Part 65: Fateful Decisions
Kaliri 12-14

You spend another morning hunting through the stacks of Gates books in the Library of Longshade, trying to get as much studied as you can before your focus wavers.
The books you end up finding have a remarkable bestiary and tips on how to meet them out in the wilderness where they live.

Haltingly, you describe what you remember from your encounter with Joana.

The Sphinx lowers her gaze and sighs.

Seeing your anguished expression, the Sphinx turns away. After a lengthy pause, she adds:

Unsurprisingly, you wind up running into Emilia during dinner. Also unsurprisingly, shes looking furious.

You turn on your heel and exit the hall, leaving Emilia behind sputtering for a response.

Your Revision is so good, you dont even need any spells to prepare (although you do make sure to keep all your Revision-boosting items on you). Once again your name sits at the top of the list with a 160, although the other names come closer this time; Raoul Leconte managed to get second place with a 140, and most students who got over a 100 got at least 120.

Back when Gates was a permissible school of magic, this circle of broken stones saw a lot of use. The way they arc in a rough oval shape reminds you of the ribcage of a long-dead giant, exposed after millennia of burial. For all you know, they could be just that, assuming theres a giant out there who had actual stone for bones.
More recently, the megaliths were used for Gates practice: each stone is covered with finely inscribed runes and enchantments. However, thanks to the ban, the stones have been abandoned for years and the stones have weathered in some places, erasing the phemes and disrupting the spells. Practicing Gates here would be even more dangerous than normal, thanks to the half-crazed enchantments left behind. The designs on the stones, however, are highly instructive.

Today you decide to sneak into Emilias dorm room during breakfast and scrawl some unflattering observations about Orso Orsis grooming habits onto her take-home Dialectics essay. If you do it subtly enough, it should get past any last-minute review she does, and then the fireworks afterward should be quite fun to watch

For whatever reason, Professor Sido stops you as he passes you in the hallway and hands you a basket of eggs. He explains in no unclear terms that these are not simple eggs and must be delivered to the kitchen; theyll know what to do with them. He then gives you a wink and promptly leaves.
Was there a message there you didnt quite catch? Does everyone but you know what these eggs are for? You give it a test lift and, sure enough, it is a bit more heavy than you would expect. Hmm.

It does me good to see the Bully option involving Philippe himself is green now. Command looks pretty interesting, but sadly its red. Lets start with the usual investigation, though.
You look around, considering the other students loitering in the hallway.
Theres Beatrix, but she looks to be heading outside. And is that Philippe? Is heno, youre better off not knowing.
Youre about to consider just doing things yourself when you spot Sheary Warringtons head pop into view. Thats a possibility!

Not the best possibility, but a good, friendly one. Lets see if we can get Helpful Lad in on this.
Well, it is Sheary. You only had to mention that you needed to deliver the basket to the kitchen and hes off like a shot. Pretty good, all in all.
Later on, he finds you in the library while youre writing out your dialectics paper. It seems he was given some sweets and wanted to share. You kindly accept his offerafter all, it wouldnt be polite to decline after he went through all that trouble.

According to most people (or at least according to Professor Sido), Chauranglaith was the greatest philosopher who ever lived. Apparently all you need to be a great philosopher is to live in a cave in a mountain and ask a lot of questions, but then youve never really understood why anyone would think thats a good way to spend their life.
Oleapia, despite being merely Chauranglaiths student, seems like a much better figure to emulate. Not only was he the most prolific writer of his time, but he also discovered more phemes than any other philosopher, plus he lived in the city and made money off his teachings like a normal human being.
In fact, several shrines and locations around Mineta were dedicated to Oleapia after his passing. The one youve found on the Academagias grounds looks to be pretty well abandoned, although you have no idea why. Youd bet good money that youre not the only student in dialectic whod be glad for Oleapias blessing before tomorrows final. Fortunately, the donation mechanism still works, and you do feel better about your chances after inserting your coin.

Although youve done your best to keep quiet about your trip to the Room of Records, Emilias indiscretion has meant that all of Aranaz has been pestering you all week about what exactly you found inside. Not all of your classmates have been as aggressive as the Fifth Years who accosted you on Monday, but when their attempts at persuasion and bribery failed, things quickly turned ugly. Youve had to constantly keep the map on your person to avoid having it stolen, and your dorm room has been ransacked so much that youve taken to setting traps everywhere. Now it seems that theyve started conspiring together, as you can overhear a conversation about you.

