Part 68: Fear
Kaliri 22-25
I got it right this time, folks. You can expect to see Gates Spells maxed out by the end of the year.

To say the least, Honors was quite surprised when you showed up at her dorm room wearing Durand robes, but after some convincing (and corroboration from a few witnesses in the Garden Gallery), she agrees to let you bunk with her for the rest of the week. After all, with only one final left and self-cleaning robes, its not like you take up much space.
Speaking of, while Sundays activities kept you too distracted to prepare, it turns out not to matter; you score a 120 on the exam, which is more than enough to leave the others in the dust, if not by the margin youre used to.

With your last final over and nearly a week left until school ends, you decide to start today under a nice, shady tree with an exciting adventure book. Theres a hole a few meters away from where youre sitting, but you didnt give it much thought until it started to kick up clouds of dirt. Curious as to who might be digging, you go up to the edge and shout down:

Alan Driscolls head pops out of the hole. You try and remember what little you know about him: hes a Godina student and thus pretty active, but he always seems to be hunting around for something or other whenever someone comes across him. Not that he ever says what it is he wants, though.

Alan shrugs.

Considering her recent experiences with the spirit of Ardica Lake, Id say Iliana would have an informed opinion about it.

Alans face lights up.

He dashes off without another word, leaving a cloud of dust behind to settle in his wake.
Later at lunch, you find Alan again (this time more moist than dusty) and ask him how things went. He flashes you a big smile in response, gives you the thumbs-up, and then tosses a coin to you.

Just another five pims. Oh well, it didnt even need a skill check this time.

Considering that the Library of Longshade was your cliques usual hangout, you decide to go to the Library of the Mantle of Stars instead to study Gates Spells. Looks like a lot of effort went into using Astrology to predict the random errors Gates magic can sometimes inflict.

Although youre wearing their uniform now, its clear as you walk through the halls of Campus Durand that not everyone trusts you completely yet. Conversations stop whenever you enter a room, and it seems like someone is always around to watch you wherever you go. Still, you dont let that get to you; it just means you have farther to go to build their trust.
You decide to start with Prudence Cossins. After all, more than any of the other Durand First Years, she understands what its like to be an outcast. Youre not quite sure why she acts out the way she does, but you do understand that shes gotten better after she gathered a group of fellow misfits to her banner a few months ago.
You find her passing time by tearing out textbook pages, wadding them up, and throwing them into one of the common room fires.

A sudden scream makes you jump. It is quickly followed by another, and you start to wonder just what is going on. As you rush toward the sounds, you note that everyone else is running away instead; students, groundskeepers, and even a few faculty members are fleeing, some with their clothing in tatters.
As you round the corner of a building, you finally see the object of their fear and skid to a halt. The scene is utter pandemonium: people are running every which way, a girl is crouched against a wall, rocking back and forth, and shouts of terror fill the air. But while you might have expected the Dragons to have returned for all the panic, the truth is far more bizarre.
At the eye of the storm is Rieulle Chastellain, the music professor. Currently he is waving a large branch in front of himself, his normally perfect hair tousled and his emerald green robes torn in various spots. Just out of stick range hops a plump hen covered in black feathers: the Black Chicken!
As the story goes, the Black Chicken was once a hideous charcoal pillow that got Revised into its current form. However, the Revision wasnt complete, and the immortal Chicken ever after knew a love for shredding fabrics. The legend is widely known throughout the Academagia, but you never thought youd see the creature for yourself. Its just fortunate it doesnt get free too often; judging by its ferocity, it seems to be a force to be reckoned with!

The investigation may be the only hint of blue here, but theres no penalty for trying, so we might as well.
Looking around, you notice Alans hole isnt too far from the Black Chicken, and it looks like there are some uprooted saplings and fencing materials nearby. Youd bet you could get the foul fowl in there if you can get creative enough!

Well, why not? We earned it.
Finding a discarded, half-shredded cloak on the ground, you grab it and run over to the hole. Once there, you wave the cloak to keep the pit from view, tempting the obsidian clucker with all your might.
Hearing your taunts, the onyx poultry takes the bait, flapping its wings ineffectually as it races towards you. At the last second, you pull the cloak away and are rewarded with a squawk and swirl of feathers as the ravenous hen pitches headlong into the hole. Acting quickly, you grab fence pieces and toss them over the hole, trapping the Black Chicken inside. Congratulations, youve just bought the school another temporary peace from the textile terror!

You manage to find Honors Plafox during lunch.

Startled from your walk, you turn to see Rikildis approaching you from behind. She isnt giving you the nicest expression youve ever seen, but it doesnt look as though shes planning a prank, either.

Cursing yourself for forgetting, you head out to the fields of the Academagia. A crowd of students has already gathered around a large block of ice; you imagine its being magically preserved from the hot Kaliri sun. Rikildis spots an older student with a clipboard and walks up.

