Part 69: Last Night- Page 67
Okay, I don't know what's up with me, but there's no reason we shouldn't knock this out in the next week.So, let's see how Miranda can deal with Mike.
Suddenly Michael lunges forward and grabs your arms. He shakes you, causing your head to whip back and forth and your teeth to click painfully together.
"Bitch -- " he hisses, " -- rotten, filthy bitch -- you never give up, do you? You've foiled me for the last time! There's no way to fix what you've undone tonight, but by all the unholy spawn of darkness I will put you in a stone cold place for it!!" And his hands lock tightly around your throat and begin to squeeze.
inflatablefish posted:
Kick our husband in the bollocks.
>Kick Mike in the balls
I only understood you as far as wanting to kick Michael.
Oh, come on. Didn't program the family jewels in the game, did we?
>Kick Mike
Without even blinking, Michael backhands you hard enough to send sparks across your vision. "Silly bitch," he sneers. "There's nothing you can do to hurt me."
Grimly, Michael continues to strangle you...
Princey posted:
Maybe we could show Michael our wedding ring?
Michael! Remember who you are?!
Remember the good times we had together?
>Show Mike ring
There is one chance -- if you can only somehow reach whatever weak flicker of humanity still survives within that shell; if the person who was your husband still exists somewhere, buried beneath the part that is Croseus Verlac...
Silently, you raise up your left hand, your wedding ring gleaming softly in the strange, green light.
Remember when I stole this from Kay's Jewelers, and you freaked out, insisting we engraved it so even if the police discovered the truth, they'de have to destroy it cuz if I couldn't have the ring, no one could?!
Michael is transfixed. He seems to want to recoil from the sight, yet is somehow simultaneously drawn to it.
You said you'de picked the message to engrave, but when you tried to pay, I had your wallet.
Um... I have your wallet, still. Sorry about that. I needed your ID card to steal a book.
The point is, we promised we would be together forever!
Suddenly, his face crumbles, the madness and stoic evil falling away to reveal confusion, fear, vulnerability and anguish -- all superimposed upon the malevolent features of Croseus, struggling to regain control.

Your score has just gone up by five points.
He's distracted!
Now Miranda can kick him in the balls.
>Kick Mike in the balls
I only understood you as far as wanting to kick Michael.
Damn it!
>Kick Mike
Without even blinking, Michael backhands you hard enough to send sparks across your vision. "Silly bitch," he sneers. "There's nothing you can do to hurt me."
For just a moment, he is almost back with you; his features soften, his grip around your throat weakens. For just a moment, the thing that possesses him falters and loosens its hold.
Huh. Maybe, for once, violence and theft isn't the answer.
But... If not those, then what?

In Coat