The Let's Play Archive

Accolade Comics: Steve Keene

by FredMSloniker

Part 61

Kobold posted:

Don't not never refuse to not follow him. There's no way this is a bad idea.

Yeah, about that... he's in my first LPed game now?

Sighence posted:

Apparently we're expected. Not following will cause suspicion now. Follow.

As you wish!

You must choose. But choose wisely...

Current Scores (italics won Story A):
07 (08 votes) = 06 + 01: Sighence
06 (09 votes) = 05 + 01: senrath
05 (09 votes) = 05 + 00: LLSix
05 (09 votes) = 04 + 01: CaptainCaveman
05 (08 votes) = 05 + 00: Lord Hypnostache
05 (07 votes) = 05 + 00: Wheeze
05 (07 votes) = 04 + 01: Metroid48
05 (07 votes) = 04 + 01: ProfessorClumsy
04 (09 votes) = 03 + 01: Glazius
04 (08 votes) = 04 + 00: XavierGenisi
04 (08 votes) = 03 + 01: Krastinov
03 (09 votes) = 03 + 00: 100 HOGS AGREE
03 (08 votes) = 03 + 00: Starblind
03 (04 votes) = 03 + 00: FairGame
02 (06 votes) = 02 + 00: Frankomatic
02 (04 votes) = 02 + 00: Chwoka
02 (03 votes) = 02 + 00: The Saurus
01 (03 votes) = 01 + 00: Bobbin Threadbare
01 (02 votes) = 01 + 00: Bruceski
00 (06 votes) = 00 + 00: Kobold
00 (03 votes) = 00 + 00: Thompsons
00 (02 votes) = 00 + 00: SupSuper
00 (01 votes) = 00 + 00: The Saurus