Part 80: Jacqli's Soulspace, Level 7-Punishment
Jacqli's Soulpace, Level 7- Punishment
Loading Excerpt- Personal Logs, C. Bartel
For a minute I foolishly thought things were going to be better because I'd chosen Jacqli over Miros.

Is Miros really gone...?
Ayatane was hanging out around an odd tower, I decided to see what he was up to.

I just kindly watch over her. I mean, it's not that bad of a role actually.

The stuff Mother likes most is suspense and romance.

I'm pretty sure by the way she wouldn't wear clothes if she wasn't forced to. Anyway while I was up at the tower I spotted an odd scaffold, which seemed to be new. I decided to check it out.

I... am getting executed.

Come with me.

...I guess I have no choice.
The Jacqli from the Doll Shop in the last level was suspended on a cross. No wonder she was dead on the next level...

I killed hundreds of millions of people, and smashed almost half the world into the Sea of Death.
I wonder how much damage I have done... How much blood I have spilled...

I can finally punish myself.

I will live with the guilt and regret forever, just like this girl...

How could I have known that only her desire for revenge kept her moving forward? Anyway, there was no way I could let her kill herself.

The crime committed will never disappear...

She will never forget... that you prevented her from punishing herself.
Nothing hurts more than to live with the guilt for what you did.

...Thank you. Now I don't have to be confused with myself.

Is it impossible to release her from her guilt...?
I'm not even sure exactly what it is, but it has always seemed like, I don't know, the Sea of Nam is trying to help me. This time it wasn't Ayatane, but another who came to my aid.

???: Ahhh! Pervert!

Bubbleba: Your mind is so filthy. Purify yourself!

Bubbleba: The sins that you committed in the past.

Bubbleba: Nope.

Bubbleba: The sins will never disappear, but you can use it for polishing.

Bubbleba: Your value, and your will.

Bubbleba: What? Are you upset? Were you expecting to get rid of your sins through purification?

Bubbleba: That's not possible... The sins will remain forever. Were you trying to stop the execution of Jacqli?

It pointed something out I'd not considered. I wanted to save Jacqli for my own reasons, but the only way to succeed is for her to want to be saved.

Bubbleba: Plus, you shouldn't think of changing someone else like that.
If you want to help her, do it yourself. I'm not going to get directly involved, but I can help you.

Bubbleba: You might be able to help her if you have the power of "Harmonius".

Bubbleba: Not the same one, because you already used it. But you can if you have a stronger will.

Bubbleba: Purify your heart and mind. Cleanse your thoughts and poish the power of "Harmonius".
It all depends on your will though. Nothing will change if you're not strong enough.

Bubbleba: Alright, then I'm going to scrub and scrub you! Ready!

...The crystal of Harmonius!
Bubbleba: Whoa, well done! This glow should be enough for what you need.

Bubbleba: I'm not gonna tell you that. Crystals will work according to your power. It depends on how strong your will is.

Bubbleba: So go already. You are the only person who will be able to release her from her own curse.

Feinne's Fourth Wall Lectures:
We've now finally got a second level to Those Memories. This is almost enough payoff to be worth doing 7-P first, though 7-C is definitely intended to be done first. This song is brutally powerful and extremely easy to evolve, so it tends to become one of my real bread and butter songs.
Also the next scene is voiced and very worth watching the relatively short video for.
I wasn't just armed with the power of Harmonius this time, though. I was armed with a new understanding of what I needed to do.

You're only going to hurt the people who are trying to forgive you...

But how do you plan to move on from this?

Enough! If you come any closer, I really will...

Your sins will never disappear... Nor should you ever forget the mistakes you've made.
But that doesn't mean you should dwell on them either. You need to learn from them and move on.

If you have already accepted your mistake... you can turn it into hope for tomorrow.

The light!?

You already know what you did was wrong. I can see that.
Now you should think of what you can do for this world to make up for what you did.

I truly feel honored to have been told her dream.

Do you see how the guilt from your mistake can be used for the greater good?
If you hadn't felt so guilty, you never would've tried to help so many people.

You're not relying on anyone's forgiveness, or excuses. If you can create hope from this...
I think you can forgive yourself.
The other Jacqli vanished from the scaffold.

I've done so much to this world, I have to do something to help recreate it.

We'd reached the Paradigm Shift. Only time would tell if the problem had been solved.

I hated it. I hated myself for coming out of this world, and everyone else.
I guess it was because I couldn't accept myself.
I will recreate the world, not just to pay off my sins, but with love to save the world.

Well then, Croix...

The next level...
Will I be able to handle it...?
One thing is for certain, I won't give up now.

Loading Excerpt- Hopes for the Green Land: Collected Writings, J.
I don't know, what's the right way to describe how I feel? At peace?
Cosmosphere #7B:

Honestly, I can feel it strongly this time.

I just... I just don't know how to explain it.

Yeah, I think that's the right word for it.
I'm looking for the next Paradigm Shift, Croix.
Let's Talk a Lot #2:

...Are you worried about me?

...It's not bad being cared for.
Maybe this world isn't such a bad place after all...