Part 46: Pacifist Playthrough - Random encounters and Roaring Forest
Pacifist Playthrough - Random encounters and Roaring Forest

Random encounter, complete with LONG journal.

Apparently this is a creepypasta?

Another seemingly random encounter.

A dog and his owner are fighting a bunch of bandits.

The man gets killed, but I arrive just in time to distract the bandits and allow the dog to finish them off.

[You stretch out your arm warily to stroke the wolfhound, which turns out to be a huge mistake! The beast tries to snatch at you immediately. You're agile enough to dodge, but his sharp fangs miss your hand by an inch]

The mans corpse has a collar on it, which allows us to befriend Dzhulbars (not that many people have actually watched the original film its just a generic name for a guard dog now)

During my previous attempt at a pacifist playthrough, Ive spent half an hour reloading over and over, praying that RNG and AI coalesce into a successful outcome.
Most often, both dog and owner would just die. Some genius programmed Dzhulbars to spread his damage around rather than taking out 2 almost-dead bandits in one round, hed switch to the only fully healthy bandit and take him down to near-death, so that all three would be alive to bash him once his turn ended. I imagine some players had this encounter, had the dog die, and just... moved on.
Every so often, both dog and owner would survive. The owner would thank me for my help (of which there was none there isnt time to make it to the fight before its over, even if you have a decent ranged weapon at this stage) and move on.
At which point Id just have to offer him a cigarette or two. Which isnt really very pacifist.
On this exceptionally blessed playthrough, everything unfolded as intended on the first attempt the owner died, and the dog took care of the bandits.
With that rant over lets move on to the Roaring Forest during the nighttime.

Two people are standing by the fire. Each has a separate dialog tree (this game doesnt really do interesting experiments with more than one person talking), but Im going to jump between them due to reasons.

This forest that the local peasants have nicknamed "Roaring" is one of such points. I've made such a long way from my homeland to observe it. Alas, so far I haven't detected the signs of the presence of the objects from parallel worlds. But now that I'm here, a discovery like that is just a matter of time!

Who are you talking about?

More supernatural premonitions about the Digger bugs. The wiki claims that if you leave the wolves alone (you can get into the caves by going around them), theyll eat the old couple after a few days. Didn't manage to trigger that.

You dont need to engage with the Diggers or the Blind Death to exit the caves (youll get a cutscene showing off a single bug, which provides an explanation to the forest mystery, but you can easily skirt around it). A combat optimized character should have about 30 points in Thrown Weapons without investing a single skill point, but Arthur has to waste an entire levelup worth of skillpoints.

This gets us the Indy achievement.

The stone tool is moderately handy for a specific fight, but it can be improved with a bit of caveman cunning (granting us the Neanderthal achievement):

Cavemen were well known for their clever utilization of duct tape.
I head back across the rope, give Fidel the knife and find out the Blind Death isnt actually classified as a cosmic horror. My humiliating demise takes place off-screen.
I reload and take the alternate exit, past the caveman drawings. Thus far, we stood by while others have died in our place, and were utterly pacifist not even our companions were ever required to kill during the questline.
Next time I dunno. I might show off some things we missed in Otradnoye, or move on to KRZ?