The Let's Play Archive


by idonotlikepeas

Part 57: Chapter 57

Pester posted:

Look at those coins. Maybe our face is on them.

Well, the pirate has them now, but through the magic of save/load:


>x coins
They're a numismatist's dream!

Numismatists have some weird-ass dreams.

Bobbin Threadbare posted:

I have seriously never played Adventure before. All I know is, where there be treasure, there be dwarves.

The reason I'm surprised is that the dwarves  appear totally randomly . (Again, not a huge spoiler, but.)

Slaan posted:

That makes me so pIrate.



That's not a verb I recognise.

That's not a verb I recognise.

That's not a verb I recognise.

That's not a verb I recognise.

After that joke, I would have been offended if your command had worked.

Bobbin Threadbare posted:

Anyway, I'm guessing the pirate acts sort of like the thief in Zork 1, so if we jump through the right hoops, we'll eventually find the treasure again. I also suspect we won't be murdering him, though.

Let's keep going, which sounds like either west or up will work.

Slaan posted:

I didn't see any directions for this room, so lets try them in order. >NESW

Well, let's combine these.


You can't go that way.

You can't go that way.

East goes back to the Hall of the Mountain King, so we'll head west/up.



N/S and E/W Crossover
You are at a crossover of a high N/S passage and a low E/W one.


Blind choices ahoy! Where to now?