Part 50: Rescue on the High Winds
Veranix 5-7

The Sphinx watches you for a good, long while, but your gaze doesnt waver. Finally, she lowers her head and sighs.

You and Philippe Marchant have never exactly seen eye to eye on most things, so its understandable that he pulls out his wand and enters a wary stance when you approach him.

Philippe narrows his eyes, wondering what youre getting at. Still, he cant disagree.

That knocks Philippe right off his guard.

After some more convincing, you eventually get Philippe alone in an unused room of the Great Hall. You then spend some time brainstorming ideas to get Philippe more money.

Philippe snatches the letter from your hands and looks doubtfully at your cursive.

I sure do, you think to yourself, smirking at Philippes receding figure.

You were a bit put off by the Sphinxs joke at the start, but when you finally sat down in front of the harpsichord, you quickly discovered that playing a musical instrument is far harder than it looks.
Back in the Library of Longshade, you look around for more books on Escape Artistry, and you find one that describes several techniques for contorting yourself to fit through ropes and tight spaces. Reflecting back on your Dance studies with the Sphinx, you realize that the two have a surprising amount in common.

You find Carmine, and together you make your way back to the Imperial Docks. The Golden Unicorn will be sailing off on its normal trading route before too long, and you need to get aboard before it leaves to try and find out when the next shipment of books is due back in Mineta. You could also use some information on how the thieves are pilfering the rare codices in the first place.
As you are hiding behind a stack of crates, considering the best way to sneak aboard, you spot the tall catnapper again, dragging the poor apprentice onto the ship!

Making the Observation check should lead to a fairly easy Coordination roll, but sadly this segment is also broken and the option wont show up. At least Hide is black now.
The sailors are still loading large wooden crates onto the ship. You and your cat sneak inside one of them, while Carmine and his dog climb into another. Your crates are loaded onto the vessel, and you are safely aboard without being detected.

It doesnt take you long to discover the booksellers apprentice, who was left tied up in a corner of the cargo hold. As you untie him, he explains what happened:

As the apprentice concludes his story, you hear some increased activity above you. You suspect getting out of the ship may be harder than getting in.

Pretty hard, yeah. Had to do this adventure a few times before I succeeded, and that was after I used the Intense Focus to bring it into the red.

Your party gathers together and makes a single collective dash out of the hold. You turn out to be lucky indeed, as only one sailor is in a position to spot you. You quickly cast the March of Terror, causing the mariner to cower from nothing but fear itself. Not wanting to risk the plank, you swing overboard and climb down the ropes along the hull, then drop the last few feet to the base of the dry dock as your human friends follow you. Major Felix, however, cannot resist taking a parting swipe at the hapless sailor before leaping nimbly from the prow straight onto the dock. Fiero, not as nimble as a cat, makes a leap off the boats edge as Carmine casts a spell to slow him down enough to catch.
Climbing out of the dock, you make your way quietly and quickly back to the streets before you finally stop to catch your breath. You can hardly believe you made it out without getting caught. The apprentice thanks you again and again for all your help, then heads off to make his own plans on how to help catch the booksellers son in the act.

You spend some time winding down with Carmine in the city, but when you finally arrive back at the gates, you find them already closed for the night!
Frustratedyou didnt want to have to walk all the way around to Carmines side entranceyou begin knocking on the stone walls as you move, hoping against hope that maybe therell be a secret entrance somewhere close by.
Instead, you discover a trap: a plant suddenly shoots out of the ground and begins to ensnare you!