The other Aranaz students crowd around you, pleading and demanding to know your secret. Once again, you refuse, and they become malicious, throwing sneers and insults at you. Even Carmine turns away from you in disgust. You make an excuse and leave, but you know the harassment wont stop.
Its gotten so you cant even concentrate on finishing your final assignments. The whole experience is souring you to the Sphinx Syndicate and even Aranaz itself. What should you do?

Youre fed up with the heckling. Is the Sphinx Syndicate even worth all this work? What kind of secret society tells everyone in the college about its existence, anyway? College Aranaz is full of ambitious kids like yourself, but is that really the company you should be keeping? You recall how helpful Sheary was earlier, and Durands obsession with his spells. You also remember Prudence, the bad girl of Durand, and Flore, who has a mean streak a mile wide. Maybe Durand isnt such an insufferable college after all. Maybe its time to show them all what youre really made of.
Maybe its time to help College Durand.
You recall Alexander mentioning the Legion of Lions, essentially Durands version of the Sphinx Syndicate. Maybe theyll be interested in the information you have. After making a quick copy of the map for safekeeping, you roll up the original and head off to Campus Durand.
Once there, you look for someone who would probably be in the secret society: an older, popular student. You explain to her that you have some valuable information.
An Aranaz student? Helping us? What kind of fool do you take me for? she asks.
Without a word, you pull out your map and show it to her. Her eyes grow wide as she realizes what you have.
Where did you get this? she demands, seizing it. It looks authentic!
Where I got it doesnt matter. Now do you trust me? you inquire.
She hesitates. No, at least not yet. But give me some time to talk with my colleagues, and well speak later. I wont promise anything, since I still dont know your motive, but youve at least piqued my interest.
You let her take the map with her. You turn around and head back to Campus Aranaz; you should go check if Emilia has found the presents you left on her essay yet.
Gains of the Rest of the Week
Studied at Longshade.
--Gates Methods increased by 1 step.
----Flame Sphere spell learned.
----Gates increased by 1.
------Gates skill maxed! (I blame the buff items)
------Decrepit pheme learned.
--Wilderness Survival increased by 1 step.
----First Aid ability learned.
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Traps increased by 1 step.
----Decompression pheme learned.
--Gates Methods increased by 1 step.
----Curious Eagle spell learned.
--Memorization increased by 1 step.
----Mind pheme learned.
--Passion increased by 1 step.
----Passionate pheme learned.
Feigned Emotions with Emilia Strolin.
---Relationship with Emilia Strolin decreased to 4.
---Guiltied ability added to Emilia Strolin (cannot use hostile actions/abilities/spells until rest).
Attended Revision exam and scored a 160.
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Administration increased by 1 step.
----Stress pheme learned.
--Gates Methods increased by 1 step.
--Birds increased by 1 step.
----Flight pheme learned.
--Reason increased by 1 step.
Boosted Gates.
---Theory of Gates cannot be increased.
---Gates Methods increased by 1 step.
----Gates Methods skill maxed!
----Agitation pheme learned.
Aveline and Vrenelle used Compete; Aranaz merit now at 495.
Used Elleens Eyesore on Emilia Strolin.
---Emilia Strolins Relationship with Orso Orsi decreased by 1.
---Relationship with Emilia Strolin decreased to 3.
Successful adventure!
--Intrigue increased by 2 steps.
Donated at Oleapias Shrine.
--Money decreased by 10.
--Plus 4 to Famous Dilemmas, Logic, Sleuthing, First Principles, and Dialectic.
Successful event!
--Relationship with Sheary Warrington increased to 2.
--Gained Pignoli Cookies.
--Learned about the above.
New Abilities
Flame Sphere (Spell): Intelligence/Gates v5, 10, and 15; 3 balls of fire that deal -2 Vitality each.
First Aid: +1 to Vitality and Stress max for 2 days, and +1 step in Chirurgery.
Curious Eagle (Spell): Insight/Gates v9; Information on random location and +4 to Scouting and Navigation for 7 days.