Part 4: Dan the Bandit Man
Dan the Bandit ManLast time on ATOM RPG, we killed the world's dumbest bandit and were told to go do all the bandit quests with the help of our new rusty pistol. Today we're going off to meet the bandits.

I try stealing this beer off the table for a quest but I get caught. Let's chat up Katya, shall we?

The reign of questions is eternal.

While I personally find the other two options funnier it's time to dive deep into Bear's romantic side. Look at that face. That is the face of an incurable romantic.

The writers are struck with a conundrum. How can you prove your intelligence to a mate without coming off as a condescending dickweed? Clearly, the answer is to quote self-help books and spew deepities. Bear will not be doing that.

You might remember that Alexander failed with this exact approach, but he didn't get roofied like we did.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Can you answer my insipid questions so the developers can pad out the playtime?
: Yes!
: Tell me about yourself.
: I'm hoping some player character can come along and sweep me off my feet!
: Interesting...what if I said I was a PC?
: And why would I go out with you?
: Me stronk! The game's narration will point out how stupid this is, but boyoyoyoyoing!
Whatever! I regret nothing! This stuff is hard to come up with funny summaries for because it's so inane.

I do find the shovel behind the house, so that's going to be our melee weapon for a little while.

I also dig up all the graves. There's crafting materials and 10 rubles. It's totally not worth it. Sure, I said we weren't doing it, but that was before I learned nobody reacts in any way.

We also buy this vodka at the bar for a very important-ish upgrade.

I'm 99% sure that's an Elder Scrolls level up reference?
TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Here is some vodka like you wanted.
: Wow, this is some good ass vodka! It also cures radiation, player! Anyway, here you go, now you can mutilate the corpses of dead mutant bugs to get bodyparts for fishing!
: Is the fishing minigame any good?
: Fuck no!
We'll come back to fishing. There is a reason to do it. I'm gonna hate myself for it.

Now, the bug bait isn't valuable, but this also lets you butcher rats for meat which absolutely is, especially as the developers were so enamored of having lategame players fight tiny rats.

Now we get to the overworld for the first time, and this is where the game shows it has no intention of respecting the player's time. Unlike, say, Tyranny where you pick a location and the map lights up with the occasional random encounter and it's done quickly, ATOM RPG wants you to slowly walk across the overworld map to wherever you're trying to go, and random encounters proc a lot. You can spend skill points to cut down on them, but skill points are kinda rare right now!

The secret bandit base is only a short walk from Otradnoye.

Fuck this shit. This encounter never goes away. It's not very threatening (with one stupid RNG exception we're about to see) but serves to waste the player's time to get them meat and wasp legs that...aren't strictly necessary right now.

I click attack and...we're not in combat. See, the random encounters spawn on absolutely massive maps so you might not start in combat with the enemy, and depending where the exit is you can make a break for it and just skip the fight. You don't get any XP that way, but you do get valuable time back that you can spend not playing ATOM RPG.

As we have to go through the rats and wasps to get to the exit, we spend 2 entire screens running until combat finally starts.

I'm going to spare you the exciting footage of rats and bugs being hit with a shovel for the most part.

Then this happens. I have never seen this at low levels, but the rat just blinded Bear. It's a really low proc chance, and we require either a rare item we haven't seen yet or walking all the way back to Otradnoye to cure it. Now, we can still win this fight, as far as I can tell, Blinded doesn't affect your melee performance. But I don't want to deal with the attention penalty at the bandit camp, so I reload that shit!

This puts us right back outside Otradnoye again, and on our slow trek we proc another random encounter. These guys are usually worth checking out, as they might have secretly good weapons, more drugs for our habit, or a bunch of rubles to buy all the crap we looted from other, more dangerous random encounters.

However, this is ATOM RPG, so instead of loading us right next to the caravanners, it loads us into a big ass map we need to search.

This truck is the same model as many of the caravans use, but I don't see any guys.

It turns out the caravan is in THIS corner of the map, and it's an oxcart caravan which usually means less stuff. Yes, that TAB indicator means Bear is offscreen, so after searching this overly large map for the caravaneers we have to wait for Bear to make his way over.

Riveting. It turns out they have nothing useful, but there's an empty garbage can on the map, marked as an interactable container! Maybe there are rubles, or crafting materials?

Nope! Empty! If you're getting the impression that ATOM's gameplay is tedious and doesn't respect the player's time, you are absolutely correct!

We finally make it over to the bandit camp.

Please don't make me do this, ATOM.

Unfortunately, "this" does not refer to the dialog.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Why are you here?
: How do you do, fellow criminal "homie"? Am I using that word right?
: Hmm...that is slang, and criminals use slang because we never learned to talk good and skipped school. But are you a real criminal?
: Don't you see? I have this card that says "crook" on it. I am a MASTER CRIMINAL!
: Oh, that's legit. Where'd you get it, Krasnoznamenny?
: Duh, in that place where I did all the CRIME!
: Oh, yea, the mafia, I disrespect the mafia!
: I thought we were doing crime...together!
: Nah, we're actually petitioning the Krasnoznamenny government to make us a real legit government, so it won't be theft, it's taxation!
: Wut?
: No worries, you can still do crime with us. Talk to Dan the Bandit Man, he's the boss!
Well, let's go check out the camp then. Cythereal in the thread predicted that the bandits were holding back even worse guys, and Cythereal wins the award that they don't have to play ATOM. Unfortunately, I miss those discussions in favor of... other things.

This actually gives us the recipe for Thorn Armor, which is pretty good for early game.

What does the above add to this scene?

This is also foreshadowing the main plot.

