Part 7: Chapter 7 (Battle) - Finally, Some Good Fucking Selena
Update 7 (Battle) - Finally, Some Good Fucking SelenaWelcome back, folks! Sorry for the delay, but we're back at it with a new map once more. And, hey, look who's here!

And on with the mission! Here's the deployments for today - mostly Blue Moon soldiers, fittingly.
Todays Deployments
Boris, Infantry
Dimitri, Tank
Ivan, Artillery
Nika, APC
Fred, Rockets
Alina, Battle Copter
Eva, Battleship
Valeria, Cruiser
Selena, Submarine
Ludmilla, Lander
Age: 32
Personality: Usually grumpy, always complaining.
Proficiencies: Infantry, Medium Tank, Anti-Air, [unknown]
Dimitri Volkov
Age: 33
Personality: Legendary leader of men.
Proficiencies: Mech, Tank, Neotank, [unknown]
Age: 34
Personality: Chilled out, constantly relaxed.
Proficiencies: Infantry, Artillery, Transport Copter, [unknown]
Age: 25
Personality: Friendly, talented mercenary engineer.
Proficiencies: Submarine, Mech, APC, Battle Copter
Age: 27
Personality: Lives for battle thrills.
Proficiencies: Rockets, Battle Copter, Medium Tank, Neotank
Age: 26
Personality: Brave, scatterbrained mercenary leader.
Proficiencies: Mech, Battle Copter, Submarine, Bomber
Age: 24
Personality: Intelligent but compulsive gambler.
Proficiencies: Rockets, Missiles, Battleship, [unknown]
Age: 30
Personality: Mercenary scout, quite detached.
Proficiencies: Cruiser, Submarine, Anti-Air, [unknown]
Age: 25
Personality: Confident soldier, restless sleeper.
Proficiencies: Submarine, Medium Tank, Neotank, [unknown]
Age: 25
Personality: Kind, helpful, sexually liberated.
Proficiencies: APC, Lander, Recon, Anti-Air
Finally, best girl is back with us.

Sasha explains botes, but we already know how they work. Battleships are long range and hit like a truck, submarines can dive to hide from attacks and kill pretty much any bote you point them at, and cruisers suck.

"Did Colin mention we've got some backup on the way?" Dimitri asks over the transceiver.
"Yeah, it should be here soon. With any luck." Boris grumbles. "Couple of Orange Star soldiers, and a few mercs."
"Mercs, huh? I wonder..." Dimitri mutters. "Oh, hello, here they come now."
The conversation between the mercenaries who have just arrived can be heard quite loudly over the transceivers - it seems to be a couple, arguing.
Wait, why have you only charged 80% of our usual rate? Were mercenaries, honey, not charity workers.
Oh, well, um Commander Colin was just so I felt sorry for him! He looked like a lost puppy when he was hiring us, and I thought the reduced rate would be fair, seeing as we fought for Blue Moon last campaign
Wait, Colin hired us? Hes got so much money! You shouldve charged more, if anything!
Dimitri bursts out laughing, and Ivan raises an eyebrow. Dont tell me
Yes, you can hear them bickering a mile off, cant you? comes a refined voice. I believe weve all met before, so lets make the introductions quick - I am Valeria, and theyre Eva and Alina - along with Nika, once more, the Snowbound Free Company have decided to lend their services to Blue Moon.
Itll be a pleasure fighting alongside you all again, Alina. Dimitri says.
And I with you! Seems like weve got some Orange Star soldiers here too, how exciting! beams Alina. Lets do our best then - just like old times!
Oh, man, here we go Alinas long-suffering girlfriend, Eva, says, sighing. Im just gonna say it, though - Im not putting in 100% if were not earning 100%.
Right, let's get on with the battle now, shall we? First things first, I want to check that Colin is still the same disgustingly overpowered CO he was in the previous game.

This looks promising. I enjoy that "Sasha" is not among his list of Likes. I kinda vibe with your sister, Colin, not gonna lie.

Yup, they look the same to me. Nice, so he can still do stupid things with money. What else..?

