Part 18: Storing the Returns
Gelamenus 8-14
As the new school week begins, the rashes on the Durand students fade, and so does their anger. Not nearly to the same extent, of course, but the immediacy of it has fallen off noticeably. As such, while youre still considered enemy #1 as far as Durand is concerned, the pressure on Aranaz has lessened and the other students are no longer preparing to throw you to the dogs.

Still, youd like to think the situation was hurried along by your study of the social arts, and you see no reason to slack off on them now. Youre still learning a good bit you hadnt known before.

Ah, the Hunt. While the more rural communities will actually go out and perform some fantastic hunts as an homage to the old Empires tradition, the larger cities (like the one youre from) usually take the day as an excuse to host feasts and balls, each with a well roasted fearsome beast as the centerpiece. As you wake up this day, you wonder how the Academagia will celebrate the Hunt.
Your question is answered before you even reach the cafeteria. Dozens of posters have sprung up overnight, each proclaiming, Find the bronze egg and win a prize! You must admit, its a novel way of involving everyone in some manner of hunting.
Well, shall you join in the festivities? Or pass on this version?

Luckily Ilianas been taking Dialectic, which gives her a decent Logic score. I feel I should note, however, that Planning leads to a Conceal option which involves making a fake egg and passing it along. Sadly, Ilianas Planning score means its easier just to find the real thing.
Why not look for the egg? This could be fun!
You know it has to be in a place where everyone has access, so you rule out all the college common rooms and dorms. Next, you rule out all the classrooms. Professors would probably take issue with students bursting into their classrooms to look for an egg.
So where could it be?
The grounds, of course! Thats where hunting takes place, after all!
Forgetting all about breakfast, you comb over several acres of land. Just when youre ready to give up, you trip over a hard object while walking along the lake beach. Aha! Poking out from the sands is the bronze egg. You take it and proudly present it to the hunts organizer.

As the day winds on, you find that the rest of the Hunts tradition is observed as well, and several dances and feasts have been scheduled over the course of the day. You thoroughly enjoy yourself at several of these events, and you take the opportunity to practice your social skills as well.
You are attending the after dinner dance attended by most of the academy when the music picks up, and you begin to feel the urge to dance. Its surprisingly catchy music, in fact, and you can even see the professors tapping their feet up on the head table dias.
Wait its too catchy. Theres something in it of spring, and youth, and blooming flowers. Youve heard about that sort of music.
As a murmur of surprise and bewilderment spreads over the crowd, the musicians seem to shimmer and then blur. Instead of four perfectly respectable human musicians, there are four satyrs up on the stage, beaming happily! They must have gotten in under a glamour spell!
Satyr magic is famously bewitching. Your legs are already beginning to twitch on their own. If you dont stop these enchanting tunes soon, youll be doing nothing but dancing.

Looks like rhetoric to the rescue this time. Observation is blue, though; maybe itll have a better option?
You try to find anything, anything at all that might be of use, but nothing here fits the bill, and your mind is a blank.
All you can think about is the music, pounding on and on in your brain. Better hurry with a solution!
Drat. Good thing we still have a green fallback.
Its pretty hard to make your feet move in any rhythm that isnt a dance time, but you manage it somehow and approach the musicians dias.
In as diplomatic a voice as you can conjure, you put your case before them, quoting heavily from Emperor Heruscus famous speech about proper human-satyr relations. You remind them that not all creatures are as comfortable with irresistible music as they are.
Apparently impressed by your knowledge of satyr history, the leader looks at you for a long time and then smiles.

You send a cautious glance to the professors and see Rieulle Chastellian, the music professor, nod his head gently.
As your legs settle down, you thank the satyrs politely. It is, perhaps, not surprising that you find yourself the proud possessor of two merit points at the end of the evening.

Best of all, you get the chance to leave the dance early (what with not being enchanted to join it) and return to Longshade to study further. Though still on the lookout for books on interpersonal communication, you wind up looking up how such satyrical incidents are handled on normal occasions.

Youre starting to have to hunt farther for useful material today. However, while the reading material is much the same, you notice that Captain Northbridge, your cat, seems to be going crazy today, forcing you to chase him across the length of the library more than once. Perhaps the rats are getting back in?

