Part 43
A true pacifist abhors murdering any living being. At least personally...
As you may imagine, the implication here is that kills made by companions dont count. Regardless, Ill try to figure out a way to complete the main game quests without any casualties whatsoever.
As ever, when forced to choose between skipping \ abridging info that's of little interest (our character build \ the tutorial) or devoting a full update to them, I'm going for quantity over quality. Feel free to skip this if youre not playing along \ not interested in the game's mechanics.

Youd imagine this is our other trait, but instead, were going to go with:

Skill points are abundant character points are very rare. This seems like a decent tradeoff (I'm mostly improvising here, so we'll whether I'm right later), even if it ends up making the early game slightly more difficult.

Luck = 8. There are some interesting interactions that require high Luck (9 thanks to the Roaring forest idol, 10 with a certain item) that Im planning to show off. An argument can be made for Luck of 1, particularly as were not fighting anyone and have no use for crits, and the saved character points would be handy pretty much anywhere else (probably would go with Diplomat as our other trait in that case)
Personality = 6. Not, strictly speaking, optimal you can smoke two joints to get +2 to personality for quite a while, and slather yourself with two colognes for another +2, which means that 4 Personality would still allow you to pass the vast majority of tough checks. Meh I dont feel like hunting down Axe body spray, so we're going to play a pacifist stoner.
Attention = 6. Needed for certain checks, and theres practically no way to increase it. (A few interesting checks require 7, which I would have gone with if I could spare the character points).
Intellect = 8. We mostly need skill points in the early game - this build is actually less INT hungry than most, what with not needing weapon skills.
Endurance = 8, just to survive in those circumstances where we have to talk to someone to start a fight and will be the first on the firing line. Eh more HP is always good, but I might as well have put 2 of those points into Dexterity.
Dexterity = 4. We wont be fighting anyone, but having more AP to run away wouldnt have hurt, actually.
Strength = 4. The only use this build has for strength is carry weight, as we wont be punching anyone. OTOH - Im a compulsive scrounger in videogames. I could have dropped it further we're going to be bee-lining for companions that can act as mules, and at least the Duffel Bag is easily obtainable (as shown in TGEK's previous update) and would increase our carrying capacity quite a bit.

Were playing on Expert (Survival limits your ability to save, which I cannot bear). As I looked up the kickstarter codes online, I have some additional outfit \ starting item options.
The STALKER gas mask (which you get with the Ranger outfit) gives you 100% toxicity resistance. Very useful, but on fairly rare occasions.

The Rangers hat gives you +10 to Survival. Mildly, yet consistently, useful. My years of TF2 playtime simply dont allow me to bypass a unique fancy hat.

The other (generic) kickstarter items are a neat knife (that well never get to use)

And an ATOM dog tag, which you should be wearing for the majority of your playtime. You only get these items once you start the game proper, post-tutorial (since the mugging empties your inventory)

However, before we get to the game proper, we're going to spend the rest of the update reviewing the tutorial, both in terms of important tips (where it's fairly decent), and so I can bitch about the games peculiarities. Were starting off where TGEK left off being tasked with finding the key that will let us outside.

First things first Isometric Mode takes control of the camera and limits its rotation to a few fixed angles. I hate that in principle, and I particularly hate how that stops you from spotting \ clicking on certain items. Unfortunately, it automatically turns back on every single time you exit the game \ reload your save.

ATOM RPG doesnt have Nuka-Cola, it has Atomic Kvass. Or Atomic Fizzy Drink. Except it doesnt, really, since you wont see Atomic Kvass in the rest of the game. Thats the sort of bad gag you should either commit to or abandon, IMO.

Annoyance N+1 if you want to use items in the gameworld (as opposed to using them in dialog) you need to equip them in the use slot, click on them and click on the item in the world. Just having them in your inventory or even interacting with the object in the gameworld while theyre equipped is not enough.

It's worth going through several minor tutorial steps just for the xp.

We're going explore and thoroughly loot the ATOM base before heading out. The tutorial is fairly good, btw - you can engage with each element at your own pace and time, or skip directly to the briefing whenever you feel like it. Mind, you can also miss on some things inadverently.

Theres a storage facility dedicated to teaching you how the crafting system works (I completely failed to spot this, and the infirmary building, on my first playthrough)

Im using a mod which highlights locked containers (unmodded, every container is green, turning yellow once youve emptied it \ checked and found that its empty), which saves a fair bit of time and definitely should have been in the game proper from the start. That, and outright marking empty containers to begin with (if eliminating them would hurt the games precious huge empty spaces verisimilitude)

Cant open the safe, but theres a note with the code nearby

Of course.

The contents. Glasses are fairly rare in the wastelands youll mostly be able to loot them from civilians in settlements.

Into the infirmary we head.


Shooting gallery pistols, rifles, automatic gun, grenades (but not crossbows, the other throwing-weapon). Neat enough allows you a chance to see whether your skills are up to snuff before you start the game proper. We literally can't hit anything with grenades or rifles, even the nearest target. No xp for us.

Apparently I forgot to take pic of the training items, assuring us they're all extremely non-lethal.

Theres a pair of ATOM agents by the firing range you can have a training shootout against. I dont think you get xp if you win though. My introduction to the games companion AI involved Alf running back and forth between two spots of cover during his turn. You can sorta ignore cover for the majority of the game, but the UI not really showing sight-lines and what counts as cover is still pretty annoying.

Spar with Alf to test out your melee \ unarmed skills. Pretty good xp if you win, but we dont stand a chance.

Cooking heals you AND provides you with buffs. I like the fact that buffs are generally ubiquitous and long-lasting in this game. But, in another dumb decision, you cant actually construct a cooking fire you either camp in the wilderness or hope the settlement youre in has one.

Reminder to raid waste bins for junk and crafting components.

We now have so much junk in our inventory that were encumbered (easy enough, with our low strength. I didnt give much of anything to Alf).

Time to smoke up and go to work. Wastepaper \ toilet paper + tobacco can be crafted into a cigarette. Each cigarette gives +8 to your crafting skill (all buffs can be stacked twice over, so we smoke two ciggies for +16)

We now stand a semi-decent chance to convert all the wood, bricks, empty bottles and other junk weve got into useful items.

Our skill is still bad enough that items break once in a while. Turns out that trying to create a "Broken Bottle" via the application of brick to a glass bottle might break the brick. Who knew? You can save-scum or at least pre-plan your crafting root to optimize things, so that items that can be used for several different crafting recipes don't end up orphaned. Oh well.

Tinkering doesn't really get you top-quality items, and you won't be able to craft an equivalent of an M-16. But considering that our tinkering score is abysmal, and we're still managing to craft decent early \ mid game items out of literal garbage, I guess it's not too bad.

So... what was the point of hoarding and crafting all that junk? While all the items we've crafted will be taken away once the game proper starts, the xp remains. Rolling into Otradnoye at level 2 (which we juuuuuuuuust missed out on) and leaving it at level 3 helps a lot. Particularly if you're playing on the hardest difficulty and really need the skills points to avoid potentially deadly fights. Besides, I just like exhausting every scrap of xp possible.
Tune in next time, as we explore the game proper - in far less obsessive detail.