How is this so fucking boring? The writer/translator is literally describing a dream about Satan prophecying destruction upon the earth and they manage to use a dull hyperrealistic tone that sucks any kind of interest out of it.

Then again, these are the same people who had our foreshadowing Satan dream at the beginning look like Christmas trees.

Then we go and offer to trade.
TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Hail Satan! What do you think of my sweet ass armor?
: Can you show me how to make it?
: I'll even do it for free!
: Score. What's with the tattoo?
: Oh I worship Satan.
: I thought you just liked communism lol.
: No, I had a sick ass dream that will foreshadow the main plot. I was asleep, and there was a star, but it was also a naked woman. There was a bunch of cool fuzzy animals, and you might think it was the Whore of Babylon but it was totally not. Then it was actually Satan, and he warned me of cataclysms that would destroy the world, and a bunch of trippy shit, but most importantly, that I needed to deliver all this information in dull, realistic prose to prevent player engagement. Foreshadowing!
: Cool, let's trade.

I don't want to spend the money on this now, but this cologne is pretty good loot - it sells for a lot, but you can also wander around in a death cloud of Commie-Axe body spray to pass one-time only personality checks.

I buy this knife and sharpening stone, and thus it's time to meet this game's wonderful crafting system.

This is the most important mechanic of item crafting. Why? We need to start with the Tinkering skill. Tinkering governs crafting. In a more competent game, raising Tinkering might let you craft more advanced items or work with better materials or enhance your items in some way. Unfortunately for us, this is ATOM RPG. What does Tinkering actually do?

To answer that we're going to combine the knife and the sharpening stone. You might think the stone is an item you "use" on the knife. You'd be wrong.

Motherfucker! THIS is what tinkering does - reduces your chance of failure. This is one of the tamer failure messages as well, most others will mock the player for being an incompetent idiot who lost all the weed when attempting to roll a joint. Thus the crafting system is both a joke at the player character's expense, and a complete waste of the player's time as I save scum to make this damn thing. Fortunately, it only takes one reload.

Much better. Now we have... a sharpened knife, which does more melee damage and won't break. Score!

Anyway, meet Dan. We're going places.

I try to get info out of this guy along the way but I don't have the skills. Alas.

If you're playing along, do not talk to this guy!

See, it's funny because it's what Samuel L Jackson said in Snakes on a Plane!
Please tell me this guy isn't a whiteface Samuel L. Jackson.

ATOM RPG is just dedicated to going out and wasting the player's time, isn't it?

Look, I get that they're trying to get the player to hate Shishak and characterize him as a petty bully. I just wish this wasn't piled onto a game with so much wasted player time.

It's the exact cliche you think it is. The gun isn't loaded.

Beating up the prisoner does nothing except for getting Shishak's approval, aiming at Shishak turns the entire camp hostile (and gets you killed this early in the game), and we're going to do nothing.

For pulling a Gandhi we level up, earning us this thoroughly worthless perk.

We could turn the entire camp hostile, or we could not do that.

Shishak runs up and whispers to Dan for a little bit.

Let's try lowballing Dan.

We then hit Dan with the standard barrage of questions. He deflects most of them because we're not charismatic enough to get it out of him he IS ex-KGB, after all, but we do get this rumor:

And with that, we're off!
TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Yes?
: Are you Dan the Bandit Man?
: Yes. Who are you? No fake names like "I.P. Freely" or "Uranus Hertz" please.
: Bear Bearovitch. As you can see, I am a real criminal because I have this criminal ID. Can I get a job?
: Yes. Go talk to Shishak, he will give you our secret bandit test.
: Are you Shishak?
: Mayyybe. Do you have any funny references? Bitches love funny references.
: Ha ha, yes! YES! I love references! Why bother coming up with anything original or witty, when we can just lazily plaster references anywhere! We can totally squander the potential of a game set in the Soviet Union by lazily copying Fallout!. When we do come up with original ideas it's crap like our perk tree! Anyway, I'm not Shishak, Shishak's over there.
: Let me take five hours with these fucking keys so I can be characterized as a despicable bully. Now, it's time for the old test of loyalty with an unloaded gun cliche. Isn't this like, a moral quandary? Trolleys!
: Nah.
: Kill him!
: Nah.
: Kill him!
: Nah.
: Kill him! Huh, I guess not. I'll go report to Dan.
: Wow, I'm impressed, why did you sit through all those text boxes when you could have pointed the gun at his head and skipped like ten boxes of dull prose?
: Shishak's a sadist and I hate sadists.
: So do I, but cruelty can be useful, so I've turned Shishak into an asset. Now, you seem actually smart, so I have a job for you. I sent three brothers I barely knew to a farm who's refusing to pay taxes. Find out what happened to them. Can you do that?
: Sure. Can I free that Otradnoye handyman guy? I got... 300 rubles.
: 500 or fuck off, buddy! And no, I won't answer your questions! You don't have the right to know SHIT!
So Dan here is our introduction to one of the game's recurring themes: do you submit to unjust or immoral authority to prevent destruction? I missed the conversation with the gate guard (I think, it will go in the next update) about how Dan and the Factory gang fight all the legions of mutants and rapists and shit that are just slavering to go after Otradnoye, but can't seem to parley this into any kind of respect from the citizens. If we somehow killed Dan and the camp here (which we can't do, Dan has an endgame automatic weapon and will tear us a new asshole) Otradnoye's ending slide is that it's overrun by bad people and destroyed. Really. We'll be seeing a lot more of Dan as the game goes on, so strap yourselves in! We're doing the whole Factory questline!
Next time: We must kill them so no one thinks we're murderers.