That Botany check is pretty hard, but that History option looks like another investigation.
Thinking back to the old stories, you remember that Zamitras, the Shining One, fought his way through similar plants while in the Demon Jungles using only his hands to pull the roots away from the earth which held the vines power. Following his example, you reach down to the base of the plant and tug it right from the soil with surprising ease. The vine shrivels immediately, leaving only a stunning piece of jade behind.
Or it could turn out to be a regular option. Still, Im not turning my nose up at that jade; the thing is worth a cool 550 pims. Seems like it may be time to go shopping again.
Gains of the Rest of the Week
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Awareness increased by 1 step.
----Omni pheme learned.
----Society increased by 1.
------Charm pheme learned (fourth time and counting).
--Hide increased by 1 step.
----Chameleon pheme learned.
--Court Hairstyles increased by 1 step.
----Sheen pheme learned.
----Aesthetics increased by 1.
------Preen action learned.
--Famous Battles increased by 1 step.
----Smooth pheme learned.
Attended a Tutoring Session.
--Oncestrian increased by 1 step.
----Language increased by 1.
------Learned about the Venalicium Library: Linguistic Section.
--Elumian increased by 1 step.
----Confound pheme learned.
--Relationship with Tarvixio Sido increased to 9.
Bragged on Philippe Marchant.
--Relationship with Philippe Marchant increased to 1.
--Philippe Marchants Parental Approval increased by 5.
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Sleuthing increased by 1 step.
----Piers Bethertenson, Catalog available.
----Dialectics increased by 1.
--Hide increased by 1 step.
--Harpsichord increased by 1 step.
--Bureaucracy increased by 1 step.
----Irrational pheme learned.
Studied at Longshade.
--Escape Artist increased by 1 step.
----Fitness pheme learned (fourth here, too).
--Dance increased by 1 step.
----Learned about Avendras Studio.
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Theory of Enchantment increased by 1 step.
----Learned about Professor Leiths Back Office.
--Escape Artist increased by 1 step.
----Learned about the Rope Maze.
--Piety increased by 1 step.
----Learned about Admiratio: Beggars Corner.
--Criminal Law increased by 1 step.
----Learned about Daribus Conleys Court: Observation Gallery.
----Law increased by 1.
Cast Intense Focus.
--Plus 5 to Escape Artist.
--Plus 1 to Insight.
--Minus 2 to Hunting and Bassan.
Successful Adventure!
--Hide increased by 1.
----Screen pheme learned.
--Bond of Stars increased by 1 step.
--Familiar Kinship cannot be increased.
--Finesse increased by 1.

--Maj. Felixs Finesse increased by 1.
--Bond of Iron increased by 1 step.
--Lend Strength ability learned.
--Lend Finesse ability learned.
--Lend Fitness ability learned.
Successful event!
--Gained a Small Jade.
--Learned about the above.
New Abilities
Preen: Charm/Aesthetics v5; +1 to Social Actions for 5 days.
Consult the Linguistic Section: +1 step to 2 random Language skills and Library Knowledge.
Register at Avendras Studio: -200 pims; can train at Avendras Studio.
Professor Leiths Back Office: Insight/Theory of Enchantment v11; +1 to Relationship with Professor Leith, and +1 to 2 random Enchant subskills regardless.
Run the Rope Maze: Fitness/Escape Artist v9; +100 pims, or +2 Stress if check is failed.
Give Charity and Work (Beggars Corner): Insight/Piety v22; +1 Insight and Confidence, and +1 step to Ethics, Piety, and random Cooking subskill regardless.
Watch a Conley Trial from the Observation Gallery: +1 step to Criminal Law, Lying, and 1 random skill.
Lend Strength: -1 Strength for +3 Familiars Strength for 3 days, and +2 steps in Familiar Kinship.
Lend Finesse: -1 Finesse for +3 Familiars Finesse for 3 days, and +2 steps in Familiar Kinship.
Lend Fitness: -1 Fitness for +3 Familiars Fitness for 3 days, and +2 steps in Familiar Kinship.
The cat bond adventure will be finished this coming Monday, so its voting time once again! That last week rather burned me out on one-shot adventures for the time being, so Ill fill out the roster with a few of the more interesting student adventures.
A. Theres less than three months left of the school year, and one of them is full of exams. Time is running out to see Scenes from a Dialectic Class.
B. Von Rupprechts guest is just about here, only a few final preparations to make. If Iliana wants to get involved, its now or never.
C. Zoe Melis has done well as one of Milenas tutors, but she wants to make even more money as a freelancer. All she needs now is a manager
D-1: Helping out the school bullies would be a great way to get them off Ilianas back. She could help Philippe
D-2: Or perhaps the same adventure from Joanas perspective would make more sense.
E. You remember Durand from the Dance of Fools, right? He may be in Durand (

F. Expanding the Bassan language to 3 will open up a very particular adventure. It may just involve some Gates and Mastery
G. Then again, another one-shot featuring Legate Orso Orsi might not be so bad.
H. Anything else you can think of.
Adventures arent keeping like they used to, so while you still only get three votes, I will now accept the top four winners. Oh, and the subvotes for D will be counted separately, so dont be afraid of splitting the bully vote.