Excellent, that also looks the same. So he can get units for 80% of their price, but they have 90/100 attack/defence. Absolutely busted.
I can't wait to use him on a deployment map.

No deployment map for us right now, though, so we may as well get going. First things first, Eva opens fire on the enemy cruiser. This thing is the only real threat to Alina's air superiority on the map, and I want to have her harass the battleship, so the cruiser's gotta go.

Fred can finish it off, no problem. You have to feel sorry for enemy units that start their first turn in range of our units. It's practically a free kill.

Next, we'll need some of our land units to vaguely make their way to the south-east island to kill Lash's ground units. I doubt she's going to leave them all in range of Eva.
So, to that end, Boris gets into Ludmilla's APC. Nearly said "Boris gets inside Ludmilla".
"Hey there, Bo." Ludmilla says, giving the man an easygoing smile. "Been a while. How're you doing?"
"I'm fine. I'll be better once Black Hole are done with. We moving?"
"Not one for conversation, then." Ludmilla sighs, rolling her eyes. "Right, let's get going, then. Heads up, Nika!"

"Come on board, I'm ready for you!" Nika says cheerfully, readying her lander.
So Ludmilla's APC, and Ivan in the artillery, get onto Nika's lander. I'll probably just send Boris to capture the buildings on the middle island. I suppose the extra money will help improve Colin's Super CO Power.

...Just gotta be careful where exactly I put them. Sticking them into battleship range would be an easy mistake to make, and as you can see, there's a shoal in the ship's range. Unfortunately for Lash, whilst Colin might be that stupid, I am not, and will avoid putting anything there.

I drop our gents and Ludmilla off. We'll have to go back for Dimitri next turn.

Right, now the cruiser's gone and everything else is dealt with, let's start on that battleship. Alina can't do much damage, but it's solid enough.

This fucker, though. This fucker's going to be trouble. The way I see it, the only thing in range it can attack is Valeria, currently, and a submarine initiating on a cruiser is, tactically speaking, what we call a Big L.

So I decide, hey, why not let Lash do something dumb? I move everyone around in such a way that Valeria is still the only viable target for the enemy submarine. It'll either initiate and get wrecked for its trouble, or run away, both of which are good outcomes for me.
Selena, meanwhile, gives me a smile. She knows I'm the one giving the orders.
"Commander my dude. It's a pleasure to fight for you again... do keep your eyes on the battle, though, alright?"
"I will, provided you look after yourself. Now show 'em what you can do, Miss Hartford."
Selena gives a grin. "With pleasure."

And with that, I decide to end my turn-

What? No, those two units have orders! Dimitri's is "wait there until we can come get you" and Valeria's is "murder anything that gets near you".

Just to stop Sasha bitching at me, I click Wait on those two units, and then she graciously allows me to proceed to the enemy phase.

Let's see how the other side lives, shall we?

Good to see Lash has become, if anything, even more unhinged since we last saw her like four missions ago.

Of all the characters from AW2 they brought back in Dual Strike, I'm glad they went with "that one sassy Black Hole soldier". He's my favourite.

The sub decides not to fuck with Valeria, which is a good decision, and instead dives vaguely near my battleship.

The rest of the enemies just kinda shuffle about. Nothing major.

That said, I may as well take advantage of that sub coming very close to us - we can get engage it without getting into range of the rockets or battleship now.

Annoyingly, Lash had the same fucking idea - both of her ranged units are juuuust out of Eva's range. She did that on purpose.

"Eva, you can't shoot, right?" Alina asks.
"Nope, not from here. Even that Landon guy couldn't make that shot." Eva sighs. "Too risky, and I can't believe it's ME saying that."
"Not to worry, honey! This is what I'm for - I'll keep strafing it as it moves towards you, alright?"
Eva nods. "If you say so, babe."
"These pet names are going to be the death of me." sighs Boris.
"Aw, I think it's cute." Ludmilla replies.
You know, whilst Alina's attacking the ship, let's check and see if Valeria can do any-

Cruisers suck.