The student giggles. Professor Ringraeyers class, right? No First Year would ever volunteer for this, after all. Do you know how the Academagias contest works?
You shake your head.
Well, its funto watch! she replies. See that ice block there? Once the contest begins, all the senior students will conjure one up for each pair of First Years. Then you pick a partner and choose your roles: one of you must lift the ice block over your head and keep it there while the other one uses ice spells to keep the block from melting. Oh, and youre both blindfolded.
A whistle cuts through the air.
So whats your choice? the girl asks. Were about to start!

This sounds lame, plus Iliana isnt really in a partnering mood right now. Is there a way to get out of this?
So we only get to pick magic or might? How about neither? you challenge.
The older student raises an eyebrow. Oh, didnt Ringraeyer tell you this is an assignment? Youre not going to get a big fat zero because youre scared, are you? Remember, the professors count more than your final exam
You dont let her threat stop you. Maybe things are different here, but where Im from, real Contenda events have a lot more choices than just magic or strength.
The girl considers for a moment, then gives in. Alright, so maybe I forgot to mention that there is a third field. You can also choose to be an announcer, which is a solo competition. The best one to describe events is the winner.

Now thats more Ilianas style. Lets show these rubes how to announce a sporting event!
You decide to be a commentator. Suit yourself, shrugs the coordinator. She leads you over to a scrawny duo whom you can already tell arent likely to do well. Describe the competitors and their progress, instructs the older student; the more dramatic, the better.
You watch as the senior students blindfold your classmates, conjure the ice blocks, and then the whistle blows.

And indeed they do: the relatively weak duo wind up winning!
That was beautiful, compliments one student.
Really touching! adds another.
Apparently the acclaim is your only prize. Oh well. You were hoping for some pims, but not being laughed at by the crowd of older students is a good second.

Backed by the knowledge your Marat deck gave you, you hunt down Sheary Warrington and explain to him that Durand de Thiomines needs his help. Although you cant be terribly specific about what he needs, Sheary runs off anyway as soon as you explain how important it (probably) is to Durand.
Later, Durand comes and finds you as youre resting in the common room.

Whats the point of learning all these Gates spells if you arent going to use any of them? Inspired by the clear day, you decide to cast the Curious Eagle spell. Unfortunately, you still dont know how to use actual gates yet beyond visual range, so you have to wait a few minutes as the eagle leaves whatever roost it has and flies down to your location.
Once it arrives, you are a bit surprised when an image of you appears in your head. Evidently the eagle can communicate with humans, but only by projecting pictures into their heads. The following conversation you have with the bird is very strange, but also very exciting: you never knew an eagle had such sharp eyesight until you saw exactly what it sees. You also learn about a guildhall in town that that apparently covers occupation: other job types. You wonder if you might be able to research your own classes in that kind of place.

It happens during dinner. Youre minding your own business, chatting with a few Durand students at their table, when a huge, dark figure appears overhead. You cant quite make out its shape, but it looks like some sort of flying creature. Before you can do anything, a brilliant spark blossoms at the end closest to you and expands into a fiery
fiery flaming burning pain. It wants to kill me. I have no time. The tree to my left has a dead branch, thats dangerous. The man on its back is screaming and waving his arm. I have to get away. It wants to kill me. Pine resin smells interesting, even more so when it is burning. Emilia is screaming, but I cant see her. I have no time. I have to get away. It is going to kill me. The fire is hot, incredibly hot. I can feel my eyeballs burst from the heat. I have no time.
Laughter accompanies your return to your senses. Opening your eyes, you find yourself under the table, scrunched into as small a ball as you can make. Relaxing your hands, you pull them away from your scalp to find them covered in blood and clumps of hair.
This was your worst episode yet. Adding insult to injury, everyone at dinner saw you panic and dive under the table to evade what turned out to be a painfully obvious Glamour. The Aranaz table obviously had a laugh at your overreaction, but while you see a few looks of concern scattered about, it seems most everyone present thought it the height of humor to see The Queen of First Year make a fool of herself in public.
The crass jokes and reenactments make it hard to calm your jangling nerves, and you dont feel hungry anymore. After a few minutes, Emilia stands up to deposit her tray, and she deliberately makes a pass by the Durand table, wearing the evilest look of smug satisfaction you have ever seen. You respond with the darkest stare of pure hatred that your pounding heart allows for.

Responding to Emilias prank yesterday will take some doing, but you dont become friends with someone for a long time without getting some real dirt on them. You decide to spread a certain rumor about how she tied up poor Honors Plafox one night in an effort to steal her seat on the council; you cant add too many details without incriminating yourself, but this rumor and whatever else comes from it should be enough until you can think of something better.

Today you dont even give the Sphinx the chance to say hello.

The Sphinx merely sighs.

You hesitate longer this time, but you eventually nod.

