Part 66: Burning Bridges
Kaliri 15-17

As you expected to, you blow the other students out of the water with your dialectics test score, but even you werent prepared for just how badly you beat them. After all, while you managed a staggering 185, the next highest score is a measly 74. You can hear the other students muttering about favoritism as you walk away, but at the moment, you just cant bring yourself to care.

While Revision classes are, for all intents and purposes, over, that hasnt stopped Professor Aventyrare from offering a few workshops and field trips as a way to burn off steam from study sessions. Today shes set a number of caged animals selected from the school bestiary in a field for students to observe.
When you arrive, the first thing you notice is a little gerbil in a cage. The gerbil is running like mad on an exercise wheel, but then it stops. And then it starts running again, and once again it stops. You feel like you could watch this all day. However, when you bend in for a closer look, the gerbil hops off its wheel, puts its paws up on the cage wall, and stares at you, challenging you, beckoning you into peering right into its tiny rodent soul

Something seems off about this one.
No matter what you do, you keep finding yourself gazing into the eyes of the gerbil. Surely there must be something you can do to stop it!
You break eye contact long enough to read the sign on top of the cage: Sad-Eyed Gerbil of Gloom. WARNING: Avoid Eye Contact!
Figures youd read that after its too late.

On the plus side, it gives us a skill-free way out of this predicament. Still, that doesnt seem nearly awesome enough. Stare it down!
You stare into the gerbils eyes for a bit, but after realizing that the rodent wont blink, you decide to change tactics and merely stare at the things nose instead. Oddly enough, it works, and the deep depression you hadnt noticed creeping over you lifts.
Success! You defeated the sad-eyed gerbil at its own game! You feel giddy as a schoolwell, a you. As you stride off, head held high, you hear the exercise wheel resume its manic spinning.

As you pass through the busy common room, intending to head straight to your dorm room to study, your path is blocked by a cross-looking Carmine with a more nervous-looking Emilia in tow.

As Carmine blanches, Emilia finally speaks up.

As though taking off a mask, the worry drops from Emilias face, replaced with a look of withering scorn.

Laughing to yourself, you brush past the pair and head for your room.

So I kinda wasted this Selective Focus on Glamour Spells when I meant to use it on Gates Spells. I blame the fact that the Selective Focus menu is alphabetized instead of grouped by parent skill like every other skill menu. Unfortunately, I had made enough progress by the time I got curious as to why it still took two steps instead of one for each level that I decided to go on regardless. After all, theres still one more week of Kaliri to go; I can just put in extra time this week and get the rest then once Selective Focus recharges. Exams and social rolls kept me pretty busy anyhow.

One side effect of your constant trips up to the Imperial Palace has been a growing appreciation for the beauty of the Lykian Mountains in late spring. Yet despite the breathtaking view of the Academagia, youve decided to detour off the trail and explore a large cave.
The mouth of the cave is very wide, but as you venture inside, it narrows considerably. A few hundred meters in, the cave drops off. Its not very far down, but you still have to proceed with caution as you climb down the rock wall, all the while as dripping water echoes through the chamber.
Your wand flickering a bit now, you continue your exploration at a more cautious pace than before. A few steps farther, you realize the sound of dripping water has grown to a steady trickle. You stop, trying to find the source of the noise, but thats when you hear a disturbing groan and the trickle turns into a gush.
A wave of water wets your shoes and you realize the cave is flooding!

Uh oh. Better start investigating.
Since your measly wand spell is insufficient to light the cavern, you cast the Lantern of Many Hues and illuminate the whole area.
A few bats flap away from the sudden light, and you can see some rats scrambling for higher ground. However, you dont see anything important until just before the lamp burns out: the water source appears to be a smooth, round hole in the far back corner.
Youve heard about this! Youve managed to stumble into an oscillating underground river. The Sphinx mentioned such things once or twice, but you never thought youd ever see one. While they can be violent and dangerous, they always flow from inside a mountain to the surface, which means that if you can stick with the current youll eventually be carried to an exit.
While informative, the investigation didnt add any options, so lets go with the flow with style.
Using the old standby Sergeis Timely Doorjam, you expand your walking stick into a small log that looks like it should hold your weight. Not wasting a moment, you climb on and hold on for dear life.
Moments later, the current catches your makeshift raft and pulls you down through a long underground river. For a minute or two you remain in complete pitch blackness, but after just enough time passes to make you wonder if youre really going outside after all, the river rounds a bend and you spy the caves opening.
You made it! As soon as you safely can, you paddle for shore, shrink your staff back to a usable size, and head back to the campus.

Once there, you head into the Library of Longshade to continue your Gates Spells studies. With the Sphinxs lecture still echoing in your ears, you wind up searching the books for Competition pointers. Sure enough, theres a lot more about information control than you expected.