They can still do other useful things, though, like finding submarines. Here's the one we saw earlier!
"Submarine sighted. Free to engage, Selena?" Valeria announces.
"Ready." Selena replies. "Moving in now - I'll make quick work of it."

Indeed, Selena does a number to the poor sub, though she takes a little counter damage. If I'd been a slightly smarter tactician, and slightly less biased against cruisers, it would have probably been better to find the sub with Selena, and then attack it with Valeria, rather than the other way around. Ah well.

Anyway, let's pick up Dimitri, our main man. We could probably use a tank, come to think of it.

Everyone else just gathers up, ready to push forward once the enemy battleship and rockets are out of the way. I must admit, this could be a scary turn for Selena, in range of both the battleship and the enemy sub, with 8HP...

"Selena, the battleship's aiming for you! Should you not retreat?" Alina says, panicking as she watches the battleship, far below, turning its enormous cannons over to the section of ocean Selena is in.
"I'm an Orange Star soldier. We don't retreat for nothing."

"Besides..." Selena murmurs. "My dude always makes sure I'll survive. He's calculated everything. I'm certain."
As the BOOM of battleship fire echoes across the ocean, Selena narrows her eyes.
"This is a test of faith. And my faith in Commander my dude is just the same as everyone else's - absolutely unshakeable. He's unbeatable."
"You're damn right. Trust him, Selena. Trust him with everything you've got!" Dimitri cries.
The battleship fire rips through Selena's submarine and the surrounding ocean, churning the water. For a few moments, nobody can see through the froth, but soon...

"Hmph. I'm not known as my dude's best soldier for nothing, you know." Selena replies. "It'll take more than that to down me - now then, everyone, let's forge ahead. We've got an opening, and we can take good advantage of it."
Phew! I was really nervous for a seco-
"What about the enemy sub?" asks Fred.
...Oh, right. That.
The submarine prepares its assault.

"It's gone for me! You're in the clear, Selena - a lucky break, huh?!" Eva cries, as the weakened submarine strikes her. Selena narrows her eyes.
"...I suppose so, but why? Lash could have easily..." she murmurs. "What on earth is she playing at?"

This absolute Einstein of an infantry decides to attack Alina, a battle copter.

...Yeah, it goes about as well as you would expect.

Well, that was an interesting turn for several reasons. Let's get on with killing all of the things, shall we? I'll breathe easier once the battleship and sub are done for.

Thankfully, we no longer need to poke it with Alina. I thought the battleship might be tempted to fire on Selena, so I moved Fred into range, and the battleship prioritised attacking my girl over getting the fuck out of the way. So, no more battleship! Thanks, Fred!

The sub can just as easily be crushed by Valeria, so yeah, we're all done in terms of naval fights.
...Well, OK, the lander, but how hard can killing a lander be?

In the interest of bringing some heavier land-based firepower over to the other island, Ivan hops back into Ludmilla also. Ivan and Dimitri should be able to handle the tank and rockets on the island, especially with Alina's air support.

Boris is just grumpily capturing stuff and wondering why he doesn't get to do anything fun.

Well, we can't really approach until the rockets are weakened or destroyed, so Alina makes a start on them. Maybe that suicidal infantry will keep attacking her on the enemy phase, that would be fun.

We're all in position, now. We just have to be careful not to over-extend until the rockets are gone. Lash probably has her CO Power now, too. Probably should've checked that, huh.

Yeah, no, I destroyed several botes, which are expensive as all hell. She definitely has it.

Oh yeah, there we go. Thank goodness most of the threatening things are dead already.

I have not missed this, Lash, I promise you.

The tank harasses Alina a bit, but that's not too annoying. No, the worst part is this:

Her rockets pull a retreat to the HQ. Under the effect of Prime Tactics, I will remind you, that's eight fucking defence stars. Yeah, we're not breaking through that with just a battle copter this turn.

So, Lash has bought herself some extra time. Let's see if we can do anything to harass her vaguely in the meantime, and we can do our proper attack next turn. Ooh, I can get Eva in place to fire at the HQ, too.

