The Let's Play Archive


by idonotlikepeas

Part 106: Chapter 106

Slaan posted:

This place drives me insane.



That's not a verb I recognise.

That's not a verb I recognise.

That's not a verb I recognise.

That's not a verb I recognise.

Not even the mooing? Sad. I bet if we could moo we could communicate with that shadowy figure.


I'm done. Now lets be productive!

>put lamp in tunnel


>put lamp in tunnel
You can't see any such thing.

The tunnel doesn't seem to be a valid target to put things into, for whatever reason.

Bobbin Threadbare posted:



Something you're carrying won't fit through the tunnel with you. You'd best take inventory and drop something.

I dunno, game, I guess. Couldn't you at least say... like, "hey, your rod is too big to fit in the tunnel"?

...on second thought, it's probably better if it doesn't say that.

You are carrying:
  a ming vase
  a dwarvish axe
  a small bottle
    some bottled water
  a fresh batteries
  a black rod with a rusty star on the end
  a wicker cage (which is closed)
    a little bird
  a brass lantern (providing light)

Do we want to try dropping things? And, if so, what?