Part 170: Chapter 170
i81icu812 posted:
It's a dropbear!
I thought about including some drop bear stuff in that post, but I decided it was a bit trivia-heavy as it was. Thank you for doing it for me (and that is an awesome picture).
Gay Abortions posted:
Let's get the bottle and fill it with water, then try saying "fee fie foe foo" and "fee fie foe fum" from within the well house.
>get bottle
At End Of Road
>fill bottle
The bottle is now full of water.
Inside Building
A solid golden chain lies in coils on the ground!
You can also see a selection of rare spices, a jeweled trident, a wicker cage (which is closed) (in which is a little bird), a glistening pearl, some precious jewelry, some diamonds, a treasure chest and some bars of silver here.
Nothing happens.
That's not a verb I recognise.
Disappointing. I believe the original insulted you differently, too.
So let's go check the giant room to see if the eggs are there.
Inside Building
A solid golden chain lies in coils on the ground!
You can also see a selection of rare spices, a jeweled trident, a wicker cage (which is closed) (in which is a little bird), a glistening pearl, some precious jewelry, some diamonds, a treasure chest and some bars of silver here.
Plugh gets second billing as a magic word, but you end up using it a heck of a lot more. So, back over to the twopit room...
>climb beanstalk
You clamber up the plant and scurry through the hole at the top.
In Narrow Corridor
You are in a long, narrow corridor stretching out of sight to the west. At the eastern end is a hole through which you can see a profusion of leaves.
Giant Room
You can see a nest of golden eggs here.
>get eggs
[Your score has just gone up by five points.]
So, we have a few things left to explore. Since it's been a while on this troll area, I'll give you a list of exits we haven't tried and things we haven't done (although, as always, I do not guarantee that it is complete):
- More potential exits from the Hall of the Mountain King. We have not tried northwest or southwest.
- East or South from the Swiss Cheese Room.
- West from Twopit.
- Exploring randomly north, south, and up from Bedquilt.
- South from the Hall of Mists.
- Getting into the tight passage in the alcove (may require dropping the vase).
- Dropping the vase without breaking it.
- We could try to figure out how to cross the fissure in the Hall of Mists, although any utility that shortcut would have is long past.
I assume you'll want to deposit the eggs before doing any of the above, but please let me know if I'm wrong about that.