus update.

Right now we're rushing this perk. Remember when we discussed the Unlucky Optimist distinction and pointed out that there were automatic criticals in the perk tree? This is one of two. The other is for unarmed combat which sucks and we don't want to use. Now, there are some serious limitations - this has to be the first hit when the target is at full health, so if you're traveling with a companion and the companion shoots an enemy before you can hit it, no autocrits for you. That said, this thing lets you one-shot the game's final boss, so we will be teaching it to Bear.

Unfortunately the first two perks leading up to First Blood are absolutely worthless. The perk we've taken gives us +10 to martial arts and +10 to melee weapons, which is kind of OK until you remember you can buy skill points with money. Master of Dodging is thoroughly useless as the things it works on are things you don't care about (animals), while serious opposition is going to be shooting you with AK-47s and other powerful guns.

This jackass just spouts Wacky Madness. We can't actually do anything interesting with him, but just you all wait.

Seriously, it's just fishmalk shit. At least it's not Stygian levels.

We return to the woman who didn't bother to warn us about the monsters and roofied us by accident as we've collected enough mushrooms from the forces of mutant bugs.

So, fun fact, Speechcraft is just as good as barter for getting bigger quest rewards out of people.

Those wasps could have really hurt us. If we stood still for hours like a dumbass.


TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Got my shrooms?
: Here you go. Now, could I get some money or something? I had to engage in ferocious and unexpected combat against giant mutant insects with only my friend Owie the brick.
: Nice try. Here's your letter, take it to Comrade Kovalev yourself.
We will, but there are two men in the bar.

This guy's just a generic rando who makes boring small talk.

This guy's a party member, but we can't recruit him yet.

He's pretty useless.

There are a LOT of NPCs who want to bang Katya. They're not even limited to Otradnoye, you can talk to random men in the other towns and people are going to ramble on about how hot Katya is.

You're lucky, dude, you'd just be given hallucinogenic mind control drugs and sent out to fight mutant bugs.

Dude, the first guy in this town told us the location of Bunker 317. You suck!

I think this is supposed to be funny?

And with that we take our leave.
TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Bear Bearovitch! How's it going?
: What are you doing here?
: Looking for Morozov and the gang too. I'm super worried! I'm...uh...totally on the trail, yes!
: What do you think of the town?
: Man, that Katya chick is totally hot and should have sex with me, a big strong dude.
: Did you find out anything useful at all?
: about an incoherent story about a baby, some false heroism, and rambling about muscles?
: Bye!

Now that we've helped Katya become the next Pablo Escobar we can actually talk to this guy.

Yes, we can see that on the portrait.

Go look at Bear's portrait again. "Honest" is not the first thing that comes to mind.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Yo, that dude is old.
: I have a letter of recommendation from the lady at the tavern, do you have any work?
: know those bandits? They have a snitch in this town! Somehow they know everything that goes on around here! I want you to find the snitch and tell me who he is! Are you in?
: Sure.
: Well, I don't think it's any of the named characters. Good luck!
So, we're going to need subtlety. I'm sure this bandit is a very skilled impersonator, so we'll need to lay a cunning trap of some kind.

Nah, just kidding! You run around town asking random people if they like bandits.

This man doesn't know anything about bandits, but he does need help with the corn. If we do...

This sounds pretty great! Unfortunately there is no ammo for the thing in the entire village. ATOM!

The superintendent here gives us 50 rubles for fixing the water tower by clicking it twice. Score!

Hmm, this man looks shady. Do you think he likes bandits?

This guy is the sneaky dude Kovalev couldn't catch?

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Do you like...bandits?
: How about you, vaguely creepy looking guy?
: Maybe bandits are just...misunderstood. Why are you looking for bandits anyway?
: Maybe I want to join the bandits.
: Oh, yes, I'm actually a bandit spy, and here's the location of our secret bandit base. Maybe you could let me go? I'm getting worried about Kovalev hunting me.
: Uh...wait right here, I'll be back.
Are we letting this guy go, or are we going to turn him into Kovalev?