Part 2: Juvenalia
Day 1 will be split into two parts because it wound up being goddamn busy.You didnt think the tutorial was over, did you? Lets continue by explaining a bit more of the interface.

There are three periods for every day. On school days, the first two periods default to Attend Class, which, as mentioned earlier, is a good way to gain skills, get good grades, and avoid demerits. Free periods, on the other hand, default to Rest, which resets your Stress and Vitality but does nothing else useful. Clicking on the time period gives you this menu of options. The list youre looking at is the starting set of possible actions, and for the most part they are based on what skills you have. Cast Spell lets you do just that, but Iliana doesnt know any spells yet, so Ill get into that later. Use Item lets you use a consumable inventory item (so long as its equipped), and finally Use Ability lists another set of actions, this set based on locations youve found instead of skills youve trained.

Once youre satisfied with the actions chosen for the day, you hit the big button and this extra menu pops up. For instance, Ive gone with Training in the morning, Adventure in the afternoon, and Explore for the evening. With Training I need to determine which skill to train (in this case, Social Skills), and Adventure and Explore also have several options to pick from.

After all, you can range pretty far out if you want to. The main building of Academagia is deceptively big, for instance (and it looks pretty damn big already), plus it has some extensive land holdings around it. You might also explore Elumia itself (Elumia being a fairly small island), the Imperial Reserve (which is a forest, not a bank), or the main city of Mineta. Ive chosen the last one for the initial exploration; exploring Academagia on the first day isnt the best idea since several important areas are revealed automatically and you wouldnt want to waste your time discovering something redundant. As for the Adventure I chose, well, well get to that later.
One other thing you may have noticed is that the color-coded text pops up here as well. Many daily actions have skill rolls attached, and checking the colors is a good way to tell whether or not youll be wasting your time. That said, Adventures in particular can be deceptively colored, but Ill get to that when we get to the Adventure. Now, on with the show.

Skill training, eh? Well, no time like the present. Before you can hit upon an exact system to train something as abstract as Social Skills, however, one of your college mates sticks her head into your room.

Oh, well. Youll just have to improve your Social Skills later.
Upon reaching the common room, you see that most of the students have already arrived. As the last few trickle in, the Regent, an old and rather paternal man with a shaggy white beard, speaks.

Youre not entirely sure you trust the way Professor Rupprecht smiles as he describes the fate of his fellow teacher.

Nods all around.

You try to give the other students your most winning smile, and it looks like it worked. Several of them are also nodding at your comment about learning, including the Regent. You realize then that most of your audience understands that by learning, what you really meant to say was, Im here to gain incredible amounts of power and turn the world into my plaything. It is at this point you realize that you are in good company. Incredibly dangerous company, but good nonetheless.

Youve only just had time to put away your clothes after getting back from the general assembly (such a boring waste of time that was, too) when you hear the knocking at your door. Wondering who could be calling on you so soon, you cross the small room over to the door and open it hesitantly. Yes? you say.
A bright smile greets your nervous question. Hi, says the woman as her hand snakes out to grab yours in a firm shake. Im Oan...Oan Sung. Im your Mentor. Seeing the confused look you give her, she continues with, And Im guessing no one told you I was coming, did they?
You shake your head--there was the thing in the letter, but it didnt give you much information. She smiles politely. I remember what it was like, she says. Day before classes, barely settled in your room, no idea whats in store...let me tell you, its better that way. People who come here full of stories about how things should be dont have the easiest of times; theyre the ones who get stuck in detention the first day.
Detention on the first day? How does that happen? Still nervous, you find it difficult to talk. Oans polite smile turns into a gentle one. Come on, Ill explain as we walk. Pulling you out the door, Oan closes it behind you and leads you out of the Aranaz dormitories and into the fresh air; as she walks, she keeps up a steady patter that is as soothing as it is informative.
Like I said, my names Oan, and before you ask, yes, Im from Saeon. And before you can ask, let me say that yes, we know just how important magic is to our survival and no, I dont plan on taking what Ive learned and going back to spend my life there. Growing up in a city that needs to be under a bubble of air just to protect it from the volcano isnt as interesting as people think it is, but yes, you do learn an awful lot about magic from an early age. She looks over and smiles at you. But now you can tell your friends that youve met someone from Saeon. Ill bet you none of them have.
You smile awkwardly, reminding Oan of why shes there. Right...youve barely had time to unpack, let alone make friends. Dont worry, youll get there. Turning, she directs you to a worn pebble-lined path and steps up beside you as you start down the path. Youre obviously curious about things, or you wouldnt be here, so thats a start. Everything you need to start with is right in here anyway, she says, tapping your head lightly with her finger.
You stare at her for a moment, somewhat confused as to where shes going with this. Im sorry, she says, I didnt even explain what Im doing here. Okay, heres the quick version. Each incoming First year is assigned a Second Year as a mentor, someone to help guide them during their first year at the Academagia. As tradition dictates, this Second Year--me--greets the First Year--you--on Juvenalia. Appropriate, isnt it? Youre like my new apprentice. Dont worry, though, I wont treat you like one, she gives a little laugh. Anyway, it seems there was a little mix-up in the registrars office this year, because they took in three last-minute additions and ran out of mentors. Legate Orsi asked around for the best mentor from last year, and my name popped up enough that he asked me personally to draw a name from a hat and mentor that student. Her smile crinkles the corners of her eyes. And when the Legate asks you personally to do him a favor, you dont really say no, do you? Still, some First Years dont want to be hassled by someone older than them, so you have a choice to make. Do you want to have me as a mentor, or should I just let you get back to your room?
You think for a moment, then decide that Oan doesnt seem like the hassling type, and agree to be shown around.
Oan nods. I figured as much, but it never hurts to ask. Come on, lets head over to the Great Hall and well talk about a few things.

