Part 4: Starting Classes
Athonos 1
Considering all that happened yesterday, you almost feel as though you need a nice, long weekend to recover. Sadly, however, you have a full week of classes at a new school ahead of you. You imagine theyll have assignments and homework for you to do today, too. You hate that.
Still, you dont expect your professors will look kindly on you being late to class, no matter how many pirates you describe in your excuse, so you hustle to your first class.

Dont think I didnt see you, young lady. Knees together, eyes forward! Todays lesson shall begin with basic Glamour phemes...

Lets get started, shall we? I believe Ill begin with a moral quandary I stumbled across during my visit to a little-known island in the south, goes by the name of Sirollo. When Im done, Id like to hear your opinion on what happened, and more importantly, why...

The first thing you must learn is that, when persuading others, it is not the content but the audience that matters. Allow me to demonstrate with a few cold readings...

What? Introductions? Well, Im Professor Viada, and if any of you kids want to get to know each other, then do it on someone elses time. Lets start with a quick overview of the Middle Empire...

Deciding that the pirates probably need time for the etiquette lessons to sink in, youve decided to contact your mentor again to see what other advise she has for you. Soon after sending a message, Oan replies and asks you to meet her in the Garden Gallery, telling you how to find it in case you havent been there on your own yet. At the proper time, you make your way to the garden and take a bench in the middle of the lush area. Cradled between two buildings, the Garden Gallery has many tall, leafy trees seemingly interspersed at random by shocks of tall grasses; though the placement of the grasses is supposed to seem random, you feel as if you can detect a pattern if you let your eyes unfocus just so...
The sound of a familiar voice draws your attention to a small clump of girls walking lazily down the center of the garden. Students everywhere are flitting about hither and thither, but Oan and her friends are taking things slow. You wave tentatively, wondering if Oan meant for you to meet at another time, but Oan sees you and, saying a few words of goodbye to her friends, strolls over.
Sorry if Im late, but one of my friends needed some help with a little project of hers, and since Im better at Incantation than she is, she asked if Id step in and do her a small favor. What are friends for? Of course I helped her...thats what members of a Clique do.
Clique? you ask. I thought those were supposed to be bigger.
The corners of Oans mouth jump down. Maybe thats true in other schools, but not here. Its just that the Professors have taken to calling groups of friends Cliques, and when Professors keep saying things like that, its only a matter of time before the students are, too. Anyway, tell me about your time here...things going okay?
You give Oan a brief rundown of what youve been up to since you last met, though you take care to avoid mentioning the piratical conspiracy. You like Oan, but youre not completely sure shed understand where youre coming from with that. Walking you over to your just-vacated bench, she sits down and gestures for you to do the same as you continue to describe your activities. When you finish, she nods and says, Sounds like youve been busy. You shrug; after all, you havent told her the half of it. Oan waves off your modesty. Too many students are frozen during the first half of their school year, she says. Just by doing what youve done, youre already ahead of the curve.
Today, I thought wed talk about Relationships and Cliques. Relationships are pretty easy to define: its just how one person feels about another person, be it good or bad. Relationships can be changed by actions, abilities, and even certain spells. Having a good relationship with a person can mean having good help to draw on while youre here at the Academagia, but it also means putting up with their problems as well as their triumphs. Good friends might ask you to be their Second in a Duel, which is a whole nother story, but they might also ask you to sneak around with them for a midnight kitchen raid. Friends are constant sources of amusement, believe you me.
Only good friends can form Cliques, and thats where the real fun is. Cliques are groups of like-minded people, or at least people who can get along better than most. People who are in Cliques can take advantage of each others skills, abilities...great stuff, really. You cant just force someone to be in your Clique, though; you have to ask before you can Befriend someone. Ill give you this hint: the higher your Relationship is with a person, the better your chance of Befriending them into your Clique. Got it?
You nod, thinking that youve taken it all in. You repeat what Oan said, making sure to go over the need to have a good Relationship with people and how to add someone into your Clique by Befriending them. When shes sure you understand, she nods and says, Good. Now, there are many ways to increase your Relationship with someone. Learning how to Gossip is one way to do it. Just helping someone out at the right time is another. Now look over there. Do you see that person?
You look and see Rui da Casga struggling to get a book back from a plant, which has lashed several vines around the book and is engaging the poor student in an embarrassing game of tug-of-war.
Why dont you go over there and see if you can help him get that book away from the five-hand tree, Oan says. It might help start you down the path of friendship we were just talking about.

