Part 42: Fighting for Food
Aruit 12-14

Vrenelle flips through the three recipes, making sure everything is in order before you start phase 2: getting better ingredients.

Vrenelle nods and you both sketch out a few ideas. Finally, the time comes to pick one.

No Ask Vrenelle this time, but there are a couple of ways to tap her help. Im a bit curious what Patience could turn up, for one.
The market is open to everyone, and theres bound to be a good supplier for ingredients somewhere. But after being chuckled at or told to go away more times than you want to count, youre ready to throw in the towel.

Back to our old friend Persuasion.

You both talk through the possibilities, but eventually you are forced to conclude that the head gardener has no weaknesses.

Vrenelle turns a light shade of pink.

Still curious as to what happened, you head to speak with the head gardener alone while Vrenelle admires some plants in the greenhouse. You find him wrist deep in the soil of the gardens and ask him if he can spare a few minutes. He nods and stands up, wiping off his hands on his equally dirty smock.

Framing your words carefully, you begin by discussing the current food situation and how you suspect the chefs are skimping on the ingredients.

The gardener thinks it over carefully. Youre not sure which way hell go until he sticks out his hand.

You thank him over and over and hand him your list of requirements. Feeling giddy with your success, you rush over to Vrenelle and inform her that you can take the next step.

You have your recipes and your ingredients will be delivered on demand, but even now you cant simply march into the kitchen and demand they change their menu. You need to show a demand for better quality, make the chefs want to do better. Asking them pretty please wont be enough.
Perhaps you shouldnt have been surprised at Vrenelles ideas; she did pick Aranaz for a reason, after all. Still, you dont want to ruin your reputation over cafeteria food, so you talk her out of the most horrific options, leaving the ones that cant be as easily traced to you.

Once again the game assumes the PC is in one of the other six colleges and is thus disturbed by Vrenelles ideas, so once again I had to do some editing. Concentration may be the likeliest to work, but Im getting tired of not getting skill boosts since the chosen skill is already maxed. Manipulation still has a ways to go, so why not?

Finding the right spot is the easiest part. Not only does everyone visit the library often, but its full of hiding spots from which to whisper.

Before leaving, you come up with a game plan: youll both head down to the library separately and meet up at a certain stack, then take turns finding a hiding spot to whisper from and acting as lookout to indicate where potential listeners are.
When you reach the library, you volunteer to hide first. Its not long before you hear Vrenelle slam her book, indicating its time to begin. You pretend to be two different people on a rimbal team, and you whisper back and forth how glad you are that the chefs made your team that special meal before the last game and how you wouldnt have won without it. When you hear a book drop on the other side of the bookshelf, you know youve been heard, so you dash away before you can be spotted.
You arrive back at the table just before your target exits the stacks, looking for the two rimbal players he just heard. You and Vrenelle have to bury your faces in your books to avoid laughing as you watch him pace the stacks several times before finally giving up. When he leaves, its Vrenelles turn to sneak off.
Vrenelle is equally successful, and after you send twenty people off to talk with their classmates, you decide youve done enough and head out.

The Tree still looks a bit wary at returning to the Tower of the Cold Forge so soon, but your pep talks have at last convinced them to at least assemble for another try. As you enter the main chamber of the first floor, you see the ghost waiting for you.

The ghost directs you to one last regular-sized chamber, this one rather odd for having no marking above the door. As you enter it, you notice only that the room is completely empty.

This check is so easy there isnt even a roll for it.
Just as you suspected. The entire Five-Handed Tree starts into the phemes of different spellsand, oddly, the ghost seems to be giving you all the time you need to finish them. Then he explodes into half a dozen different colors as all your spells go off at once. You back up and wait for him to reform; you hope youve made your point, but if not, you can keep this up all day.
As the mist coalesces back into its ghostly form, you ready your wand, but the spirit holds out his hand and speaks in a surprisingly normal voice:

The ghost lowers his head in shame.

He gestures ruefully at his incorporeal form.

The ghost glances up at you.

His face takes on a pleading look.

Glancing back to your Clique, you see nods all around. You brace yourself for the cold, then make contact with the shades extended hand.

You run off to find the Vernin Regent.

Heading around the side of the Vernin campus, you come across Lambert Cobo, who seems to have been waiting for you. Still well aware of how the two of you met last, your wand is instantly in your hand, but Lambert holds up his arms in surrender.

The Legate? This youd like to hear. You lower your wand, although you keep it in your hand just in case.

You shrug, not wanting to confirm anything just in case hes trying to get proof of wrongdoing.

In the end, you dont quite trust Lambert, so you end up setting Rui da Casga on worming the truth out of his Regent while you head straight for the Legates office. Orso Orsi isnt in, of course, so you leave a message with his assistant. A few hours later, Rui returns to confirm di Lucca Alazzos ignorance and you get a written reply from the headmaster.
Wait, it says. Thats all.
It would seem you have no choice.

During breakfast, you can feel the tension in the air as every table glares at every other. Finally, one Fifth Year stands up and walks over to a table full of rimbal rivals, rudely jabs his fork into their food, and takes a bite. His eyes widen instantly and he shouts, Just like I thought! Youre getting better food than we are!
Thats ridiculous! a Fifth Year nearby responds. Youre the bunch getting better food! The argument spirals out of control from there until finally the captains of the seven teams collect together and calm their fellow students down.
Weve decided theres only one way to solve this, one of the captains explains. We need different food, better food for everyone, so we can be sure no ones getting special treatment. We need better food! We need better food!
The call is taken up by everyone until the entire cafeteria is rumbling with the chant. You and Vrenelle trade smiles, knowing that the time is right for the next step. And until then, you can use your position on the student council to placate the masses and assure them youre already working on a solution. Time to get some attention.

Now that the people are near rioting over better food, its time to deal with the last hurdle: the kitchen staff itself. You had hoped the head chef would cave in during your confrontation during the demonstration at breakfast, but he merely dug his heels in, refusing to budge even an inch.
You and Vrenelle put your heads together to come up with alternatives. More than one of the options you consider could have dire consequences if you fail, but with everything else in place and waiting, its time to consider drastic action.

Drastic action indeed. And as an added benefit, both this and the final stage of Vrenelles adventure raise one attribute, rather than a skill. Its all a question about which one you want to raise. Conversation sounds like a nice option, but a little anonymous Blackmail is far more certain. Besides, Im sure Ilianas 8 Charm is enough.
For now.

But she does in the end, feeling that, it being her project, she should be there if it all goes down in flames. She does try to suggest a few alternatives, like leaving letters around or sending someone else in your place, but you know that face-to-face is the only way to be sure.

Finally you get Vrenelle settled enough and can start writing the letter. It doesnt take long; four sentences is all you need to get the point across, tell the head chef where and when to meet, and what he should and shouldnt do. Vrenelle takes the letter to deliver via the network shes already setup through the staff.
That evening, you and Vrenelle sneak off to the appointed meeting place an hour early, your disguises already donned.

Not that you are, really, but Vrenelle is worried enough as it is. You sink into the shadows and wait. Two minutes before the appointed time comes, the head chef slinks into the only lit spot in the hallway.

The head chef scoffs.

You explain everything you know about his skimming off the ingredient budget. You also speculate about what the students parents might do if they heard their children were getting anything less than the best, and just to line a crooked cooks pockets.

The head chef thinks his options over. You can tell the exact moment when he breaks by the droop of his shoulders.

You wait for five minutes once the head chef plods off, then get back to Aranaz as fast as you can. Once there, Vrenelle gives you an enormous hug.

All that spare junk Ilianas been picking up sure is worth a lot, isnt it? The first shop I visited was Garibaldis again, this time to pick up the highly illegal Necromancers Ring, which gives a +1 to Gates and +2 to Astrology. Pretty expensive at 980, but Ive searched through all the other shops available at this point and there isnt much more worth buying right now. Plus there are tons of ring slots, so what the heck.
That said, the second shop was actually a catalog, Haejar Enthifal Cortaths Catalog. What a mouthful. Haejars sells books, some of which will boost stats when you use them, while others will provide a static bonus when equipped, much like any other item. In this case, Im buying Ranaldo The Underbellys Diary. Its worth 874 and provides a static +2 The Calamities and +1 Insight. Not like I even need Insight at this point; Im basically doing it to spend money. As a reminder, catalogs differ from merchants in two ways: first, catalogs dont buy items from the player, and you need to wait a few days before the item will show up. Annoyingly, you dont get a popup or a reminder or anything when your purchases come, so you need to check your inventory every day until it shows up in your wardrobe (the wardrobe being a place to store unused items so they dont count against your Size/Concealment stats).
Gains of the Rest of the Week
Glamour Methods increased by 1.
--Glamour Methods skill maxed!
--Head of the Class spell learned.
Logic increased by 1.
--Logic skill maxed!
--Learned about the Broken Statue of Pal.
Successful adventure!
--Persuasion cannot be increased.
Tabin and Malacresta used Compete; Aranaz merit now at 313.
Handled Familiar.
--Cpt. Felixs Hide increased by 4 separate steps.
Successful adventure!
--Manipulation increased by 1 step.
----Faraday Tenebach, Catalog available.
Successful adventure!
--Insight increased by 1.

--Awareness increased by 1 step.
----Insight pheme learned.
----Society increased by 1.
--Relationship with Lambert Cobo increased to 3.
--Patience increased by 1 step.
----Anger pheme learned.
Successful adventure!
--Finesse increased by 1.

Sold the Emergency Preparedness Ring, the Emerald, Small, and Geras Wand, purchased the Necromancers Ring.
Purchased Ranaldo The Underbellys Diary.
New Abilities
Head of the Class (Spell): Charm/Glamour v7, 10, and 12; +3 Leadership for 5 days, then +1 Relationship with 2 random students, then +1 Relationship with 1 random instructor.
Attend the Broken Statue of Pal: +3 Logic for 2 days.