Part 8: Chapter 8
Mufreesboro posted:
>Ford Stream
>ford stream
That's not a verb I recognise.
Now that's no good. I would at least have expected a response out of that one. I happen to know that the stream goes north to south, though, so in the spirit of obeying your request, going either east or west should constitute fording it.
In Forest
You are in open forest near both a valley and a road.
In A Valley
You are in a valley in the forest beside a stream tumbling along a rocky bed.
In Forest
You are in open forest, with a deep valley to one side.
In A Valley
You are in a valley in the forest beside a stream tumbling along a rocky bed.
Pester posted:
Follow that stream!
Well, it doesn't know the word follow, but as I just said, the stream is going north to south. So let's check it out.
At End Of Road
You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building. Around you is a forest. A small stream flows out of the building and down a gully.
The One True Direction takes us back to the well house, which means following the stream would involve going south.
In A Valley
You are in a valley in the forest beside a stream tumbling along a rocky bed.
At Slit In Streambed
At your feet all the water of the stream splashes into a 2-inch slit in the rock. Downstream the streambed is bare rock.
So here we are. Do we keep following the dry streambed south or do something here?
Mufreesboro posted:
>Feel extreme shame over poor LP thread
>Obtain Extension Cord
>Kill self.
>You win!
Muahahahahaha. Strap in, folks. The jokes don't get any better.