Part 27: Nose to the Grindstone
Cheimare 22-26

Now that midterm exams are over, you fully intend to return to attending all your classes that is, you would have, if your first class today hadnt been such accurate foreshadowing.

While it is refreshing to take a break outside after all the time you spent studying, when Professor von Rupprecht absentmindedly sets you a page to copy that youd already done, you realize that your classes wont be teaching you anything new until after the year-end break. You resolve to skip out of afternoon classes for this week as well, but first there is the matter of the school assembly.

Just after lunch, the entire student body and all the professors collect in Dimmae Theater. As you file in with the crowd, you are slightly surprised to see Legate Orso Orsi front and center on the stage; you dont recall even seeing him since the opening assembly back on Juvenalia. Behind him are seated five groups of around a dozen students.
Once everyone in the audience has found a place, Orsi waves his hand for silence. And based on the tingle you felt as he did so, you imagine you wont be able to interrupt him even if you wanted to.

The Legate then explains how the student council works: every Year gets its own council, which has some control over the students in its own grade, as well as the ability to petition the faculty. Each student council is composed of ten members; membership requires winning the open vote, but positions within the council are determined by the councilors themselves.

You tune out the Fifth Years droning speeches and spend your time scanning the rows of seats on stage. You note that in every case there seems to be only a few more students than there are council seats, guaranteeing that almost all of them will get elected regardless of their popularity. Its enough to make you wish you had nominated yourself after all.
Emilia leans over from the next seat and points you over to where your own Years volunteers are sitting. She cant speak thanks to Orsis spell, but she still manages to make you aware that the only Aranaz First Year on stage is Aveline Cincebeaux. Emilia seems rather concerned by this, and sure enough, when it comes time for Aveline to speak, she manages to insult and accuse half the faculty, most of the staff, and of course just about every single student. Fortunately she runs out of time before she can harangue each person individually, but now you feel fairly certain that Aranaz will not be getting any representation on the student council this year. Finally, once everyone finished talking, the Legate returns to the podium.

The Sphinx is already shaking her head.

You are dismayed to hear this pronouncement (most of what youd been planning on telling the Sphinx was gossip from around the school), but you wrack your brain, trying to think of something better. Thats when you suddenly remember the most obvious answer.

After finally leaving the Sphinxs chamber, you decide to head back to the Contu school to see if youll be getting your moneys worth.
A single class is enough to dispel any doubts you had about the Incantation schools quality. Every teacher is an obvious master of the field, and the guest lecturers are widely respected names from across the world.
That said, most of the students are older than you, including some adults, and the teachers give you no extra slack for being young. Thus, although you end the day knowing considerably more about Incantation, you are also worn out and a little frazzled from all the pressure.

Before you can manage to sneak off the Academagia campus today, Basia Rydz runs up to you carrying a large box and smiling like she swallowed a canary.
She holds out her hand for you to stop and wait, then puts the box on the ground, taking a moment to catch her breath. She then opens the box up and pulls out something you cant quite see until she walks up and thrusts it under your nose. Its a bottle of some kind of putrid green liquid.

You cant imagine anybody feeling great after smelling that stuff, much less after drinking it. What are you going to do?

Persuasion may be a sure thing, but Im feeling unreasonably curious about what this could possibly be. Besides, Analyze doesnt seem like an exit, so lets go for the long shot.
You peer into the bottle to take a better look. Its green, youre sure of that. And there are little chunks of white stuff that look like some kind of lard or fat. The texture leaves something to be desired, too, as its thick and syrupy.
You wish you hadnt looked at this stuff up close. Youre even more repulsed than before.
Guess that was a failure, since nothing happened to the options. Im still half-tempted to go for Willpower in case the potion is better than it looks, but I cant imagine Iliana would be all that inclined.

After a moment, Basia brightens up and runs off to find another unlucky test subject.

You describe for the Sphinx the adventure you had with Durand, Emilia, and Rui da Casga on the Dance of Fools. The Sphinx seems particularly interested in the visions of the past you had, as well as the true nature of the woman who started you off.