Fortunately, it seems Ilianas Persuasion check is high enough to guarantee success. However, that School Survival check sounds an awful lot like an information choice, so we might as well pick it first.
Figuring that Oan wouldnt ask you to do something inherently dangerous, you decide to ask her a little advice on how to handle the situation. Thats what mentors are for, isnt it?
Oan tilts her head and taps her cheek with her right index finger. I dont want to make things too easy on you, she explains, but Im willing to give a small tip. Ill only tell you this: that tree isnt dangerous. Its really quite gentle once you get to know it; the problem is that most people dont take the time. There you go. Thats all Im saying.
You feel a bit more confident!

Sure enough, it was! Succeeding at that choice has brought the Memorization option down from red to black. It may have affected the other options, too, but its hard to tell since theyre both stuck at the furthest extremes. Now, on with the show.
Being pretty comfortable with your ability to converse with most anything, you confidently stride up to the tree and squarely plant your feet before it. Thrusting your finger out stiffly at the book, you snag the trees attention by the simple statement of, Excuse me, but is that yours? The trees leaves swivel towards you and you know you have its attention. Over the course of the next five minutes, you talk with the tree, asking why it feels the need to steal and wondering if there is anything you might be able to do to convince it to let go. Based on the trees shaking leaves (one solid shake for yes, two solid shakes for no), you come to realize that the tree only wants to play; taking it a step further, you realize that the tree is simply lonely and looking for someone to play with. After a few more moments of conversation (and a promise to come back and play for a few minutes over the next week), you retrieve the stolen book from the tree and hand it to Rui.

Rui then rushes off to class. Walking back to Oan, she says, Great job, just like that! I promise that he already thinks of you as a better friend now than a day ago, which means youre that much closer to building your first Clique. Oan tilts her head and listens to the Bell Tower chime the quarter hour. Heaving a sigh, she adds, Sorry, but I promised one of my friends that Id meet her in fifteen minutes at...well, it doesnt matter where. How about this: you work on what we talked about the last two times and send me a note when youre ready to learn some more, okay? Before you can answer, Oan dashes off the same way she came, leaving you to ponder your next move and looking forward to the next meeting.
Gains for the Day
Glamour Phemes increased by 1.
--Impression pheme learned.
Famous Speeches increased by 1.
--Rhetoric increased by 1.
The Middle Empire increased by 1.
--Intelligence pheme learned.
Successful Adventure!
--Relationship with Rui da Casga increased to 1.
--Persuasion increased by 1 skill step.
--Learned about Garden Gallery.
--Befriend subskills learned...again.
But more important than any of that, today we learned about Cliques! The friends brought into a Clique can provide special abilities or bonuses, plus they can end up being useful during Adventures, although I'll explain that bit later. Cliques in my experience usually end up with around 3-4 friends, although a social build like Iliana might manage 5 if she chooses the right friends. Your potential friends' relationships with each other can matter just as much as their relationship with you, after all, and incompatible friends can create quite the ruckus.
Let me also add that every single student and teacher has an Adventure chain associated with them, and I will naturally do the quests for all clique members.
Still, it all starts with one, so here's what I want from you: first, who should I seek out first? This first member is particularly important, since Iliana isn't the only one seeking out Clique members, and if we wait too long, all the good friends will be taken. Mind you, it's still possible to sabotage another Clique to get who you want, but it's still a lot more effort than otherwise. Second, what should we name our Clique? Remember, we'll be stuck with the name for rest of the school year (and possibly into the future).
Every student I've mentioned to this point has 1 relationship point with Iliana, except for Tabin, who has 2. I'm not going to list the whole student body, but I figure Aranaz plus four or five is a wide enough field to start out with.