Part 43

And with that, the first of Steve Keene's fabulous adventures comes to a close. Let's look at the scoreboard.
Final Scores:
18 (21 votes) = 15 + 03: senrath
16 (19 votes) = 13 + 03: Starblind
12 (18 votes) = 11 + 01: Bruceski
12 (14 votes) = 10 + 02: LLSix
11 (13 votes) = 10 + 01: Glazius
10 (19 votes) = 09 + 01: Lord Hypnostache
10 (16 votes) = 09 + 01: Frankomatic
09 (18 votes) = 08 + 01: ProfessorClumsy
09 (14 votes) = 07 + 02: Bobbin Threadbare
08 (19 votes) = 07 + 01: CaptainCaveman
07 (18 votes) = 07 + 00: 100 HOGS AGREE
06 (09 votes) = 06 + 00: Nemo2342
06 (09 votes) = 05 + 01: Sighence
05 (07 votes) = 05 + 00: Green Intern
04 (06 votes) = 03 + 01: Professor Bling
05 (04 votes) = 03 + 02: FairGame
03 (07 votes) = 02 + 01: randomcommoner
03 (05 votes) = 03 + 00: BiggerJ
03 (05 votes) = 03 + 00: Kobold
03 (02 votes) = 02 + 01: Exercu
02 (06 votes) = 02 + 00: XavierGenisi
02 (05 votes) = 02 + 00: Wandering Knitter
02 (03 votes) = 02 + 00: AmadeusVonBlastoise
02 (03 votes) = 02 + 00: Conot
02 (03 votes) = 02 + 00: Golden Bee
02 (03 votes) = 01 + 01: Rex Deckard
02 (02 votes) = 02 + 00: Nick Buntline
02 (02 votes) = 02 + 00: PowerStreak
02 (02 votes) = 02 + 00: Sick_Hacker
01 (02 votes) = 01 + 00: PantsBandit
01 (01 votes) = 01 + 00: Grilox
01 (01 votes) = 01 + 00: Tiny Turtle
Congratulations to everyone in the top ten, and especially senrath, who knows his way around the world of Steve Keene! He wins a $5 gift certificate to use on a new avatar, plus I'll make him said avatar from any of the images in this thread so far! If you're in the top ten, you may also request an avatar of your own; it'll be your own nickel, but if there's a favorite scene you like, I'd be happy to make the GIF for you!
(And I suppose I can't stop anyone else from making one on their own. You know. If you can live with the shame.)
Now, if you're particularly eagle-eyed, you'll note that those who voted for story B have had those consolation points taken away. That's because, starting now, the scoreboard is cleared! That's right, those of you who're late arrivals to the thread have another chance to make it to the top! (Those of you in the top ten can continue to vote, but your scores will not be considered for the second prize.)
Thanks for taking part, and look forward to story B, coming once I've recovered from all this GIF-making!