Part 146: Chapter 146
Jazzimus Prime posted:
>take spices
Maybe we'll get points if we return them to the well room.
We already grabbed them as part of our ill-starred attempt to eat them, but we'll drop them at the well house if we get a chance and see what happens.
Slaan posted:
Just for that, I'm going to start to pepper my language. I shall salt the earth of this thread!
Don't think you can curry favor with me that way. Puns have to be handled gingerly; you can't just bludgeon people with them like a mace.
At Junction With Warm Walls
At Junction With Warm Walls
The walls are quite warm here. From the north can be heard a steady roar, so loud that the entire cave seems to be trembling. Another passage leads south, and a low crawl goes east.
Just heading back now, so we'll go back to the fork...
At Fork in Path
At Fork in Path
The path forks here. The left fork leads northeast. A dull rumbling seems to get louder in that direction. The right fork leads southeast down a gentle slope. The main corridor enters from the west.
So shall we take the southeast branch, or head back to the bridge?
Also: Tomaquin has sent a new batch of maps, so the second post has been updated again!