See that buiding over there, the one with all the arches and white marble? Squinting, you see buildings everywhere, most of which are encased in some kind of marble. Following her finger, though, you find the building shes pointing at and raise your eyebrows. No wonder they call it the Great Hall!
Tall and cylindrical in design, the building seems made more of arched windows than of marble. From the outside, you can see a veritable forest of columns, and for a moment, you find yourself losing perspective as you see several gnomes walking in front of the Hall; its only when one of those gnomes starts walking up the stairs that you realize theyre students like you!
Yeah, it took my breath away the first time I saw it, too, Oan says. The Great Hall is where youll take your meals, but its much more than that. Its a meeting place, a study hall, a dueling ground...but only when there arent any Professors around, obviously; its also where students go when theyre assigned Hall Session and Detention, so wed better talk about how to avoid those two things.
I dont know how it was at your last school, or even if you went to any schools before this, but here at the Academagia, there are two kinds of Reprimands: Academic and Conduct. Most people only get Academic Reprimands if they stink at a class during the Midterm exams; Professors dont like failing students, and they wont pass someone just because of their family connections. Well, they usually dont pass students because of that, but its happened before, so Im sure itll happen again. Still, if you dont have good connections and stink up a class, youll get assigned to a Hall Session, which takes up the whole first day of your weekend, so make sure you dont neglect your studies for fun.
The second kind of Reprimand is a Conduct Reprimand. Oan tosses a smile over her shoulder and laughs. Everyone gets at least one of these during a year, so dont panic when you get hit with your first one. Lots of things can get you a Conduct Reprimand here, things like being in the wrong place and getting caught, being on the wrong side of a Professors temper, royally stinking up an answer in class...lots of things, really.
I think its fair to say that the easiest way to get in trouble is just by being somewhere where you havent been invited. Basically, almost anywhere you go, if you dont have official Visitation Rights, you have a chance of being discovered by someone whod worry about what a kid your age alone is up to--even in a lot of shops, unfortunately--and whod file a complaint with the school. Or with the guards. Or both.
I dont mean to make you panic--usually, the odds are really low. Like, four or five in a hundred. But if youre seen carrying a flaming sword and giggling like a maniac, the odds can go way up.
Dont ask me how I know that.
Youll have to discover some things on your own, of course, but Ill give you a quick brief on Conduct Reprimands. There are three grades, each of which goes hand-in-hand with a Detention. The first is a Caution, which isnt so bad, really; you get three of these a month before moving up to the second grade, which is a Review. You get two Reviews a month before youre in real trouble, which is the third grade. You dont want to deal with a Discipline, but if you do, expect to spend a long time in Detention. Oans voice takes on a personal hitch as she says, Detentions not all that bad, really, but the stuff that comes with a Discipline isnt worth the hassle, believe me.
Oan leads you up the wide marble steps of the Great Hall, taking a single step with each extended stride. Youre forced to take two steps to her one, a fact that doesnt escape Oans observant eye. This whole building was built to remind students of two things. First, it was meant to remind us that were smaller than we think we are; no matter how important we all think we were when we got here, we have to remember that theres a bigger world waiting for us after graduation. Secondly, its supposed to remind us of the days when the Wyrms ruled Men, thus pushing us to the perfection of our preferred crafts so we can fight the Dragons should the Empire call upon us. She shakes her head and laughs. As if any Dragon Flights have made it past the Wall in the last century!
Cresting the final step, she turns and waits for you to make the last few steps before continuing. Now that the bad part is out of the way, lets talk about the good stuff. There are two kinds of Exams: Midterms and Finals. The purpose of Midterms is to sort out who is failing and who is on the bubble. Finals, on the other hand, are meant to find the best of the best and shower them with honors. Ive already told you what happens if you do poorly in your Midterms, so I wont waste your time with that again. Suffice it to say that youll want to study at least enough to pass them comfortably. And before you ask, no, I dont know how much is enough for you; each person is different so youll just have to pace yourself and take your own risks. Finals boil down to this: pass your class or dont plan on moving on with the rest of your friends. Skills and studying are very important, got it?
You nod your head, so Oan continues. Take Negation for example. Negation is composed of Negation Methods, Negation Phemes, Negation Spells, and Theory of Negation. You cant train Negation itself, but itll go up so long as you study at least three of its Subskills. Make sense?
She pauses, thinking for a moment. But dont get so wrapped up in studying that you neglect to have fun! You have got to mind your Emotions or you will definitely get burned out. Its all right to take a break from time to time, go shopping, chat with friends, or play a prank.
Nodding, you let Oan lead you into the building. her voice takes on an awed tone as she leads you through the forest of columns and towards the center of the building. A great granite dais rises from the marble floor, a good ten paces square. On top of the dais are seven different colored clay pots, each holding a single incredibly dead-looking flower. Those are the Flos Fragi, she says.
She turns to you. No matter how poor your Elumian is, everyone in the Academagia knows these words, she says. The Flos Fragi, or Exploding Flowers, are the symbol of each Colleges Merit. When a student does something that makes a Professor happy, they award a point or two to that students College; the Flos Fragi grow a bit for each Merit point until, when a threshold is crossed, a seed shoots out of the plants flower through the hole in the ceiling and explodes into the Colleges colors! The plant doesnt die, but the flower loses its leaves until the College is awarded Merit again. The plant grows with each Merit point, too, so even after your Colleges flower explodes, you know how far ahead of the other Colleges you are.
Oans broad smile tells you shes seen her fair share of her Colleges colors displayed over the schools sky. Heres the rub, though. Only the first College to cross the Merit threshold gets to have their plant explode...the others just drop their flowers petals when they cross the threshold and start over. And the best part is that the winners of each level of Merit win something from the Professors! The first prize is always a small purse of Pims, but after that, its different every year. Only the winners get the prize, so the competition is fierce!
Oan walks you around the rest of the buliding, pointing out where the Hall Sessions are usually held and where each College usually takes their meals. When she finishes the tour, she says, So, now its time I got to know a bit more about you. What would you say your best strength is, the thing that really makes you deserve to be here at the finest school in all of Elumia?
This sudden question almost has you blurt out something about Pirate Magic-Queens, but you catch yourself just in time. I like to think Im good with people, you say instead.
Oan nods her head. I thought as much, she says. My advice to you is to Train to your strength, at least for the first few weeks. Dont neglect your studies, of course, but focusing on your strengths for a little bit might pay off big for the next time we meet.
Next time? you ask.
Of course! Mentors dont just do one thing and disappear. Tell you what; lets plan on meeting again when you feel ready. You can fill me in on how things are going then, and maybe we can see about answering a few more questions. Until then, I suppose youll want to know where the kitchen is, dont you?
You nod your head vigorously.

