Part 8: Day One- Page 7
Ghostwoods posted:
Also Grimwit, I wanted to say that I'm really digging the illustrations. Thanks

Old Grey Guy posted:
Up the hill (NW)
Everyone seems to agree.
Twisting Lane
The lane narrows here to little more than a badly cobbled sidewalk as it wends its way up through a series of tortuous bends and switchbacks. In some places, the street is so steep that steps have been cut into it, worn down over the years and slick with moss. Your progress is blocked at the top of the street by a blank brick wall.
>look at wall
It's just an ordinary-looking brick wall.
Maybe violence is the answer.
>punch wall
Violence isn't the answer to this one.
The rain slackens off momentarily to a weak drizzle, then returns afresh in a brief, freezing downpour.
Huh. Nothing else here. I guess we return.
You take a few tentative steps back down the lane, but it seems to lead only to a short switchback, bringing you right back to the brick wall. You're not entirely sure now, which direction leads back to the narrow street.
You take a few tentative steps back down the lane, but it seems to lead only to a short switchback, bringing you right back to the brick wall. You're not entirely sure now, which direction leads back to the narrow street.
You take a few tentative steps back down the lane, but it seems to lead only to a short switchback, bringing you right back to the brick wall. You're not entirely sure now, which direction leads back to the narrow street.

Son of a...
The wall blocks your way in that direction.
Alright. Welcome to the first "Maze" of the game. It's not even a maze. It's more like a wrap around screen.
Puzzle-wise, this lane is kind of a dick move. See, this will become important later, but you won't recieve any clue as to when one of the 7 open dirrecitons will lead somewhere. You just have to guess when the time is right.
Alright, the correct way to go, for now is...
Narrow Street
Thesaya posted:
Let's do this counter clockwise and go Northwest.
To the north, a gap in the crowded press of gloomy buildings opens onto a country lane, heading out over a grassy heath. The main street continues to the east, while to the northwest, over the top of a steep rise, you can just make out the vaulted rooftops of the university.
I feel like this is progress. So we have North, Northwest, or we can go back to the Bridge that was south of the Narrow Street.
Choose in Bold