Part 46: Day Three- Page 45
Ghostwoods posted:
Get the Necronomicon, read it, and climb up the rope into the top of the steeple.
Well, let's start with the rope.
>look at rope
It's about twenty feet long, frayed in a few places but still sturdy enough.
>climb rope
You haul yourself up onto the rope, bringing your whole weight to bear. It holds for about three seconds -- then there is a sharp snap from above you and a muffled clank. The rope falls, spilling you to the floor amidst an untidy tangle of coils.
Bah. Useless rope.
>take rope
Just because it's useless doesn't mean Miranda won't store it in her coat for a couple of days.
>look at window
It's just an ordinary-looking narrow window.
Sure. One that's been painted black.
Behind the Chapel
Behind the Chapel
This little room behind the chapel is hardly bigger than a broom closet. A ladder bolted to the wall leads up through a hatch, presumably up into the steeple.
There must be some other way out of here.
The big wooden cross that once hung above the pulpit has fallen, split in half.
On the pulpit is a huge, black tome.
Alright, let's take the evil book with us. It's just a book.
>take tome
(the huge, black tome)
A horrid coldness seeps into your fingers as you try to pick the book up; it flows from the book itself into your body, soaking into your bones and making your back teeth ache. Quickly, you set the book down again, absently trying to rub the unpleasant sensation from your hands.
Just a cold, evil, malicious tome of black knowledge.
No Gravitas posted:
Yup, read the book. Time to learn about this dump.
Then maybe dress up in robes and walk out, if there is some exit?
How about we find some way out first.
>look at door
At least a dozen sturdy boards have been nailed across the sturdy oak doors; even with proper tools, it would take you days to pry them loose.
Guess not here. And the stairs are gone... Sooo...
The big wooden cross that once hung above the pulpit has fallen, split in half.
On the pulpit is a huge, black tome.
Sigh. Alright. Let's read the evil book.
>read book
Which do you mean, the huge, black tome, the Cryptical Haermoniacon, The Compleat Manual of Wardes and Seales, the torn journal or the book of matches?
As you lean closer over the pages to make out the words in this dim light, the letters seem to writhe and crawl across the page, twisting themselves into strange combinations, horrible words that you've never read before... and yet, somehow, you can understand their repulsive meaning. Something about a "Blessed Event", which will happen very soon, and a hideous god whose name may not be spoken...
Is this the book that was preached in this church before it fell to ruin? Are these the gods these people worshipped? You want to tear your eyes from the page in revulsion, but some small, gleefully filthy part of you wants to keep reading, to uncover the secrets that the people of Anchorhead uncovered...
Will you read on?
Miranda! What are you doing?
As your hungry eyes lap up word after blasphemous word, it all becomes clear to you: you come to understand the true nature of He Who Is Named Not, and what the Verlacs were trying to accomplish all these years, preparing the people of Anchorhead for the Blessed Event... it all makes sense to you now.
You step back, smiling, from the podium. There's no need to be afraid, you realize, for neither yourself nor your husband are in any danger. It's all right. It all makes sense. And when you raise your hands to your face and slowly push the fingernails of your first and middle fingers into each eye, digging the soft, bloody tissue out and dragging it down your cheeks in ropy smears... why, that's all right, too.

It's the most natural thing in the world.
*** You have gone utterly mad ***
In that game you scored 42 out of a possible 100 points; you are hopelessly enmeshed in the tentacles of an ancient and sinister plot.
Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, UNDO your last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT?
> full
In that game you scored 42 out of a possible 100 points; you are hopelessly enmeshed in the tentacles of an ancient and sinister plot.
The score was made up as follows:
2 points for finding the house keys
2 points for showing the keys to Michael
1 point for taking a bath
1 point for getting the key from the cellar
1 point for getting the key from the attic
2 points for finding the journal
2 points for finding the diary
1 point for finding the safe
2 points for opening the safe
2 points for opening the puzzle box
2 points for guessing Michael's computer passcode
5 points for receiving the amulet
2 points for giving the bum whiskey
5 points for giving the bum the amulet
5 points for learning the name IALDABAOLOTH
2 points for spying on Michael
2 points for opening the secret door behind the wine racks
2 points for hiding from the monster at the slaughterhouse
1 point for breaking into the church
42 total (out of 100)
Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, UNDO your last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT?