Part 28: New Discoveries
Cheimare 27-The Wedding Feast

Its been a while since you and Rui da Casga set the trap in his room. Walking back to school from the palace, you wonder whether or not it will even work when you suddenly feel the unmistakable pull of a Sending spellRui wants you back to his dorm room straight away.
You rush down as fast as you can to the Vernin campus. Reaching his room, you knock on the door, and Rui da Casga opens the door a tiny crack to peek out at you before stepping back and letting you enter.
You are mildly surprised to see that the rest of the Five-Handed Tree has been assembled. Doing a head count, you almost come up with one extra, but then you notice the sixth person in the room is merely a captured image on the mirror, which Rui has hung up at head height.

At this, everyone glances over at the mirror, which happens to have a very clear image of

Hey, look, Practical Jokes is coming in handy!

Though he wont say where he received it, Rui da Casga produces a small vial of Metamorph Liquid. This special formula transforms any living thing it encounters. Unfortunately, this is a failed batch, and the transformation is uncontrollable. If someone receives a dose of this potion, theres no telling what theyll becomeor for how long.

After a while of brainstorming, you come up with the perfect plan. Rui da Casga writes the word accomplices on the bottom of a small glass dish, and then makes a list of random student names. Then he fills the dish with coins, being careful to leave the word accomplices uncovered, and finishes by pouring the Metamorph Liquid over the coins. If anyone were to reach in and move the coins to see the names, theyd get Metamorph Liquid all over their hands.
The five of you leave the room and spend some time in the Vernin common room , discussing your plans for the rest of the break. Then you hear a scream.
You all run back to Rui da Casgas room, just in time to see Philippe running away down the hall, his hands rapidly sprouting feathers.

Rui pumps his fist in excitement. Even Tacito seems impressed the ruse worked so well. Getting a sly look, Rui turns to you and asks:

On your way to the Venalicium Library, you encounter a large group of students. Each has a serious expression on his or her face and they are speaking to one another in somber voices.
You approach to learn what the solemn occasion is, but then you notice a weeping ghost floating in the middle of the corridor, between you and the throng of students. This ominous specter is refusing to let you or anyone passit shrieks when you get too close, and its shrieks are quite painful.
Unfortunately, the Venalicium happens to be just past this mysterious, shrieking apparition. The students on the other side are facing the same problem; how can you get across?

Lets look for clues, gang!
You know that ghosts are usually tied to something related to their old life, and this ones probably no exception.
The thing is obviously weeping, so you look around for something out of the ordinary. All you find out of place is a nearby oil portrait with a fresh crack in the frame.
You look more closely at the figure on the faded painting and, yep, thats the ghosts image sure enough.

That last option didnt disappear, but cmon, Revision is perfect.
With a quick spell, you mend the broken picture frame.
Suddenly, the ghost stops wailing and stares at you. Timidly, it floats to the picture frame, running its ghostly hand over where the crack used to be. With a slight sigh of contentment, it vanishes.
Youre a hero!
When word of your deed gets around to Professor Aventyrare, she gives you a firm handshake.
You feel pretty good about yourself.

There it is.
Here you go.
Setting your decoy and disabling the alarms, you step once more into the Forbidden Archives.
Youve given the matter considerable thought since you first contemplated learning the proscribed schools of magic. In the end you decided that, while manipulating others the old fashioned way may be well and good, using magic to control their every thought and action goes way beyond creepy. On the other hand, Gates sounds like a load of fun; with Gates spells you can summon creatures to do your bidding, plus one day you might be able to craft your own minions and teleport at will! Gates was only banned because incautious wizards would summon things beyond their control, right? Then youll just be extra cautious when using it, and thats all there is to it.
Mindful of where you are, you give the books in the Gates section a quick look through, then pull out several promising-looking texts and Revise their covers to something more innocuous. You then step back over the rope, disable your decoy, and find an empty booth in which to study.
Although you still might get in trouble if someone pays too much attention to your books, youve decided that this is still safer than spending all evening in the Forbidden Archives. Youll have to risk a second trip to return the books at the end of the day, but until then, there is a lot to be learned

As you climb the stairs to the Sphinxs chamber, you notice that she seems to be wearing a more serious expression than usual.

The Sphinx gestures her paw at her surroundings, and you look around at the palace beneath you. The Imperial Palace is a magnificent building, with monuments everywhere and centuries of edicts, mementos, and plunder stacked floor to ceiling in dozens of rooms.
But knowing what you do about the Empire of Mans history, you know this palace is nothing but a hollow shell. The only occupants now are a guild, wishing to borrow its faded glory, and a museum staff set by the city council, the true power on Elumia.

All you can do is nod. The Sphinx sees your worried expression as though for the first time, sighs, and relaxes herself.

Something begins which has no end. It is the end of all that begins.

Squares upon squares upon squares;
All must be used to store your wares.

The Sphinx has given you a lot to think about today, and you end up wandering through the Academagia grounds for most of the afternoon. At one point, you cross the length of the Philosophers Walk. Rather than being named for the famous Chauranglaith, the Philosphers Walk instead honors Chauranglaiths most famous disciple, Oleapia. Feeling a bit curious, you stop by a plaque set in the center of the walk:
There are two types of knowledge: Intellectual and Emotional. Intellectual knowledge can be learned and passed on, but Emotional knowledge is only felt and defies explanation. For a person to better their Intellectual knowledge, they must obey the Rule of Intellectualism which can be explained thusly: study, question, and reason. A person studies to learn what they did not know before, they question to better understand the truth of that which they have learned through study, and they reason in order to learn if that which they have questioned is correct. If a person focuses on this path and heeds the Rule of Intellectualism, then there is nothing that a person cannot know during their lifetime.
One thing you have to give Chauranglaith: he isnt easy to understand, but at least he knows how to write something short and to the point. Oleapias plaque is about three times as long as his mentors inscriptions and you still dont know what the heck hes talking about.

Later on, you happen past a gaggle of gossiping girls and, by sheerest luck, you spy Vettor crouched behind a bush with a newt in his hands. Whatever hes planning, it cant be good. What should you do?

The actual random event takes place during Revision class, but cmon, its Sunday!
You dont want anyone to get into trouble right now, least of all that poor newt. You cast a Negation spell that floats the newt right over to your own hands. Surprised, Vettor makes a futile grab at the floating amphibian before it escapes his hands entirely. Following its trajectory, he looks over at you with a frown.

You stick the newt into your pocket and walk off. Youll probably drop it off in the next pond you pass by.

Never in a million years did you think you would end up with homework from the Forbidden Archives, and yet here you are. During the lesson, the Sphinx explained that you should still learn the basics from the books in the Venalicium. Something about explaining the fundamentals would take too long or I cant be bothered to tell you what a Gates pheme is in the first place. You really werent sure, but the point is that youll need to study Gates out of the Forbidden Archives before you can request further training from the Sphinx herself.

Worried that your study of Planning with the Sphinx might not be enough, you spend the morning casting Intense Focus to give yourself some added understanding.

For the first time today, the Sphinxs mouth twitches into a smile.

I spit like bacon, I'm made with an egg.
I have plenty of backbone, but lack a good leg.
I peel layers like onions, yet remain whole.
I'm long as a flagpole yet fit in a hole.

Hard, harder, hardest:
But it's all just the same.

With the island secure, the pirates are free to investigate. Today you and the rest of the Five-Handed Tree have come to join their efforts at exploration.
Climbing down from the ship, you take a few moments to take in your surroundings. The vegetation is lush and colorful, flowers blooming everywhere in colors and combinations you never expected to see. You are tempted to touch a purple-striped pink blossom, but you refrain from doing so when you see a large insect get snapped between the deceptively delicate petals of a bright blue flower only a hand span away. You cant see anything beyond the dense growth around you; its no wonder the pirates havent found anything notable since they began their search.
As the pirates begin to fan out around you, you start to make a plan for how to get farther into the island.

I could have gotten Planning up higher than black, but that would have taken more time. Considering my dastardly save-scumming ways, this will do just fine.
Picking up a machete from the pile the pirates have deposited on the ground, you begin to hack your way through the thick vines and leaves in your path. Making sure youre still heading in the right direction, you regularly look up at the sky to get your bearings. Every so often, you or one of your friends make a gash in a tree or on a large boulder to make sure youre not going around in circles. The marks wind up helping more often than youd like to admit.
More than once strange vines try to wrap around your ankles or wrists and you hack at them savagely. Finally, sweating and a little worse for wear, you break through the brush onto a paved stone expanse. As you look up, your breath catches at the magnitude of the temple that sprawls in front of you.

Abruptly one of the pirates puts his hand on your shoulder and breaks the mood.

Rui da Casga turns to protest, but before he can say a word, the pirate continues:

At least he sounds friendly about it.

Professor Viada has gone on a personal mission around Academagia, hanging up posters on every wall and badgering every student he comes across on his walks around campus. Why? Because of the Passing, a holiday every self-respecting history buff goes crazy over. For obvious reasons, Professor Viada wants everyone to observe the Passing.
And speak of the devil, heres Viada right now, toddling toward you with an eager grin on his face.
Uh oh. You just came from dinner, so you cant use that as an excuse to get out.

And the lectures, and the reminders, and

Library Knowledge comes riding in to the rescue.

With little choice, you follow him.
When you arrive at the library, you watch with sympathy as other students are roped into Professor Viadas session. When his thankfully short lecture ends, he sends you all off to research.
The professor watches approvingly as you head straight for the right section and pull all the appropriate books.

Researching your past turns out to be quite fun. Maybe celebrating the Passing isnt so bad after all.

For some reason, though, the librarian on duty today is a stickler for quiet. She is constantly meandering through the library and shushing everyone, even those who arent making any noise.
If you dont get her to stop her infernal shhhs, youll be hearing them in your head all night.

Man, Library Knowledge is really paying dividends.
You head to the Incantation section and stack all the books you can grab on the floor. When the librarian finds this mess, she suspends her mission of spreading quiet and goes to work putting the books back on their proper shelves.
Your distraction has silenced the silencer. Way to go!

Throughout the Wedding Feast, you spend your time making covert raids into the Forbidden Archives, trying to find new and useful books without getting caught (at least by anyone who matters). You turn out to be remarkably successful at it, even though you know you havent been perfect at keeping out of sight. Perhaps someone is watching out for you?

After lunch, you take a break down by Ardica Lake. All your troubles seem to disappear, and you feel at one with nature and the beauty of the place. If you were a bard instead of a student of magic, youd write a poem. You breathe in the fresh smell of pines, listen to the far-off calls of musical birds, lift your face to watch white clouds scudding overhead, then look out over the surface of the lake only to stop dead.
The lake is frozen over! You rub your eyes in disbelief, but there it isthe shiny frozen surface is reflecting the sun like the crystal of a chandelier. Its not nearly cold enough for the lake to freeze, let alone all at once like that, so something unnaturalmagical, perhapsmust be afoot. It could be a prank or something far more sinister at work.
What should you do?

Perception is probably an investigation, but its red nah. Iliana doesnt really feel like dealing with this herself right now.
Whatever is going on here, you should probably alert someonequickly! You race to find an instructor, come upon Professor Chastellain, the music teacher, and tell him about what you saw. Calmly, you describe everything you noticed about the strange phenomenon, taking care to include details even if they might not be relevant.

When you get back to the lake with the instructor, you find that its no longer frozen! You turn quickly to the professor, ready to argue about what you saw, but Professor Chastellain shakes his head with a smile.

With a new year dawning at midnight tonight, the usual curfew restrictions have been relaxed tonight so all the students can be awake and at parties for the big moment. On top of that, its the Wedding Feast today, a holiday which celebrates all new commitments in honor of the new year. This is the first new year youll face as a spellcaster; what will you do with your fresh start?
As if the gods heard your thoughts and want to see how youll behave as well, Philip Hauck walks up to you to share some interesting news.

I think this might be the first playthrough Ive done where I had a decent chance to pass this check.
The lack of an invitation doesnt bother you in the slightest. Sneaking into a party at least promises youll have an exciting start to the new year. And hey, shouldnt students be able to go if its being held in the Great Hall?

Philip is true to his word and shows up again a little while later.

You and Philip sneak in using a side entrance. Luckily, there are other students present, so you dont look as though youre out of place.
And wow, youre glad you came! Magnificent roasts, delicate cheeses, savory salads, and rare truffles are in abundance. The Great Hall has never looked so festive, either; the stone pillars shine as though they were made of silver, the floor is midnight blue, and glowing flowers float throughout the hall.
You feel like royalty. What a perfect way to start the new year.
Gains of the Rest of the Week
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Decipher Handwriting increased by 1 step.
----Informed on Jere Niemela.
--Reason increased by 1 step.
----Learned about Philosophers Walk: Oleapias Plaque.
--Manipulation increased by 1 step.
----Stir Up Trouble action learned.
----Compete increased by 1 step.
------Magic pheme learned for the fifth time now.
--Oratory increased by 1 step.
----Acoustic pheme learned.
Successful adventure!
--Practical Jokes cannot be increased.
Studied Gates.
--Gates Spells increased by 1 step.
Successful event!
--Relationship with Lisle Aventyrare increased to 4.
Aymeri used Compete; Aranaz merit now at 235.
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Gates Methods increased by 1 step.
----Amicita pheme learned.
--Reason increased by 1 step.
----Progress pheme learned.
--Curiosity increased by 1 step.
--Mammals increased by 1 step.
----Insincere pheme learned.
Considered Oleapias Plaque.
--Reason increased by 1 step.
----Mind pheme learned.
--Sleuthing increased by 1 step.
----Induction pheme learned.
Studied Gates.
--Gates Methods increased by 1 step.
Aveline and Vrenelle used Compete; Aranaz merit now at 241.
Successful event!
--Negation Methods increased by 1 step.
----Air pheme learned also for the fifth time.
Cast Intense Focus.
--Plus 5 to Planning.
--Minus 2 to Animal Husbandry and Administration.
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Drive Carriage increased by 1 step.
----Learned about Godina Park: Carriage Station.
----Raid increased by 1.
------Create Distraction action learned.
--Glamour Spells increased by 1 step.
----Solid Demeanor spell learned.
--Poisons increased by 1 step.
Successful adventure!
--Planning increased by 2 steps.
----Planning skill maxed!
----Daniel Big Danny Carters Catalog available.
Successful event!
--Manipulation increased by 1 step.
Successful holiday!
--Relationship with Errus Viada increased to 4.
Studied Gates.
--Gates Spells increased by 1 step.
Studied Gates.
--Gates Methods increased by 1 step.
----Air pheme learned.
----Water pheme learned.
Studied Gates.
--Gates Phemes increased by 1 step.
----Accuracy pheme learned.
----Gates increased by 1.
------Animal pheme learned.
Successful event!
--Relationship with Rieuelle Chastellain increased to 1.
--Curiosity increased by 1 step.
Successful holiday!
--Infiltration increased by 2 steps.
----Weasel Words spell learned.
New Abilities
Consider Oleapias Plaque: +1 step in Reason and random Dialectic skill.
Stir Up Trouble: Charm/Intrigue v9; -2 Relationship between 2 random members of chosen clique (except players).
Mucking About (Carriage Station): +25 pims, +1 Stress, +1 step in Drive Carriage, Animal Husbandry, and random Befriend skill.
Create Distraction: Lower Chance of Discovery by 7% for 2 days.
Solid Demeanor (Spell): No roll; +1 Charm and +3 Intimidation for 7 days.
Weasel Words (Spell): Charm/Deceit v12; +3 Relationship with chosen instructor.