Today, Professor Aventyrare has decided to take the Revision class on a field trip into the Imperial Reserve. She has brought you to the remains of an old settlement, and is encouraging everyone to use Revision spells to try and repair the old artifacts so they can be studied.
This being the first class of the morning, you arent exactly at your best, and you wind up wandering away from the rest of the students. Several minutes later, when it finally occurs to you to turn back, you end up bumping your head into something very hard. Rubbing the pain from your head, you soon discover that you have crashed into a stone shrine; you could have sworn it wasnt there a minute ago, but then you werent quite paying attention.
On this shrine are some inscriptions written in an unfamiliar language, although there are some writings on the bottom of the shrine that look legible. Theres a large hole chiseled into the front of the shrine where a small candle sits.
On a whim, you light the candle. After a few moments of watching the candles flame flicker, and believing this shrine to be nothing out of the ordinary, you try to step around it. Magically the shrine moves and blocks your path. You try to go left, you try to go right, but the shrine blocks your path. You move fast, you move slow, but the shrine blocks your path.
You arrive at the brilliant conclusion that the shrine will not let you pass.

So Theology is black? Interesting.
You draw a circle around the shrine in the dirt. You spin around twelve times, recite the words of the Emperor: Nay, we shall not three times, genuflect four times and finish the counter-curse with a real-time pantomime of Lereptors stunning defeat at the hands of Etium. Surprisingly, the shrine moves to one side and lets you pass.
Even better, the professor hadnt even noticed you disappearing.

Just as youre finishing up a book on how to host a successful party, you hear a voice call from the librarys entrance.

Your heart gives a lurching thump, and a heavy weight presses into your stomach. You knew you werent allowed to be in the Library of Longshade, obviously, but why would anyone even come to this abandoned wing of the building?
Your mind races through dozens of scenarios as you unwillingly make your way to the front of the library. What business would the Glamour professor have in the Library of Longshade? How did she know right away that someone else was here? Why only now?
Passing the last line of bookshelves, you spot Professor Ringraeyer waiting for you with an annoyed expression on her face. Your stomach plummets even further, and you find youre having trouble making eye contact with her.

Youre not entirely sure what possessed you to speak; its not like it would get you in any less trouble. Still, youve already gone and said something, so you may as well be honest about what youve done.

The professor gives a sigh and her expression softens.

The teacher pauses for a moment, considering. Perhaps deciding that youd find out eventually on your own, she explains:

Professor Ringraeyer explains the details of your detention as you walk back to the common area, but you are hardly paying attention. As soon as you heard the name, the pit in your stomach caught fire, and you can only barely keep yourself from displaying your anger.
Of course. It had to be Cosetta. Although you havent met her personally, you are well aware of her reputation. Cosetta is known for watching the rest of the student body like a falcon, and for sending professors to swoop in on any rule-breakage she perceives. As such, she is not well liked, even by her fellows in Avila, whom she does not spare from her watchful eye.
She will pay for crossing you. Oh yes. She will pay.

As you might imagine, Ive been boosting Social Skills to succeed at the last check in Emilias quest line. As its now maxed, I turned to boosting Charm for the rest of the week.
Unfortunately, it got me nowhere, and by the time I finally went and checked the mod tools to see what attribute it wanted (Insight), I had already saved on Saturday, rendering Thursday and Friday here entirely useless.
Well, aside from the random events.

You find yourself inside an old, rundown shop in town. You only came in because you were bored, and you cant imagine any other reason for a person to enter this place. The only things for sale are jars filled with various disgusting-looking objects immersed in a thick, green fluid, and theyre all stacked on a couple of tall wooden shelves that could collapse at any moment. You peer into one of the jars and see what you think is a monkey spleen.

Youre pretty sure nobody was there before, but when you turn to look you see an old woman wrapped in thick, ratty cloth leaning over the counter. The rags cover everything except her eyes and hands, but her gaze has an indescribable power.

Bending down behind the counter, she pulls out another jar and sets it on the table. As she does, her sleeve falls backwards momentarily and you see something glimmer on her wrist. It is a stunning gold bracelet, enchanted to constantly, subtly change its shape. This isnt an old woman! As you were walking through town earlier, you had heard guards announcing a reward for a young thief named Esmeralda who had recently escaped from prison. They had given only one distinguishing feature: a certain bracelet that used to belong to the wardens wife.
She doesnt seem to have noticed your surprise, and is talking about the jar she pulled out. You dont know where the real shopkeeper is, but this could get dangerous in a hurry.

