Part 9: The Orange Star Factory - some strategic notes
The Orange Star factory - some strategic notes

This is a factory. Say hello, factory.

... well, I guess I shouldn't expect anything more sensible from Flak's factory.
Factories are, essentially, horribly broken. They can produce units for Black Hole free of charge, landing straight on to the three squares in front of the factory, and the produced units can move and fire on the same turn that they're built. So not only do they wreck the idea of you trying to win a war using superior economics, but they can lead to some very nasty surprise attacks (for example, I think on one turn during the Blue Moon factory mission, Lash springs three Neotanks on you). Factories can't be destroyed directly, although you can block them from deploying by parking on the three squares in front of the factory, where the units come out.
Coming out of the back of the factory is one of Black Hole's notorious pipes, feeding the factory with the raw materials it needs to make units. Even air units can't fly over pipes, although long-range units can fire over them (I guess they must set their firing barrels at a very high angle or something...). The pipe is also indestructible. But there is a weak point...

... a seam where two sections of pipe are bolted together. This behaves just like any other breakable Black Hole structure, and bombers, long range units and the heavier tanks can do serious damage here. Our objective is to break this seam: do it and the factory shuts down, winning us the mission and liberating Orange Star. Crossing the rivers to the north and capturing that base and airport are the key to this. We've also got a couple of missile silos - they won't damage the pipe seam, but they could be handy for a number of reasons - slowing down capturing infantry, damaging Flak's larger concentrations of units, and so on.
However, factory missions are hard, and annoying, and I fully expect my string of six 300-pointers (and one 297-pointer) to come to an end here.
Anyway, which CO to use? Each one has their advantages and disadvantages for this mission:

So, all three COs have advantages and disadvantages here. I'll try my best with whichever CO you pick, although if I get really stuck I may switch to a different one.