For the first time in your life, youre away from home for Theneia. Your stomach growls as you remember the dinner feast your parents usually indulge in for the holiday. The Academagias kitchens are promising a special supper of their own, but you cant help but feel a little skeptical; youve never taken the chefs abilities for granted since your little adventure with Vrenelle.
Vrenelle. And Tacito. And Rui, and Emilia you had been planning to spend the feast with your friends, but thanks to the way things are going, that seems out of the question now. Feeling a little homesick, you almost stumble over Honors Plafox as you cut through the gardens.

You give Honors a small smile. Usually the gathering of theneian flowers is reserved for little children; you and Honors are a bit old for this kind of thing. Then again, its not like there are any younger kids around on the Academagia campus.

What, Lie? Doing it normally might be childish, but maybe theres a way to work smarter.
Wild theneians are tough to find; theyre mostly green and yellow, which means they blend in extremely well with surrounding plants. They also bloom close to the earth, and so youd have to brush aside all the other plants to find them.
However, from what you know of botany, there is a gardening tool perfectly suited to gently push aside all the branches, bushes, and stems to let you find the elusive flowers. Using it would make this task much easier.

Perfect! Nothing like doing things the smart way to make a childish task look grown up.
You explain to Honors about the garden tool, and she loves the idea. The gardener isnt hard to find, and he lets you borrow it without a fuss.
In no time, youre sweeping the undergrowth aside and finding wild theneians all over. Soon, Honors has collected more than enough of the green-spotted yellow flowers for all the centerpieces. She thanks you for all your help, and you in turn admit that you had a little fun. In fact, it also brought back a few fond childhood memories.
All in all, you feel like a happier person.

Another exam means another turn of buffing. Wednesdays happens to be the history final, so Ive packed the usual Adanellas with five Time phemes, which each add +1 to History and Astrology.

While quietly enjoying a drink in one of Minetas many taverns, the slow, steady clunking of a staff on wood pauses the conversations in the room and draws all eyes onto an old, bearded gentleman who just entered the door. The man takes a seat at the bar, adjusts his simple, homespun robe, and then begins to speak. His voice is as scratchy and worn as his face, and as he begins, you spot a few of the regulars rolling their eyes.

The old man coughs violently for a while before he can continue.

The storyteller pauses to look around the tavern, then takes a sip from the mug the bartender had already set for him.

The old man stops, pulling at his beard, apparently struggling to remember the next part.

Well, it does seem a bit exceptional, after all
The old man is clearly exaggerating more than a few of his claims, and its not that hard to sift the fact from the fiction. With that in mind, you have a better idea which of the ancient tales hes actually trying to tell.

Interrupting him would be awfully rude. Lets just push him along in the right direction.

While walking through the main building, you pass by the older Durand student whom you gave the map to. She flashes you a smile when she sees you, and when you approach close enough, she whispers into your ear: Meet us on the topmost floor of the Venalicium Library in five minutes. Names Claudia, by the way.
Five minutes? Thats not much time! You turn to follow her, but shes already gone. Strange. You walk alone to the library, and when you reach the top floor, you see a group of Durand students gathered in a corner to your right.
Aha! one booms, clearly unaware of the rules of skullduggery. So this is the Aranaz student whos come to her senses.
Now look, you correct, I dont have anything against College Aranaz itself. Just with all the people infesting it right now.
Ever the diplomat, Lydia, Claudia groans, rolling her eyes. Anyway, we thought wed take you up on that offer of yours to help. That secret passageway the map showed us works wonderfully, by the way. Thanks.
Yes, we are impressed with your generosity, Lydia admits, toning down her bravado. So what exactly would you like to help with?
I want to help you guys deface the Aranaz Mallen-Stone sculpture.
Cant do that, sorry, Lydia warns. That particular prank is something we use as our initiation, and outsiders cant become part of our order. However, there are certainly other ways you could help in spreading mischief around in Aranaz. Lydia lists off three choices.

