Part 41: Day Three- Page 41
Well, the updates seem shorter because we're getting close to the end of the game.Id say we're 80% done-ish.
pumpinglemma posted:
Well, that sounds like we need to go to the burial ground and start messing around with the flute. Since this is already a terrible, terrible idea, we might as well stand on the altar, moon the obelisk, and shout "ALL GODS ARE BASTARDS" before doing it.
Can't think of a reason not to.
>put all in coat
newspaper: You slip the newspaper into the pocket of your trenchcoat.
keyring: You slip the keyring into the pocket of your trenchcoat.
letter opener: You slip the letter opener into the pocket of your trenchcoat.
>get flute
(the strange metal flute)
>play flute
(the strange metal flute)
You blow an open chord into the little flute, and it resonates with an eerie, metallic warble.
The columns' vibrations seem to grow momentarily stronger while the flute's sound lingers, their dissonant ringing resonating strangely with the warbling, metallic notes.
We've established that this flute has seven holes, so here's how you solve this.
Every time you restart the game from scratch, the two flute holes you need to cover change.
>cover first hole
You place your finger over the first flute hole.
>play flute
(the strange metal flute)
The flute emits an eerie, almost sub-sonic note.
The right-hand column's vibrations suddenly grow stronger, resonating in harmony with the warbling, metallic note of the flute. The two dissonances seem to intertwine, reinforcing each other, and for a single instant you think you see a strange rippling effect in the air over the altar. Then it is gone, and the sound fades.
So you have to carefully cover and uncover each hole to deturmine which is the correct note to play.
>uncover first hole
You lift your finger from the first flute hole.
>cover second hole
You place your finger over the second flute hole.
>play flute
(the strange metal flute)
The flute emits an eerie, deep note.
The columns' vibrations seem to grow momentarily stronger while the flute's sound lingers, their dissonant ringing resonating strangely with the warbling, metallic notes.
>uncover second hole
You lift your finger from the second flute hole.
Which is a pain.
Skipping ahead...
>cover seventh hole
You place your finger over the seventh flute hole.
>play flute
(the strange metal flute)
The flute emits an eerie, piercingly high note.
The right-hand column's vibrations suddenly grow stronger, resonating in harmony with the warbling, metallic note of the flute. The two dissonances seem to intertwine, reinforcing each other, and for a single instant you think you see a strange rippling effect in the air over the altar. Then it is gone, and the sound fades.
>uncover hole
Which do you mean, the first flute hole, the second flute hole, the third flute hole, the fourth flute hole, the fifth flute hole, the sixth flute hole or the seventh flute hole?
You lift your finger from the seventh flute hole.
So, now Miranda understands. It is the first and seventh hole that activates the altar.
>get onto altar
You clamber onto the great stone block.
>Yell "Fuck you, GODS!"
I only understood you as far as wanting to yell.
>Fuck you, gods!
No need to get frustrated.
>cover first hole
You place your finger over the first flute hole.
>cover seventh hole
You place your finger over the seventh flute hole.
>Play flute
(the strange metal flute)
The flute emits an odd mixture of metallic, warbling notes which intertwine and harmonize eerily with each other.
The strange harmony of the flute blends with the atonal ringing of the two columns, and the three sounds suddenly grow stronger, resonating with and reinforcing one another, intertwining like a dissonant, invisible braid. The sound increases in volume, piercing your eardrums and causing the very air to shimmer.
Suddenly the air above the altar begins to ripple as though with extreme heat. The very fabric of space seems to twist and buckle between the two columns; and then, with a sound like a wet sheet being torn slowly down the middle, the fabric splits.
You experience a sudden, wrenching, excruciating pain, as though your body were being crushed into a tiny sphere; stretched out into a membrane-thin sheet; spindled away into a knife-thin thread half an infinity long, then pulled backward through a hole one-billionth of a moment wide. The universe rolls itself into a horrible, toroid shape, rotates a quarter-turn counter-clockwise, and silently explodes.

The Womb of Nehilim
You have been embraced and encysted within the necrotic folds of the Womb of Nehilim.
No sane human being could ever hope to grasp the unspeakably, incomprehensibly foul and alien processes of this realm. To even set down in writing what happens to you within the first few moments of your arrival would shatter the strongest of minds, even if the description were limited to detailing merely the physical tortures. Suffice it to say that it is worse than anything you could have possibly imagined, even if you had spent your entire life trying, and that it continues, each moment exponentially more hideous than the last, until the end of all time.
*** You have suffered a fate far more hideous than death ***
In that game you scored 39 out of a possible 100 points; you have stumbled onto a conspiracy of monstrous horror.
Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, UNDO your last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT?
> full
In that game you scored 39 out of a possible 100 points; you have stumbled onto a conspiracy of monstrous horror.
The score was made up as follows:
2 points for finding the house keys
2 points for showing the keys to Michael
1 point for taking a bath
1 point for getting the key from the cellar
1 point for getting the key from the attic
2 points for finding the journal
2 points for finding the diary
1 point for finding the safe
2 points for opening the safe
2 points for opening the puzzle box
2 points for guessing Michael's computer passcode
5 points for receiving the amulet
2 points for giving the bum whiskey
5 points for giving the bum the amulet
5 points for learning the name IALDABAOLOTH
2 points for spying on Michael
2 points for opening the secret door behind the wine racks
39 total (out of 100)
Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, UNDO your last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT?