Part 44: Is Through His Stomach
Aruit 20-21

You have once again arranged to meet Oan in the Garden Gallery, and you spend some time catching up on what each of you has accomplished over the past year. Eventually, though, Oan asks you the central question: So Ive enjoyed talking with you and all, but Im guessing you didnt just want to chat, did you?
Not completely, you admit. The thing is, my um usual tutor was busy today, and Ive been asking her about how to show off good study habits. Youre a Third Year, and youve really got it together, so I was hoping maybe you could ?
Oan laughs at your praise. Trust me, sister, I am not someone you should look towards as having things together. The way we hauled off as soon as I knew where to look for the Trees should have told you everything you ought to know about that. Still, I guess I do know a few tips about studying that a First Year wouldnt know. For instance, a lot of kids like to try pulling all-nighters just before an exam. But if you do that, youll be so tired you cant read the words! No, what I do is cram early in the day so I can get a good nights sleep. Then youll have a clear head and all the answers ready to go

Youre not sure how it happened. It seemed like just one moment you were walking along the via, searching around for party favors, and the next something heavy came down out of the sky and conked you in the head. When you recover, you realize that what hit you was a pouch of considerable weightconsiderable thanks to the number of pims in the pouch.
You look up, wondering where it dropped from, and you see a few balustrades that seem likely. Perhaps it belongs to someone up there?

No rolls, so this is just a moral choice. And while Iliana would gladly take a windfall like this, there are people watching, so
You tie the pouch securely to your belt and proceed to knock on every nearby door, asking each person in turn if he or she dropped anything recently. Most people respond with a shake of their head, although one man gives you a strange look and slams the door in your face.
Well, you did your best, and the owner didnt show up. Youll just have to keep the money yourself. What a bummer.
Interestingly, if you try and just leave with the money, that works too. The benefit of asking is an extra point in Ethics.

Turning, you spy Oan speaking with another Third Year who decided to crash your party. Your smile increases by a few degrees as you wave to Oan, shouting over the noise, Its good to see you!
Oan smiles back and responds, No way Id miss a killer party like this, especially when its my favorite First Years birthday! She hands you a small sheaf of papers. Before you can ask whats on them, she explains: Its an essay Im writing about how we discovered the Trees of Knowledge! Its been a busy year for me and Im taking my time since I want to do this right, but I hope to have it finished by the end of the year. Youre getting full credit for everything you did, of course, and I wanted you to have an early look at it.
Feeling pleased and more than a little proud, you thank Oan for her gift and move further into the crowd.

Magalda colors up.

Magalda hurries away before you can ask any more questions. Not being especially curious about her, you shrug and move along.

So heres an interesting note. Ive been kind of building up a sort of relationship between Emilia Strolin and Rui da Casga for a while now in the non-canon writing, but on this day I happened to notice that Emilia used her Familiar ability (Social Webspinning) on Rui herself. So out of curiosity, I decided to check their mutual relationship; you can do this by bringing up the Gossip action and selecting a student you're Informed on, which always includes Clique members: when selecting the second target, the menu will show the first characters relationships with every other student. Sure enough, although the other members of the Tree have at best a friendly 3 or 4 with each other, Emilia and Rui have a mutual relationship of 9 out of 10, and only Iliana herself has a relationship that high with either one of them.
Go figure, right?

This has roots which no one can see,
Grows taller than trees;
Up and up it goes,
Yet so slowly it grows.

From the center of the city
To the middle of nowhere.
I treat all as equals,
Even as some make way for others.
Pilgrims praise me,
Armies adore me,
And merchants marvel at my magnificence.

It is afternoon and the common room is surprisingly quiet. Most of the students are working on their assignments, and the few who arent have politely found quiet activities to engage in. Even the normally rambunctious study groups are arguing in low volumes. Its enough to let you quietly concentrate on every step you need to take tonight for the perfect dinner party, but thats when several students suddenly leap up, shrieking in surprise.
Sighing, you stand up and prepare to head for the library, but suddenly a creature flies up to your face! You block with your hand just in time, but as you look around you see that the entire common room is being accosted by a horde of pixies!

Well, thats new. Running is green, but thats the chickens way out. Schoolyard Education is normally just a euphemism for brawling, so what good can it do here?
This situation feels familiar. You realize you heard about it once in class. But what was it youre supposed to do in case of pixie attack?
Thats right, negotiate!
Well, there you go. Guess it was just a Chance of Success boost, since there arent any new options.
You try for some time to catch one of the diminutive pests, but they are simply too fast.
Still, no reason for that to deter you. You announce to the room at large that you have captured one of the pixies and will not release it until the hostilities against your college have ceased.
Unfazed, the pixies conduct a quick headcount. This worries you, and you think you may have made the situation worse, but fortunately the pixies cant seem to agree on just how many came in the raiding party to begin with. Flustered, the entire horde flies off.
With a slowly spreading grin, you open your empty hand, and the entire room cheers.

Everything is at last in readiness. The invitations you sent out earlier to five of your favorite teachers, and all of them have RSVPed, intrigued by your experiment.

You arrange for permission to stay in the kitchen during the food creation. Having memorized the recipes, you know each and every move the chefs make before they make it. For their part, the chefs try their best to ignore you, but they cant help but glance over as they add the high quality ingredients to their creations. As one scoops a cup full of white powder to add to her dough, you quickly rush over and grab her arm, shaking your head wordlessly.

The cook obliges, and the color runs from her face as she realizes her mistake.

You pat her shoulder and dump the salt back where it came from, then take the measuring cup to the washing station as the chef corrects her mistake and continues with the dish.
After some time passes, Vrenelle pops her head back in and gives you the thumbs up, indicating that all your guests are now present. As each dish finishes, you check them personally with a careful look and a taste of the pans and bowls they came from. As you deem each ready, the chefs measure each dish into five servings and set them on three separate platters. The other three members of the Tree, whom youve coopted into playing servers tonight, take each of the three dishes out to the table. Vrenelle shows up with them:

You straighten your robes and head out behind your dish-wielding friends, watching as they place the platters down perfectly on the stands set out for them. Each plate and bowl is then set out for each professor until they all have a set of three. Your servers then back away and return to the kitchen.
As Vrenelle explains what each dish is, you suddenly realize the professors havent been given anything to drink! The glasses are still turned upside down, showing they havent been offered anything at all.
You leave Vrenelle to cover for you and rush back into the kitchen, where you see your other friends relaxing next to the oven. The chefs, on the other hand, are nowhere to be found.

Tacito slaps his forehead.

Hunting around, the only thing you find quickly is a set of pitchers full of water. You quickly set two on a platter, then remember to test each one. Sure enough, one was in the middle of getting cleaned, and is full of dirty dishwater! You test another pitcher, find out its clean, then rush out to the table with your bounty, just in time to see the professors start on their first dish.
Vrenelle sees you coming, and her eyes widen as the realization dawns on her. She quickly flips the glasses over, allowing you to fill each one just as you reach the table. The closest professor smiles as he sees you filling his cup, but asks:

Professor Sido nods at your thoughtfulness, you sigh at the averted crisis, and the professors dig into the dishes, smiling at each bite.
The food turned out perfect, and the service (at least from that point forward) is spectacular. Now that theyve finished, theres just the matter of passing on the good word. As your friends clear away the dishes, and Em squeezes your hand for good luck, the professors invite you and Vrenelle to sit down and explain her project. Vrenelle answers most of the questions herself, describing how she had the idea for the project and (somewhat edited) how you got your recipes and the kitchens cooperation.

Uh oh! Professor von Rupprecht isnt exactly the thinnest professor, and he can be quick to take offense. You dodge into the conversation.

Thankfully, von Rupprecht seems to buy your explanation.

Vrenelle takes back over, and winds the conversation to its conclusion.

You and Vrenelle walk back into the kitchen, joining Rui, Emilia, and Tacito at a crack in the doorway to watch the professors make their decision. Finally, when one of them stands up and walks toward you, you scatter away from the door and try to act casual.
Professor Pachait enters the kitchen with a large smile.

You all burst into applause before the professor is even out the door. Vrenelle bounces up and down, giving everyone a bone-crushing hug in turn. After your turn comes, all you can do is sit back and relax, basking in the moment.
Note that the text of the final adventure stage is virtually identical in each case, the only change being who is asked to dinner. The only real difference is which attribute gets raised.
Gains of the Weekend
Hung Out with Oan.
--Stress decreased by 1.
--Study Habits increased by 2 steps.
----School Survival increased by 1.
Studied at the Mantle of Stars.
--Study Habits increased by 1 step.
--Theory of Astrology increased by 2 steps.
----Insight into the Planets Schemes spell learned.
Had a Party.
--Relationship with Tacito Viadana increased to 10.
--Relationship with Magalda Quaranta increased to 1.
--Relationship with Courtenay de Surval increased to 2.
--Relationship with Malacresta Vercesi increased to 4.
--Money decreased by 20.
Aveline and Aymeri used Compete; Aranaz merit now at 325.
Successful event!
--Money increased by 50.
--Ethics increased by 1 step.
----The Force of Duty spell learned.
Low Stress! You now feel Salt of the Earth: +1 Confidence and Composure. [unlocked by Parental Approval 110+ and Stress 2 or lower]
Morvidus wins again.
Cast Intense Focus.
--Plus 5 to Study Habits.
--Plus 1 to Insight.
--Minus 2 to Flawless Timing and Dedication.
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Mammals increased by 1 step.
----Lie Down with Lambs ability learned.
--Study Habits increased by 1 step.
----Study Habits skill maxed!
----Teach action learned.
----School Survival increased by 1.
------School Survival skill maxed!
------Hang Out action learned.
--Danger Sense increased by 1 step.
Successful adventure!
--Intelligence increased by 1.

Aveline used Compete; Aranaz merit now at 328.
Successful event!
--Bluff increased by 1 step.
----Ice pheme learned.
----Gossip increased by 1.
------Agitation pheme learned.
New Abilities
Insight into the Planets Schemes (Spell): Insight/Theory of Astrology v4; +4 on contested rolls vs. target character for 3 days.
The Force of Duty (Spell): Charm/Astrology v6; target Studies for 1 full day.
Lie Down with Lambs (Permanent): +2 to Animal Husbandry and Temperance.
Teach: Contested Insight/Dialectic, and Intelligence/Dialectic v20 and 25; +1 step to targets chosen subskill for each roll passed.
Hang Out: +1 Relationship between self and chosen Clique member and +1 Relationship between two random Clique members.
Aside from a bit of a denoument, Vrenelles adventure is finished, and with it, all mandatory adventures are complete! Well, aside from the cats adventure, but thats set to wrap up before too long, too. Thus, while the time for voting has come again, all of the following options are optional.
A. Weve been curious about Scenes from a Dialectic Class for a while now, right?
B. Or would a pop quiz in Revision class suit better?
C. Then again, how about seeing some professors in action during an attack on the school?
D. von Rupprechts guest will be here soon, and Professor Sido has only gotten more nervous. Whats up with that?
E. The cats adventure wont take much longer; how about teaming up in a special adventure afterwards?
F. The Venalicium Library holds few secrets to Iliana at this point. But theres always one more
G. Something else you might think of.
As always, please vote for up to 3 options in any order, and Ill take the top 3 choices.