Youve taken advantage of the neutral ground of the dining hall to meet some of the students from other colleges. Right now, youve wound up mediating a debate between Neta Xemutre and Cathrine Chard one one side and Oriabel Sidot and Durand de Thiomines on the other.

Just then, you notice a boy heading straight for your table. You recall seeing him earlier; a tall, handsome lad whose face was marred with an unmoving sneer of contempt. You pegged him then as a bully and ignored him, but now he has a somewhat different expression. Neta acts somewhat surprised when he passes her by to sit next to you, and now youre starting to get a little uncomfortable as you wait for him to speak. Finally, you give in.

Your face burns and your eyes widen as a smiling Philippe waits for your answer. You only manage to sputter out a What? before the other students around you start to giggle.

Hot damn, first day and we got a random event. And a doozy of one, too, but it does give me the excuse to show off the color-coding system. Sadly, in this case, it appears as though our best bet is Magical Appraisal, which is red, and thus indicates poor odds for success. The other two options are purple, which means theyre just about guaranteed to fail.
Right, while youd like to blame Philippes infatuation on your ravishing good looks, youre fairly certain hes just been ensorcelled by someone. Maybe you could figure out how? As Philippe drones on and on about the many ways he could worship you, you look closely at his face and clothes but cant find anything that would give you a clue on how to fix him. Its not that you expected success, considering you havent even begun classes, but you had to try.
Exasperated, you ask Philippe to just stop and leave. For a moment Philippe looks confused, then suddenly he starts crying like a big baby. Literally. Philippe is bawling his eyes out and he looks almost pathetic.
The entire situation just gets more complicated as all the students around you start giving you disapproving looks and Philippe pitying looks. Worse comes to worst as the students start to call you a heart-breaker and an ice cold witch. Sighing heavily, you bend down to the crying boy and try your best to soothe him like a mother and her baby.
After five minutes of shushing and There, theres from you, Philippe begins to cry louder and Professor Briardi appears--and, after a quick confirmation of the second weirdest situation in her life, she casts a powerful negation spell that returns Philippe to his normal self, but knocks him out at the same time.
The situation just makes you hope that youll never become a mother.