Boris is capturing things! It is... not very useful on this map!

I don't know what's more impressive, that these rockets are taking barely 19% from a copter attack, or that even after eight fucking defence stars, Alina is still doing 19% damage.

It's like that question of "If you slap yourself and it hurts, are you strong or weak?"
(The answer, obviously, is "Neither, what you are is an idiot for slapping yourself.")
Anyway, my units are in position for when Lash loses all her defensive bonuses next turn.

And now, it's time for that classic Advance Wars map trope...

That's right, it's the "turn where nothing happens"! So, let's make something happen, since Lash obviously isn't willing to.

First, Eva's now in range to fire on the rockets, which is excellent.

And that's more like it, Alina. Fuck those rockets up.

Meanwhile, Selena's reached the lander and-
Oh. This... this is going to take a while, isn't it?
I'd better get Valeria up there ASAP to help.

Boris is continuing to capture stuff. Colin's almost got his Super CO Power, so hey, every bit of money will increase Selena's damage, right..?

Lash you have no units left, what are you even doing with your turns now

Mildly irritating Alina, apparently.

Welp, it's our turn. Let's see if we can't clear out these last few enemies.

God, we're not doing much damage to this thing. It'll heal 2 per turn, too... damn it. Even my battleship isn't gonna help much..?

Well, we can drop off Dimitri, anyway. He'll be able to help out - I'm keeping Ivan away for now, since he's an artillery, and a bit squishier than Dimitri.

Now then, let's really ramp up the damage. 20k, that's a lot, right?

You sure aren't, Colin. Or at least, I hope not. I like you.


In honour of all of the Advance Wars AI who activate their SCOP and then immediately and POWERFULLY capture something, I decided to powerfully finish capturing this thing with Boris. Right, onto the main event now.


See this image? I regret saying this like five minutes ago.

At least Alina can delete you on the way up there.

...Yes, I know copters can't fire on landers. I had forgotten in the heat of battle, alright? I bet it's happened to all of you at least once or twice, cut me some slack.

......Yes, I know I make this can/can't fire mistake at least twice per campaign. I never learn.

Cue me, making the mistake.

At least Selena can keep poking it. Sigh. I will say, I did play this map again and finished it in 5 days with some more aggressive, slightly riskier plays, but I wanted the actual update to be my first, blind attempt at this map, and will probably keep doing that (unless my blind attempts involve losing units, at which point I may reset or replay, as per usual). But yes, I promise I'm better than this.

Dimitri can make a good start on the tank, at least.
"Enemies nearly defeated out here. How's it looking everywhere else?" Dimitri asks.
"Things are quiet up here." Boris replies.
"Working on it..!" Selena says. "Some backup would be nice."
"Valeria's on her way - I see her!" Alina replies. "Hang in there, Selena!"

And hey, look, we can finish off the tank, and thus every actual threat on the map, with one last hit from Eva.

Lash, uh, can't do anything now. So no point showing these.

And rather than a million screenshots saying "Selena shot them again", may as well just skip to the end.

Even with Valeria helping, it takes a couple more days, but soon, the lander is down to 1 HP. Let's take it out, Selena!

Wait, where's-
Oh, my god, she's out of ammunition. That's embarrassing. Right, Plan B - VALERIA!

thanks valeria

He's definitely referring to Two-Week Test here, where he won by doing absolutely nothing. Still can't fucking believe that worked...

I can't believe I still got an S for that awful 3-day delay in killing that one lander. God, they're forgiving in the early missions.

Pffthahahahah oh my god I love Colin. He's like Andy, but likeable.

And hey, another mission down. Not bad! I don't feel like we're out of the tutorial zone yet, though. Any other mechanics we've not run into yet..? Hm... I can't think of any.

So, next time, with all of our main mechanics taught to us, we'll do the next mission, Fog Rolls In!
Fog Rolls... In. Any mechanics we've not run into...
Mechanics... fog...
Update 8 - The Mercenaries Meet Again