The workload at the Contu School is no easier today than it was yesterday, but youre picking up the skill of Incantation so fast that you dont feel nearly as overwhelmed as you were yesterday. Perhaps if you keep up this rate, you could be running this place in another month!
Yeah, okay, but its still a nice thought.

No sooner spoken than broken.

Too many holes and youll never use me.
Too few and I suffer the same fate.

On your way to the Contu School, you pass through the Admiratio, where you come across a curious sight. It is still quite bright out, and you cant help but notice a VERY large, muscular man dressed completely in black standing up against the wall of a shop. He is wearing a hood pulled completely over his face, covering his eyes. He also appears to be trying to stand very still and not be noticed, which may be difficult since he stands out like a sore thumb.
Now that is just weird. You wonder what hes doing?

All the choices are variations on a theme, so Ill just pick the easiest one.
You walk up to the man and introduce yourself.

The large man gives no response. Perhaps he is partially deaf.

At that, the man bursts into tears.

He coughs and sputters for a minute longer, then seems to have an idea.

You quickly agree, mostly because you hate to see the big guy cry, and particularly not all over your robe. You manage to calm him down, and he tells you his name is Ugo. You help him find a better hiding spot down in an alley. After hes settled in and youve helped him adjust his hood so he can see, he reaches into his cloak and retrieves a small purse bearing the mark of the thieves guild. If Ugo is any indication of their talent, youre pretty certain you dont have to worry much about them.
Ugo removes a fuzz-covered lemon drop from his purse and offers it to you as a reward for your help. You politely decline and leave him happily sucking the sticky candy.

Whoever makes it, tells it not. Whoever takes it, knows it not. Whoever knows it, wants it not.

Inwards and outwards, upwards and sideways, means of movement and means of trapping.

Youre on a nice, leisurely stroll through Mineta. Theres only one day left of school until the year-end break and you havent a care in the world. Youre debating whether to head straight to Contus School or
Uh oh! That sound was the back of your robe tearing as you stepped on it. You start to feel a draft on your backside and try to cover the exposed area quickly.
How embarrassing! What are you going to do now?

Concentration to the rescue!
You pull out your wand and aim it over your shoulder and down your back. Tracing the phemes of the spell and hoping no one is looking, you shoot a beam of silvery thread from the tip of your wand to the torn area on your robe. The thread pulls the torn fabric back together and then disappears, leaving the formerly ripped cloth whole again.
You cant even tell it was torn to begin with. In fact, it looks even better than it did before it was ripped.

Returning from another study session at the Contu School, you come across a small boy. This poor child, wearing shabby old clothes and rags on his feet, grabs hold of your robe and looks up at you with big sad eyes.

The boy goes on for some time about his poor mother, and while his tale is very endearing, who knows if hes telling the truth?

Shouldnt be that hard to figure out.
Looking him over thoroughly, you see that his pockets look pretty well stuffed. Hes not pulling the wool over your eyes.

Well, naturally. Sadly, Iliana lacks the expertise to rifle through his pockets, but I notice the Famous Songs check has gone up to black. I guess well try and show the tyke what a free market economy means to panhandlers like him.

Youre a little taken aback. You already realized this kid was more than he seemed, but now youre half tempted to ask for allocution lessons instead of a song. Still, before you can get too sarcastic, the boy adds:

