The Let's Play Archive


by idonotlikepeas

Part 167: Chapter 167

pun pundit posted:

sic bear (on troll)
use bear
grin and bear it

Glazius posted:

We should just point at the troll. The bear should get the idea.

Alternately "give bear to troll".

Let's try all of these.


>sic bear on troll
That's not a verb I recognise.

>use bear
I only understood you as far as wanting to use.

>grin and bear it
That's not a verb I recognise.

>point at troll
That's not a verb I recognise.

>give bear to troll
(first taking the large cave bear)
Ok, the bear's now following you around.

Oh, well. Remember how I said I hate most guess the verb puzzles? Well, this qualifies and you guys have the right idea, so...


>drop bear
The bear lumbers toward the troll, who lets out a startled shriek and scurries away. The bear soon gives up the pursuit and wanders back.


This is another one that comes right from the two-word-parser days. You can also use "catch" and "release".

Avenging_Mikon posted:

also, after the bear vs. troll, what happens if we say the egg magic words either in reverse order, or backwards?


Get it right, dummy!

Get it right, dummy!

That's not a verb I recognise.

The game also recognizes (or recognises, since the author of the Inform parser is British) a few other magic words.


Good try, but that is an old worn-out magic word.

So, where to now? We have a request to check the giant room for the golden eggs, we still need to get the spices from this side of the troll bridge, we're carrying six items again so we can't grab everything, there's this large bear...

E: Adding in our inventory here.

You are carrying:
  a golden chain
  a set of keys
  a black rod with a rusty star on the end
  a dwarvish axe
  a brass lantern (providing light)
  a ming vase

Adventure: Behind the Parser

Don Woods was working at SAIL (the Stanford AI Lab) when he first ran across Adventure on a lab computer. He became fascinated with the program and eventually decided that he'd like to expand it. Of course, to do that, he'd have to contact the original author for permission (and the source files). He knew the author's name was Crowther because it was right there on the game, so he did the obvious thing: he sent e-mail to crowther@every single domain on the Internet. (Which, at that point, consisted of a few dozen domains.) He happened to hit the right Crowther, who gave him permission, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Woods' additions to the game were much more fanciful. He had no real connection to or knowledge of the Bedquilt caves, so the main body of his work consists of fairy-tale elements like the Troll, the Giant Room or the ... well, you'll see. He currently works at Google, and his home page may be found at if you are interested.