Fortunately, Iliana is a pretty cool customer. Who happens to know a lot about historical trivia. So how does that work, exactly?
Pretending to browse the items, you start chatting to Esmeralda about historical events that would have happened in the real storekeepers lifetime. Esmeralda is obviously a little flustered and narrows her eyes suspiciously at you. You manage to come off as a real history buff, though, so she hesitantly continues the conversation with you.
Meanwhile, with your back to the window, you signal frantically with your hands behind your back. Eventually it gets the attention of a guard, who comes in the door. You point to Esmeralda and reveal her disguise; though she tries to run, its too late.
She glares at you murderously as shes being taken away, but youre too busy counting out your reward money to care.

You were just minding your own business, going from class to class, when you were stopped by Zorzi Galea. The really strange thing is that hes carrying a script.

For a second, Zorzi breaks from the script and sounds like himself.

He shakes his head.

Ill admit, the Lie option sounds tempting, but its only a 50/50 chance, plus fifty pims happens to be just what Iliana got the day before in reward money
Youve never been too athletic, and to be honest, you dont even know that much about rimbal in spite of it being the biggest sport in the academy. Still, you wound up with fifty more pims than you expected just yesterday, and youd never consider a boost to your reputation to be a waste of money.

Zorzi is totally silent as you hand him the coins. He looks down at the script, but cant seem to read it through the tears in his eyes.

He lunges forward and hugs you. You respond by awkwardly patting him on the back.
You dont want to think about the rumors that are going to come from this. You just dont.

Now thats more like it. Adanellas Wardrobe is almost useless on its own, but its got a low check against Glamour (and anyone who has the spell will have plenty of that already), which makes it an excellent platform for pheme buffing.

Even better, Iliana already knows Epiphany, which is the pheme that improves Insight and nothing else, and that lets me stack two Epiphanies onto each Wardrobe and keep the odds on this side of probable. She will be getting one heck of a boost out of this, assuming all the spells go off.

On Saturday, youve decided to take some time to rest and think up some horrible fates for Cosetta Re, but your plans are changed when Emilia comes rushing over to you in the common room, a note of panic in her voice.

Most of the remaining day is spent scribing as many Epiphany phemes as you possibly can, emerging only for lunch and dinner.
It is during one of these trips that you hear someone start to yell. Its high-pitched, and shrill, almost inaudible. You ignore it. Students at Academagia are always yelling at one another. You dont bother going to see what the matter is.
After a few moments pause, the yelling resumes. This time youre actually able to make out words. You gather something about homework, cheating, and stuff like that, but you keep on your way. Youre sure its nothing to do with you.
A few steps later, a couple of people run into you and knock you to the ground. Now theyve got your attention, as well as your ire. Philippe Marchant and Malthezar Mhadi are fighting, and their clash now involves you.

Take control and stop the conflict. Sounds like the right choice to me.
You step in front of Philippe and Malthezar and push them apart. You demand they stop fighting. After a few moments of quiet contemplation, Philippe shoves you to the ground and headbutts Malthezar.
A flurry of fists, elbows, and knees swarm over you and, much to your chagrin, you get beat up worse than they do. Battered and bruised, you crawl out of the melee and limp back to your dorm room. Meanwhile, Philippe and Malthezar keep brawling.
You hope the event wont end up a preview of tomorrows confrontation.

You decide that you should stick by Emilia throughout the day, and its a good thing you did. Its not long before Professor von Rupprecht spots you, and you feel a strong need to panic as the teacher approaches with a stern look on his face.

Ten points in the skill and eleven in Insight are just enough to get me a black option. That Passion option is even harder, too.
You need to get to von Rupprecht first and calm the volcano before it erupts. You have Emilia dart away and abscond into the freehand drawing room. Hopefully she wont need to pose as a model to fit in. Fortunately, the professor didnt see which way she ran, and he instead approaches you.

Professor von Rupprecht gives you a wary look, but leads you to his office nonetheless. The conversation you have with him takes some time, as you trying both to explain everything and to avoid admitting any actual guilt.

Seeing that you refuse to budge on the matter, the hint of a smile spreads across von Rupprechts face.

Later that day, Emilia comes to you with a great big grin on her face.

Emilia is so pleased she gives you a quick hug.

You smile yourself as Emilia practically floats out of the room. Alls well that ends well, it seems.

Feeling that the matter of Emilias revenge has finally been settled, you decide to move on to other projects.
Projects named Cosetta Re.
After spending some time consulting with Rui de Casga, you decide to go with the tried and true method of placing a bucket of water on a partially open door. Even better, you can arrange to have a professor pass by at just the right moment to reprimand Cosetta for dirtying her robes! Rui de Casga doesnt seem to think this will be particularly effective, but you overrule himthis is your revenge, after all! Instead, he shrugs and goes to string along a professor while you lie in wait, getting the door and bucket prepared for when Cosetta will be the next to use it.
Unfortunately, it all goes awry when you fail to realize that the bucket would be obvious when Cosetta comes in from the side the bucket is propped on. With a wave of her wand, she freezes the bucket in place, allowing her to open the door without any trouble. However, just before passing through the door, Cosetta turns to where you are hiding and gives you a superior look.
You make sure to get away as fast as possible so the teacher Rui de Casga is bringing cant place you at the scene. You may have failed today, but this isnt over.
Not by a long shot.

Vettor Conta comes up behind you, a twisted grin spread across his face. You fight fairly hard to keep from rolling your eyes when he practically slithers out in front of you.
Its obvious hes not going to leave until he says his peace, so you may as well give him his crumb of attention and get back to your work. You raise your eyebrow and he continues, satisfied that youre going to listen to his rambling.

Vettor laughs, a cracked, disturbing sound.

You dont bother telling him that the reason your expression is so displeased is because hes standing too close and his breath is a bit foul. You shrug and watch him walk away. Maybe you really should get studyingyouve got to get at least halfway through all your texts if youre going to excel at the tests.
Still, you decide not to let Vettor worry you. Youll study when you can. A whole slew of perfect fifties are in your future! In fact, youve heard that you can do better than fifty if youre a real prodigy in a subject! Extra testing! Scores of points of extra credit! You could get one hundreds and leave everyone else in the dust!
Though, obviously, its not the end of the world if you dont.
Just not flunking out would be good.

Still, no time like the present. Checking your syllabi, you note that Calligraphy is the first exam to come (on Monday the first of Cheimare!), so you head to the Venalicium and get to studying.
Today you find a study partner in Marc Sury, which you find somewhat peculiar.

Gains of the Week
Revision Phemes increased by 1.
--Zenith pheme learned.
--Discover pheme learned.
--Revision increased by 1.
----Reviving Wellness spell learned.
Character increased by 1.
--Nourish pheme learned.
Studied at Longshade.
--Social Skills increased by 1 step.
--Conversation increased by 1 step.
----Sloppy Speech pheme learned.
--Concentration increased by 1 step.
Aveline used Compete; Aranaz merit now at 156.
Social Skills increased by 1 step.
Social Skills increased by 1 step.
Studied at Longshade.
--Social Skills increased by 1 step.
----Curry Favor action learned.
--Bureaucracy increased by 1 step.
----Argue pheme learned.
--Concentration increased by 1 step.
----Selective Focus ability learned.
Successful holiday!
--Money increased by 50.
Successful event!
--Aranaz merit increased by 2.
--Diplomacy increased by 1 step.
Aveline used Compete; Aranaz merit now at 161.
Vernin college wins again.
Ink Compounds increased by 1.
--Hydration pheme learned.
Flowers increased by 1.
--Aromatic pheme learned.
Glamour Phemes increased by 1.
--Corollary pheme learned.
--Discover pheme learned.
First Principles increased by 1.
--Balance pheme learned.
Studied at Longshade.
--Social Skills increased by 1 step.
--Familiar Kinship increased by 1 step.
--Concentration increased by 1 step.
Revision Spells increased by 1.
Revision Methods increased by 1.
--Intangible pheme learned.
Famous Speeches increased by 1.
--Analogue pheme learned.
--Rhetoric increased by 1.
Studied at Longshade.
--Social Skills increased by 1 step.
----Social Skills maxed!
----Party action learned.
--Concentration increased by 2 steps.
Cosetta Re used Squealer! Iliana has been reprimanded by Contzel Ringraeyer.
--Relationship with Cosetta Re decreased to -1.
Successful event!
--Theology increased by 1 step.
----Learned about the Temple of Iudocia.
Theory of Glamour increased by 1.
--Health pheme learned.
Glamour Spells increased by 1.
--Glamour increased by 1.
----Adanellas Wardrobe spell learned.
Forms increased by 1.
--Calligraphy increased by 1.
----Scrivening action learned.
Cast Glow of Victory.
--Plus 1 to Beguile, Charm, and Glory for 5 days.
Aveline used Compete; Aranaz merit now at 164.
Successful event!
--Money increased by 50.
--Manipulation increased by 1 step.
----Amicita pheme learned.
----Compete increased by 1.
------Learned about Dispassion (Malice).
Theory of Revision increased.
--Positive Alteration of Organic Matter spell learned.
Cast Glow of Victory.
--Plus 1 to Beguile, Charm, and Glory for 5 days.
Successful event!
--Money decreased by 50.
--Relationship with Zorzi Galea increased to 3.
--Relationship with Leo Massioti increased to 3.
Cast Adenellas Wardrobe.
--Plus 1 to Courtly Fashion, Confidence, and Aesthetics.
--Plus 2 to Insight.
Cast Adenellas Wardrobe.
--Plus 1 to Courtly Fashion, Confidence, and Aesthetics.
--Plus 2 to Insight.
Cast Adenellas Wardrobe.
--Plus 1 to Courtly Fashion, Confidence, and Aesthetics.
--Plus 2 to Insight.
Unsuccessful event.
--Vitality decreased by 2.
Basia, Vrenelle, and Aymeri used Compete; Aranaz merit now at 173.
Successful Adventure!
--First Principles increased by 1 step.
----Rational pheme learned.
----Dialectics increased by 1.
--Wit increased by 1 step.
----Acuity pheme learned.
--Charm increased by 1!

