Part 55: Puzzles and Persuasions
Veranix 22-26

Youre a bit startled today when you see Professor Valenta, the arithmetic instructor, at the podium as dialectics class begins. One of your classmates actually groans out loud, though you cant tell who. The professor pretends not to notice.

Ilianas too good a student not to pay attention, but why write things down when Sido wont ever put it in a test?
Youd never given a whole lot of thought to the history of math before, but its actually kind of interesting. Some of the early schools sound more like cults than a bunch of nerds shouting at one another about the definition of pi. And even then they managed to spruce up the latter by including a few assassinations over stuff like irrational numbers.
Credit where credit is due: Professor Valenta is really excited about the subject. Its a good lecture!

Well, its happened again.
Once again, you just happened to be in the bad part of the docks, minding your own business, talking with some of the pirates who use the area, and once again you wound up crossing paths with buccaneers who dont happen to like Asad the Lion very much (nor you by association), so once again youve been shanghaied at sword point. Once again, you know you wont be held for more than a day or two thanks to the potential ire of the Academagia faculty, but once again youd rather not wait that long and so once again youve challenged the captain to a contest for your freedom.
At least the contest itself is different. You and the captain will take turns walking along the plank not currently attached to the dock to see how far you can go before overbalancing and falling off.

The words arent exactly the same, but this event is a shot-for-shot remake of the last pirate contest with the boxes and crates that needed moving below decks. The bit with accusing the captain of losing his sea legs in particular is almost identical. At least the choices are different. Everythings green, but Manipulation seems the most hilarious.
You give the captain a smirk, look over at the pier beyond the precarious plank, and say:

Oh good, he fell for it. The captain steps onto the plank and walks to the end, the wood swaying forebodingly beneath his feet. Turning back to you, the captain is dismayed to see a bored, unimpressed look on your face. Scowling, he inches further out, moving his heels off the plank which wobbles worryingly with every movement.

You respond by rolling your eyes. Too angry to think straight, the captain moves farther out, and just a bit too quickly. The plank bucks once too often and the captain goes down head over heels, crashing through a web of ropes before landing heavily on the dry dock several feet below. As the ships crew swarm down the side to save their captain, you take advantage of the situation to slip off the ship and sneak off.

In your experience, the Emperors Sphinx rarely displays much emotion beyond amused superiority except on special occasions. Thus your surprise is understandable when, upon showing the Sphinx the title of the book you rescued from the evil bug-men, her eyes go wide with shock.

You explain what happened, starting with the note in Bassan and ending with your escape from the hidden cavern.

You nod as you pack the codex away. You happen to know of just the bleeding vault where it would be safe; youll just have to borrow back a certain amulet from Garibaldi first

Youre up in front of the class.

Option 1 there ends with, I win because Flore cant stop laughing long enough to argue. Iliana isnt much of a class clown, and shes not that in favor of honesty, so lets go with Temperance.
Flore chuckles.

Flore can only smile and nod her defeat.

Todays dialectics class is basically just free reading. Professor Sido announced as class began that his planned discussion topic turned out to be dull as a wet pair of socks, so he proposed to hold class outside to make up for itand thats when it began to rain.
So instead, you all migrated over to the Venalicium Library. Youre all supposed to write a one-page paper on something society takes for granted, but well, its Sido. Give him two sentences and a good joke and hell probably give you full credit.

True to form, you can actually get away with napping. Still, Sido deserves some effort, doesnt he?
Whos a paper-writing machine? You think it might just be you. Professor Sido takes your paper with a nod, and you see him grinning as he skims through it. Good work!

An upperclassman you dont recognize catches you in the hallway and tells you to go to the Dragon Nose Pizza to pick up dinner for him while he studies. You try to explain you dont know what in the world he means, but he cuts you off. Its a new food shop downtown. Its between the baker and the silversmith on Mill Road.
Youre familiar with the area, but you dont recall seeing any sort of food shop. Beyond the baker, that is. Unwilling to argue with an upperclassman, you head off with his written order in one hand and the money to pay for it in the other.
As it happens, finding the shop is no trouble, and you wind up in a small one-room shop filled with tables and a wide counter at the back. You place your order for a pizza, apparently a wide, flat bread covered with assorted toppings which are in this case onions, mushrooms, and goat cheese.
While you wait for the pizza to cook in a large two-chamber oven, you end up chatting with the owner, who explains how he immigrated from Strozza recently, where pizzas are considered a staple. He thus decided to bring a bit of Strozza with him by opening this shop.
When the owner goes to check on his ingredients, you look around the room and notice a large man standing next to a door near the kitchen. Youd seen him when you entered, obviously, but now he seems to be nervous about something, shuddering and whimpering like a child. You decide to walk up to him and ask:

This is an odd, odd event. Nothing much else to say about it, really.
You scoff at the mans whining.