Ill gladly sabotage the Sphinx Syndicate, you state. Theyre the ones who got me into this mess in the first place. Ive already got a plan.
Excellent! Im looking forward to hearing your report, Lydia says.
Before I go, Ill need that map back, you ask. Claudia clutches it, giving you a suspicious look, but you laugh at her response. Look, its not like Aranaz can use it now that you know about the secret passage. I just need it to get their trust back. Claudia nods, if a bit reluctantly, and relinquishes the map.
When you return to the common room, you look around until you spot Alexander, and then ask if you can sit in on a Sphinx Syndicate meeting.
Why? he asks, looking somewhat dubious. Ive heard you might be associating with the enemy against your own friends.
Im just softening them up for the final blow, you assert, and Ive got this! You unfurl the map with a dramatic flourish. Alexander searches the map for a moment, then nods his head appreciatively.
Yes, I see. Alright, then, I officially invite you to a special emergency meeting of the Sphinx Syndicate. Alexander then rushes off, presumably to call everyone to the meeting.
Once the last member arrives, the time comes to put your plan into motion. As Alexander explains your discovery, you pass a forged note to the nearest member, wearing a clueless expression to make him think youre just moving it along. The note itself expresses the opinion of an anonymous member who believes the map is a forgery.
Wait! your neighbor calls after reading the note. How do we know this map is authentic?
We could always try it out, Alexander offers.
But what if theres a trap waiting? you whisper to the member on your other side.
Right on cue, she blurts out, Yeah, how do we know this isnt a trick?
Well, I-I know Ilianas the one who found it, and shes been having trouble with her friends, but
Actually, I didnt find it, you admit. My trip to the Room of Records was a bust. Thats why I didnt want to tell anyone. But when I came back to my room after lunch today, the map was lying on my bed. I just thought you all would want to see it.
Oh, come on, Alex, complains a member on the opposite side. Are you so daft youd rely on a First Years judgment? I know we havent won a lot of our battles against Durand, but you cant just lose your head over it!
Dont insult me! counters Alexander. Just look at this map! It cant be a fake!
The bickering continues throughout the meeting, and it looks as though many Sphinx Syndicate members have lost faith in Alexanders leadership. Mission accomplished!

Inspirational Writing may have been obsolete for dialectic thanks to Donate at Oleapias Shrine, but the +5 to Rhetoric means its a good, painless way to totally dominate that exam on Thursday.

The final exam for history dont improve much over the midterm scores, but only because the midterm scores were so high. As it is, the vast majority of students manage to get in the range of 110-120, although your name still stands out at 160, well above Catherine Chards 123.

As you walk away from the classroom, you feel an odd tingling across your body, and then a wave of confusion and dizziness washes over you as all your enchanted items turn off. The spells reassert themselves after a few moments, though, and when you look around to see what hit you, you find Vrenelle standing away from the crowd with her wand in both hands, looking worried. You walk up to her and ask:

You sigh quietly.

With a huff, you turn on your heel and leave the quietly weeping Vrenelle behind you. You do not give her a second glance.
Gains of the Week
Attended Dialectic exam and scored a 185.
Discouraged Emilia Strolin.
---Relationship with Emilia Strolin decreased to 2.
Used Demean on self and Carmine Sturzo.
---Relationship with Carmine Sturzo decreased to 7.
Selective Focus used on Glamour Spells (whoops!).
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Elumian increased by 1 step.
----Lingual pheme learned.
----Language increased by 1.
------Defilement pheme learned.
--Gates Spells increased by 1 step.
----Swarm of Bees spell learned.
--Illustration increased by 1 step.
----Illustration skill maxed!
----Impart Understanding spell learned.
Studied at Longshade.
--Gates Spells increased by 1 step.
--Competition increased by 1 step.
----Amicita pheme learned (8th time now!).
Successful event!
--Revision Spells cannot be increased.
Aveline and Basia used Compete; Aranaz merit now at 501.
Successful holiday!
--Flowers increased by 2 steps.
----Caustic pheme learned.
--Relationship with Honors Plafox increased to 3.
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Gates Spells increased by 1 step.
--Temperance increased by 1 step.
----Charm pheme learned.
--Move Silently increased by 1 step.
----Mute pheme learned.
----Ambush increased by 1.
------Entirety pheme learned.
Cast Adanellas Wardrobe.
--Plus 1 to Courtly Fashion, Confidence, and Aesthetics.
--Plus 5 to History and Astrology.
Malacresta used Compete; Aranaz merit now at 507.
Successful adventure!
--Intrigue increased by 2 steps.
Successful event!
--Storytelling increased by 1 step.
----Insight pheme learned.
Attended a History exam and scored a 160.
Cast Inspirational Writing.
--Plus 5 to Dialectic, Rhetoric, and Grammar.
--Plus 2 to Manipulation.
--Plus 1 to Wit.
Used Demean on self and Vrenelle Bonvin.
--Relationship with Vrenelle Bonvin decreased to 6.
New Abilities
Swarm of Bees (Spell): Intelligence/Gates v5; target takes -2 Vitality, -1 to all Actions, Abilities, and Spells, and -5% Chance of Success for all Courage-based rolls until rest.
Impart Understanding (Spell): Intelligence/Research v5; +1 step in chosen skill for all personal Clique members (self included), and +1 step in Glamour Methods for self only.