Part 48
Sighence posted:
Lou Snut is the kind of thing this game will reward. Go with repairman, but I'm voting clone hydrant for mah consolation point.
Now what was it I said the last time this happened? Oh yeah.

"Votes do not work that way!"
Frankomatic posted:
I have complete faith that telling them exactly who you really are and your ridiculous story about clone fire hydrants will have no bad consequences whatsoever.
Spoken like someone no longer eligible to win a prize.

On the bright side, Keene could start a new career as a punk rocker!
Chwoka posted:
I'd like to know where her equipment room is, if you know what I mean.
The Saurus posted:
I wouldn't mind repairing her equipment, if you get what I'm saying.
You should be. This isn't that kind of game!

Wow, what are the odds? And how are we going to handle this situation?
Current Scores (italics won Story A):
03 (02 votes) = 02 + 01: Krastinov
02 (02 votes) = 02 + 00: FairGame
02 (02 votes) = 02 + 00: Sighence
02 (02 votes) = 02 + 00: XavierGenisi
02 (02 votes) = 01 + 01: CaptainCaveman
02 (02 votes) = 01 + 01: Glazius
02 (02 votes) = 01 + 01: senrath
01 (02 votes) = 01 + 00: 100 HOGS AGREE
01 (02 votes) = 01 + 00: LLSix
01 (02 votes) = 01 + 00: Starblind
01 (01 votes) = 01 + 00: Bruceski
01 (01 votes) = 01 + 00: Chwoka
01 (01 votes) = 01 + 00: ProfessorClumsy
01 (01 votes) = 01 + 00: The Saurus
00 (02 votes) = 00 + 00: Frankomatic
00 (02 votes) = 00 + 00: Lord Hypnostache
00 (02 votes) = 00 + 00: Metroid48
00 (01 votes) = 00 + 00: Kobold
00 (01 votes) = 00 + 00: Wheeze
00 (00 votes) = 00 + 00: Bobbin Threadbare