The Let's Play Archive


by idonotlikepeas

Part 117: Chapter 117

Alrighty, let's give that a try.



Inside Building
You are inside a building, a well house for a large spring.

You can see some precious jewelry, some diamonds, some tasty food, a treasure chest, some bars of silver and a set of keys here.


At End Of Road


At Hill In Road
You have walked up a hill, still in the forest. The road slopes back down the other side of the hill. There is a building in the distance.


At End Of Road


In Forest


In Forest
You are in open forest, with a deep valley to one side.

>drop vase
The ming vase drops with a delicate crash.

In Forest
[Previous turn undone.]


Guess that doesn't work either. We're rapidly running out places we've been to to drop this stupid thing.