The large man dashes off around the corner. Your pizza seems to be ready, also, so you take it and head back, convinced you did your good deed for the day.

Professor Sido has just spent the better part of half an hour talking about some of his adventures in the courts of Meril, where poison was common, ladies were bold (including a certain unnamed guest lecturer), and itinerant professors occasionally found themselves locked in wine cellars (for reasons he never gets around to listing). It was one of his better sessions, and the class has been in hysterics.
Now, as the last few minutes of class trickle out, the professor decides to become serious.

This may not be the best place for Iliana to stick her neck out for Gates. Maybe let someone else speak first?
Flore snorts in disdain.

Now theres a worldview cynical enough to hide behind! Especially after Orsis stunt with the robe back on the Festival of Blooms. As an odd side note, the overreaction option has disappeared.

As you walk through the bestiary, a powerful force suddenly pulls you against a cage door. You can hear the cloth of your robes shred as a sucking sensation begins to move across your back.
Some kind of creature is trying to eat you! Youd better escape before you become lunch for the beastie

Astrology could always use a boost.
You cast the Principle of Co-Linearity and youre free! You turn around and realize that it was just a hungry giant anteater who was attracted to the biting ants infesting your robes.
Wait, what?!
You begin screaming and dancing around to get the ants off, and your odd behavior winds up becoming a main attraction among the occupants of the bestiary.
At least you end up learning something about ants.

Welcome to the last Scene from a Dialectics Class. Youll remember I told you it wasnt really building up to anything? Well, this somewhat hard First Principles check is basically as big as it gets. The game is really stingy with its Extra Credit points, Ive noticed.
Even before you finish, you already know this is one of the best papers youve ever written. You know the material backward and forward, and your take on it could make a grown scholar weep with jealousy. Why, your skill with dialectics is rivaled only by your modesty!
Fine, but its still a good paper.

It is undoubtedly good to learn from ones mistakes. There are times when one messes something up and takes the time to reflect back, consider ones errors, and find ways to do better next time. You would even be so willing as to say that most mistakes fall into this category. In almost all cases, one can learn something valuable from screwing up.
But then there are the things one would really just rather forget. The things that were so stupid, so inexcusably moronic, so lets say embarrassing, that its better just to forget they happened. Like the time when you were six and got caught trying to sneak into the kitchen larder, hunting for some extra dessert, and you wound up tipping over the stockpot as you tried to flee. The room smelled like chicken for months afterward, long after your rear ceased stinging. Then there was the time you failed to study for a test since you were certain you knew the material backwards and forwards, only to see your confidence dashed when your tutor handed back your paper.
And then there was the time you made the mistake of writing in your journal that you thought a certain professorlets not say whowas rather attractive. Rather attractive wasnt the term you used, but the actual words dont bear thinking about. What does is that this was definitely one of those things that must be swept into the dustbin of forgotten history, uninvestigated and unrecorded. Nobody ever needs to know about the silly, stupid crush you had when you first arrived at school. It wasnt even a crush, really. And no one would know if youd been more careful. You should have torn that page out of the journal, scribbled over it, burned it, and dropped the ashes off the edge of the island. Anything to keep that childish infatuation from ever seeing the light of day.
But you didnt. You foolishly trusted that a private entry in a private journal would remain precisely that: private. And if you were a little less clumsy, youd have been right. If you hadnt tried to carry so many books at once, you wouldnt have dropped them all across the hallway floor. And why were you carrying your journal anywhere? Why would you take a notebook full of your most private thoughts and musings out of the safety of your room? If you just hadnt had that thought of doing some writing au naturale, you wouldnt be in this mess. How nice it would be, you thought, to sit under a tree or by a stream and record my innermost hopes and dreams and observations to look back upon in my old age! How selfless of me to give my eventual biographers such an important tool to capture my youth as I lived it! And now youre not even sure youll reach old age! If this information becomes common knowledge, youre pretty sure youll drop dead of embarrassment!
And of all the people to be standing near when you dropped it, it just had to be Reitz von Lutersee! Everyone at school knows him as the biggest busybody on campus. He collects snippets and secrets like currency, auctioning them off for money and favors. And now your deepest, darkest secret has become just one more of those trinkets, a shiny bauble he can dangle in front of other students until curiosity overwhelms them and they agree to his terms of exchange.
And thats why youre now in Reitzs room, trying to figure out a way to keep your secret a secret. You started by asking nicely. You made veiled threats, and not-so-veiled threats. You even begged and pleaded. But Reitz remains a true professional, unmoved by sentiment or sympathy. He wants something in exchange thats worth his silence, and so he offers you a choice:

(Thanks, SystemLogoff)

If Iliana was ever going to be friends with this guy, well, thats off the table now. As a side note, if Iliana were already friends with Reitz, this event wouldnt have fired at all. But going back to the choices, while I dont think owing Reitz a favor ever actually leads to anything, Iliana clearly hates the idea of owing him anything. Lets cross our fingers and go with Gossip.

You didnt want to do this, but Reitz has left you no choice. You relate a story that was told to you by a certain professor, one that involves another professor, a weekend field trip, and large amounts of alcohol. The teacher was just trying to make you feel better about a stupid decision you made by showing you that others make them, too.
Reitz eats it up, which leaves you off the hook. Your conscience is troubled by what was essentially a betrayal, but you were backed into a corner. You just hope that the professor in question used the story on more than one student so it wont be obvious who blabbed.

You shrug and give a halfhearted nod.

Gains of the Week
Successful adventure!
--Relationship with Evdokseia Valenta increased to 3.
--Famous Geometry Problems increased by 1 step.
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Seeking Friends in Hidden Places increased by 1 step.
--Puzzles increased by 1 step.
----Malice increased by 1.
------Spite pheme learned.
--Gates Phemes increased by 1 step.
----Bone pheme learned.
----Gates increased by 1.
------Summoning pheme learned.
Successful event!
--Manipulation cannot be increased.
Successful adventure!
--Wit cannot be increased.
--Relationship with Flore Yveuillet increased to 1.
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Knots increased by 1 step.
----Explore increased by 1.
------Air pheme learned (9! 9 Air phemes! Ah ah ah!)
--Puzzles increased by 1 step.
----Strip pheme learned.
--Speaking Quietly of Riddles increased by 1 step.
Revision Spells increased by 1.
--Revision Spells skill maxed!
--Revise Homework spell learned.
Successful adventure!
--First Principles increased by 1 step.
--Dialectic Extra Credit increased by 1.
--Relationship with Tarvixio Sido increased to 1.
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Rimbal Positions increased by 1 step.
----Ends pheme learned.
--Puzzles increased by 1 step.
----Divisible pheme learned.
--Transport increased by 1 step.
----Fitness pheme learned.
--Incantation Methods increased by 1 step.
----Incantation Methods skill maxed!
----From Nothing, Knowledge spell learned.
Successful event!
--Conversation increased by 1 step.
Low Stress [actually the Piety buff just wore off]! You now feel Golden: +1 to Charm and +40 to Parental Approval (175).
Conversation increased by 1.
--Conversation skill maxed!
--Exgarcots Extraordinary Gift spell learned.
Successful adventure!
--Intrigue increased by 1 step.
----Exaggerate pheme learned.
--Relationship with Flore Yveuillet increased to 2.
Successful event!
--Learned about Insects skill.
First Principles increased by 1 step.
Successful adventure!
--Dialectic Study level cannot be increased.
--Dialectic Extra Credit increased by 3.
--Intelligence increased by 1.

Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Mammals increased by 1 step.
--Puzzles increased by 1 step.
----Jumble pheme learned.
--Duel Conduct increased by 1 step.
----Air pheme learned (10th time, but there are still 12 more places to learn it!)
--Mastery Methods increased by 1 step.
----Amicita pheme learned.
Corradin dAlfi failed to cast True Friendship.
Successful event!
--Relationship with Reitz von Lutersee increased to 2.
--Character is maxed and cannot be decreased.
New Abilities
Revise Homework (Spell): Intelligence/Revision Spells v21; +2 Extra Credit in class of choice (usable 1/week).
From Nothing, Knowledge (Spell): Intelligence/Incantation Methods v4; +1 step in 2 random skills.
Exgarcots Extraordinary Gift (Spell): Charm/Befriend v9; +1 Glory and +4 to Conversation and +3 to Befriend regardless for 6 days.