The Let's Play Archive


by idonotlikepeas

Part 136: Chapter 136

Spookydonut posted:

>deposit trident
>get pearl

Sounds good! Let's get on th..

Spookydonut posted:

>eat pearl

Roundabout Route posted:

I bet it would taste better covered in oil.



Inside Building
You are inside a building, a well house for a large spring.

You can see a nest of golden eggs, some precious jewelry, some diamonds, some tasty food, a treasure chest, some bars of silver and a set of keys here.

>drop trident
Safely deposited.

[Your score has just gone up by nine points.]



Off to one side lies a glistening pearl!

>get pearl

[Your score has just gone up by seven points.]

>eat pearl
That's plainly inedible.

Oh, of course. Forgot the seasoning.


>pour oil on pearl
Your bottle is now empty and the ground is now wet.

>eat pearl
That's plainly inedible.

You slurp the oily lump down in a single gulp and, feeling quite pleased with yourself, start climbing back up to the oyster's room. Suddenly, a sharp pain pierces your stomach. You try to continue on, but it only get worse, and in a moment you have dropped to your knees on the cave floor. What is happening?

Understanding dawns as the first green-black limb bursts free of your abdomen in a spray of gore. It wasn't a pearl at all, was it? As you spiral down into the darkness, you try to scream, but your lungs are already lost in the churning, fleshy mass that used to be your chest.

*** You have died ***

> undo


Roundabout Route posted:

Have we explored all the exits from the Bedquilt Room yet, or was the Oriental Room the only unique exit from that place?

There are several ways from that room that we haven't gone. They are marked as "explore randomly", so who knows? There are also a few other exits from other rooms we haven't tried.

The Oriental Room is actually off of the Swiss Cheese Room rather than Bedquilt.

Roundabout Route posted:

Edit: Oops, forgot to make a vote. Uh, we didn't explore the other exit in the Waterfall Room, did we? Go there.

We have not! Let's see what's up there.



Ragged Corridor


Shell Room
There is an enormous oyster here with its shell tightly closed.


At Complex Junction




In Swiss Cheese Room


At East End of Twopit Room
There is a huge beanstalk growing out of the west pit up to the hole.


At West End of Twopit Room
There is a huge beanstalk growing out of the west pit up to the hole.

>climb beanstalk
You clamber up the plant and scurry through the hole at the top.

In Narrow Corridor
You are in a long, narrow corridor stretching out of sight to the west. At the eastern end is a hole through which you can see a profusion of leaves.


Giant Room


Immense N/S Passage

The way north leads through a massive, rusty, iron door.


In Cavern With Waterfall


Steep Incline Above Large Room
You are at the top of a steep incline above a large room. You could climb down here, but you would not be able to climb up. There is a passage leading back to the north.