The Sphinx stands and heads to the edge of her aerie where she begins to draw a long sequence of phemes. Most of them you havent ever seen before, and you can feel their power pounding into your head long before the Sphinx finishes her spell. At last, just as you start considering screaming just to relieve the pressure, the Sphinx finishes the last line and the entire platform glows with the magical discharge. Your awareness of your surroundings fades, but the Sphinxs voice remains strong:

Moonlight gives barely enough light to see by and my night vision is ruined by the wyverns flashing breath. It swoops down but I cant look directly at it. No no no no no no no
As you flinch away from the memory, you sense more than hear the Sphinx shouting, Do not look away!
no no The black creature dives and dives, trying to murder the children below as it struggles to rid itself of the man clinging to its back with his sword. I am amazed at the lack of undergrowth. Are all pine forests like this, needles, moss, and trees alone? It is swooping down at me. I have no time. No no no no
You cannot look away you cannot look away
No time no time just heat searing heat I never knew bones could hurt so much. It wants to kill me. It has killed me.
You are here you breathe it has failed
There is no time. My brain is boiling. I shut down from the pain. I cannot feel pain because I feel too much pain.
He saved you, they saved you, it lost the fire lost
I have to get away. I have to run. There is no time. I must kill it first. The phemes dance through my head, these would work, yes. But there is no time. Fire flies faster.
You survived. It did not kill you it will not kill you it thinks you are dead.
My eyeballs burst from the heat. Eyes eye I I
I cannot look I cannot look away I cannot see I must see I see I see
There is no time
But I didnt need any
It wants to kill me
But I survived
I must get away
But its okay that I didnt.
The forest fades away and the Sphinxs tower fades back in. Almost disbelieving what happened, you play back the encounter with the wyvern in your head, and you gasp with astonishment: nothing happens! You can remember every last detail, every branch and lick of flame, but you dont feel a thing! It worked! You look over at the Sphinx, who appears as exhausted as you feel, and you give her a smile.

Gains of the Week
Attended a Glamour exam and scored a 120.
Selective Focus used on Gates Spells.
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Transport increased by 1 step.
----Unload pheme learned.
----Economy increased by 1 step.
------Enrich pheme learned.
--Gates Spells increased by 1 step.
--Pride of a Rebel Queen increased by 1 step.
Studied at the Mantle of Stars.
--Gates Spells increased by 1 step.
--Theory of Astrology increased by 2 steps.
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Memorization increased by 1 step.
--Gates Spells increased by 1 step.
----Informative Bird spell learned.
--Mastery Methods increased by 1 step.
----Learned about Mineta Docks: Loading Station.
Successful event!
--Relationship with Alan Driscoll increased to 1.
--Money increased by 5.
Cheered Prudence Cossins.
--Relationship with Prudence Cossins increased to 4.
Used Gossip on self and Honors Plafox.
--Relationship with Honors Plafox increased to 5.
Calculated the Geometry of Friendship.
--Relationship with Durand de Thiomines increased to 7.
--Relationship with Sheary Warrington increased to 3.
--Awareness increased by 1 step.
----Foresight pheme learned.
----Society increased by 1.
Successful event!
--Traps increased by 1 step.
----Fix pheme learned.
--Animal Husbandry increased by 1 step.
Successful holiday!
--Passion increased by 1 step.
----Passion skill maxed!
----Shifting Passions spell learned.
Cast Curious Eagle.
--Learned about Ballos: Specialized Studies Center.
--Plus 4 to Scouting and Navigation.
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Acting increased by 1 step.
--Gates Spells increased by 1 step.
--Lie increased by 1 step.
----Facial Twitch spell learned.
Emilia Strolin used Bully; Stress increased by 3.
---Relationship with Emilia Strolin decreased to -6.
Spread Rumor about Emilia Strolin.
---Emilia Strolin is under a Cloud of Suspicion.
---Relationship with Emilia Strolin decreased to -8.
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Administration increased by 1 step.
----Chaos pheme learned.
--Gates Spells increased by 1 step.
----Cooking Sprite spell learned.
--Brute Strength increased by 1 step.
--Hide Research level increased by 1.
New Abilities
Informative Bird (Spell): Charm/Gates Methods v5; summons bird for +3 to Danger Sense, Scouting, and Hunting for 4 days.
Take Notes at the Mineta Loading Docks: +1 step in Command and Transport, and 85% chance of +1 step in Master Methods (only if already known).
Shifting Passions (Spell): Charm/Passion v10; +7% to casters Chance of Success for 2 days and +12% to targets Chance of Failure until rest.
Study in Ballos Specialized Studies Center: +1 to chosen Study level and +1 step in random Research subskill (so its basically a second Venalicium Library).
Facial Twitch (Spell): Insight/Glamour v6; target takes -2 Charm for 4 days and -2 Merit for their college.
Cooking Sprite (Spell): Charm/Gates Methods v6; summons sprite for +3 to Cooking, Baking, and Green Grocery for 3 days.