The Let's Play Archive


by idonotlikepeas

Part 40: Chapter 40

CaptainCaveman posted:

Hang on, have we figured out how to use the rod yet? Point rod at dwarf. Wave rod at dwarf. Hit dwarf with rod.

Remembering our lessons from 80s cop shows, we bravely dive across the room, roll, and come up with the rod!


>get rod

The dwarf throws a nasty little knife at you, but misses!

>point rod at dwarf
That's not a verb I recognise.

>wave rod at dwarf
I only understood you as far as wanting to wave the black rod with a rusty star on the end.

>wave rod
Nothing happens.

>hit dwarf with rod
I only understood you as far as wanting to hit the threatening little dwarf.

>hit dwarf
Not with your bare hands. No way.

The dwarf throws a nasty little knife at you, but misses!

Our Black Magic Rod doesn't seem to have done us a lot of good here. Although waving it did produce a non-generic parser response! So maybe that's good for something that doesn't involve smiting dwarves.

pun pundit posted:

But the rod is lying on the floor. We should throw the axe at this one, too.

Good old axey. You've never let us down. Except with the snake.


>throw axe at dwarf
You killed a little dwarf! The body vanishes in a cloud of greasy black smoke.


Hall of the Mountain King
You are in the hall of the mountain king, with passages off in all directions.

You can see a dwarvish axe here.

>get axe


Eat that!

...oh, wait, they only eat coal.