Prank Enemy failed.
--Relationship with Cosetta Re decreased to -2.
Studied at the Venalicium.
--Calligraphy Study level at 3.
----Relationship with Marc Sury increased to 4.
--Cryptology increased by 1 step.
----Learned about Professor Storeys Office: Professors Desk.
----Research increased by 1.
New Abilities
Reviving Wellness (Spell): Intelligence/Natural Philosophy v11; +3 Vitality, -1 Stress to target.
Curry Favor: Charm/Study Habits v4; +1 Relationship with target professor, +1 Merit regardless.
Selective Focus: -1 Train Modifier for 5 days.
Party: -20 pims, +2 Relationship with target Clique member, +1 to 2 random students.
Work the Looms (Iudocia): +10 pims, +1 Stress, +1 step to Artisan, Concentration, and Sewing.
Temple of Iudocia: -5 pims, +1 step to Piety, Prayer, Oratory, and Theology.
Adanellas Wardrobe (Spell): Insight/Glamour v3; +1 Aesthetics, Confidence, and Courtly Fashion for 4 days.
Scrivening: Finesse/Calligraphy v8 and 11; +1 Stress and 50 pims, -1 Stress on higher success (for net 0).
Positive Alteration of Organic Matter (Spell): Intelligence/Theory of Revision v13; -5 Vitality to target, +5 to choice of subskill to self for 4 days. Useful in and outside duels.
Professor Storeys Office: Professors Desk: Finesse/Lockpick v12; +1 step to Cryptology, Puzzles, and Patience.
Thank you, Library of Longshade, you have served your purpose well. Selective Focus is gained at Concentration 9, and while that -1 doesnt sound like a lot, hoo baby can it make a difference. The Train Modifier is a hidden stat that basically determines whether a skill can grow quickly, like Social Skills, or very slowly, like Concentration itself. So, digging into the mod tools, what have we got for their respective modifiers?
Well, the former is a 1, and the latter is a 2.
Selective Focus has about the same effect as 3-4 points in the relevant attribute. Nothing to sneeze at.
Having now completed the three tasks set for me, I would normally open up a new round of voting, but unfortunately Vettor is right and Iliana will need to spend the next couple weeks studying for midterms, so Im preemptively overruling the vote. On the plus side, all the studying Iliana did to get access to the Library of Longshade means that all her Study levels are at least 2, so getting them up to 5 for the midterms should be no problem so long as I keep the exam order in mind.
Finally, back during the friends vote, I noticed that Tacito and Rikildis tied for second behind Rui de Casga. Rikildis has since joined a Clique, but Tacito is still a free agent, so I figure Ill snap him up and spare us all the effort of voting for him again.
The next vote will occur once exams are finished.