The Let's Play Archive

Accolade Comics: Steve Keene

by FredMSloniker

Part 66

CaptainCaveman posted:

The guy on the right is holding up a name card with no name on it, which seems just right for someone picking up a secret agent.

For once, I'm quoting someone who made a good call! (Mainly because the none of the bad call quotes were particularly interesting.) That is the guy we're looking for. But first, let's see what happens if we blow the call, which we do if we talk to the guy on the left...

But what about the woman? Well, that works out all right, with a few extra panels, so let's see that path.

Three choices! At least one horrible death! What'll it be, gentlemen?

Current Scores (italics won Story A):
08 (10 votes) = 07 + 01: Sighence
07 (11 votes) = 07 + 00: LLSix
07 (11 votes) = 06 + 01: senrath
07 (09 votes) = 07 + 00: Wheeze
06 (11 votes) = 05 + 01: CaptainCaveman
06 (09 votes) = 06 + 00: Lord Hypnostache
06 (09 votes) = 05 + 01: Metroid48
05 (10 votes) = 05 + 00: XavierGenisi
05 (10 votes) = 04 + 01: Glazius
05 (09 votes) = 04 + 01: ProfessorClumsy
04 (10 votes) = 04 + 00: 100 HOGS AGREE
04 (10 votes) = 03 + 01: Krastinov
04 (09 votes) = 04 + 00: Starblind
04 (06 votes) = 04 + 00: Chwoka
03 (04 votes) = 03 + 00: FairGame
02 (08 votes) = 02 + 00: Kobold
02 (07 votes) = 02 + 00: Frankomatic
02 (04 votes) = 02 + 00: SupSuper
02 (04 votes) = 02 + 00: The Saurus
01 (04 votes) = 01 + 00: Thompsons
01 (03 votes) = 01 + 00: Bobbin Threadbare
01 (02 votes) = 01 + 00: Bruceski
01 (02 votes) = 01 + 00: Stabbey_the_Clown
01 (01 votes) = 01 + 00: Misocainea