Youre still of a mind to ask for something more dynamic, but you eventually agree to the ankle-biters offer. He breaks into a song and begins a rather elaborate dance that shows off some surprising talent while at the same time still seeming slightly creepy. His voice is decent, but the song hes singing is even better. After he finishes, you have him try to teach you the melody and the wordsbut you just keep botching it, and you cant really afford to spend all evening trying repeatedly.
The little urchin charges you extra for lessons, too.
That would be a failure, Im guessing. Evidently there was no way of getting out of that event without giving the kid some cash aside from the Sleight of Hand option. Looking it up, the confrontation option is rather rude and blunt, so maybe the option I went with was for the best.
Gains of the Week
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Incantation Spells increased by 1 step.
----Streets of Ice spell learned.
--Planning increased by 1 step.
----Foresight pheme learned.
--Etiquette increased by 1 step.
--Revision Methods increased by 1 step.
Studied at Esteban Contus.
--Incantation Methods increased by 1 step.
----Snowstorm spell learned.
--Incantation Phemes increased by 1 step.
----Rain pheme learned.
----Incantation increased by 1.
------Orchestrate Nightmare action learned.
--Incantation Spells increased by 1 step.
--Theory of Incantation increased by 1 step.
--Stress increased by 1.
High Stress! You now feel Alert: Danger Sense increased by 2, Observation increased by 2.
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Interrogation increased by 1 step.
----Dodge pheme learned.
--Planning increased by 1 step.
----Reveal Flaw spell learned.
--Memorization increased by 1 step.
--Theory of Negation Research Level increased by 1.
Studied at Esteban Contus.
--Incantation Methods increased by 1 step.
--Incantation Phemes increased by 1 step.
----Snow pheme learned.
----Incantation increased by 1.
------Conjure pheme learned.
--Incantation Spells increased by 1 step.
--Theory of Incantation increased by 1 step.
----Concentration pheme learned.
--Net 0 Stress gained.
Successful event!
--Lie increased by 1 step.
----Subtlety pheme learned.
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Debate increased by 1 step.
--Planning increased by 1 step.
--Famous Battles increased by 1 step.
----War increased by 1.
------Fitness pheme learned.
--Pride of a Rebel Queen increased by 1 step.
Studied at Esteban Contus.
--Incantation Methods increased by 1 step.
----Air pheme learned.
--Incantation Phemes increased by 1 step.
----Incantation pheme learned.
----Incantation increased by 1.
------Electricity pheme learned.
--Incantation Spells increased by 1 step.
--Theory of Incantation increased by 1 step.
--Net 0 Stress gained.
Successful event!
--Hide increased by 1 step.
Aveline used Compete; Aranaz merit now at 229.
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Recipes increased by 1 step.
----Gained Recipe: Mud Pie.
--Planning increased by 1 step.
--Move Silently increased by 1 step.
----Air pheme learned.
--Deceit increased by 1 step.
----Obfuscate increased by 1 step.
Studied at Esteban Contus.
--Incantation Methods increased by 1 step.
--Incantation Phemes increased by 1 step.
--Incantation Spells increased by 1 step.
--Theory of Incantation increased by 1 step.
--Net 0 Stress gained.
Basia used Compete; Aranaz merit now at 232.
Successful event!
--Courtly Fashion increased by 1 step.
----Catalog of the Seamstresss Sisterhood of Mineta available.
--Concentration increased by 1 step.
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Famous Geometry Problems increased by 1 step.
--Planning increased by 1 step.
----Look Ahead ability learned.
--Identities of Arithmetic increased by 1 step.
--Famous Battles increased by 1 step.
----Glory pheme learned.
Studied at Esteban Contus.
--Incantation Methods increased by 1 step.
--Incantation Phemes increased by 1 step.
--Incantation Spells increased by 1 step.
--Theory of Incantation increased by 1 step.
----Obliterate pheme learned.
----Incantation increased by 1.
------Weather pheme learned.
--Net 0 Stress gained.
Unsuccessful event.
--Pims decreased by 10.
New Abilities
Streets of Ice (Spell): No roll; -3 Coordination for 3 days and Shivering affliction (-1 Composure, Concentration, and Playfulness) until rest on target Clique.
Snowstorm (Spell): No roll; -1 Observation and Shivering affliction for 2 days, -1 Vitality, and +1 Stress on target.
Orchestrate Nightmare: +1 Stress and Fear emotion for 1 day; must be Informed on target.
Reveal Flaw (Spell): Insight/Glamour v11; +3 to Spells, Abilities, and Actions for 2 days.
Look Ahead (Permanent): +1 to all Spells, Abilities, and Actions (but not Events, Holidays, or Adventures, sadly).
Levels in Incantation are slowing down, so now that Ive hit level 5 I think Ill hold off on more Contu cramming until after Iliana gets another point or two in Finesse, Incantations ruling attribute. Fitness rules Gates, and Iliana's score there is also 2, so Ill probably hold off on getting more than the basics right now for a similar reason.