Part 2: Chapter 1: Begin
Chapter 1: Begin

These viruses were programmed by the Tower, and lurked in the shadows as pieces of data. They would occasionally appear in the real world with physical form and attack people.
Threatened by the viruses, the Humans lived in a constant state of terror.
Then amidst the chaos, the Humans glimpsed a ray of hope. The Reyvateils, Holy Song Maidens, appeared with the legendary Hymn Crystals.
Using the power of the crystals, the maidens weakened the viruses.
In time they sealed the so-called "Mother Virus" within the Tower.
Peace had temporarily been restored.

Welcome to the Tower of Ar Tonelico Public Access Terminal Network!
Show me what happened in Platina.
Security clearance is required to access this information. Please log in.
Accessing... Clearance accepted. Welcome, [USER REDACTED]. Loading security logs for Platina.
Report for date: Attack by unidentified viruses at Altar of Apostles. Knights of Elemia dispatched to investigate. Current status: Unknown.
Location: Platina Commander's Chamber

Knight: Aye, sir! Viruses are spreading at the Altar of Apostles!
Classification: Unknown. Rank: Unknown. We don't have any information, sir!

C'mon! Let's do this!

Who gave you the order to confront them? Speak up!

That is the duty of a Knight of Elemia!

We have no information about these viruses. We're completely in the dark here.

You won't be much help out there, so just stay out of trouble.

Pause playback. Display all records on the boy.
Loading records... Load complete.

Name: Lyner Barsett. Age: 18. Gender: Male. Height: 171 cm Weight: 59 kg.
Son of Leard Barsett, Commander of Platina. Member of Knights of Elemia. Tasked with guarding Tower Administrator Shurelia.
Assessment: Often behaves rashly in crises. Reliability questionable.
An unforeseen element to be accounted for. Resume playback.
Location: Altar of Apostles

Boss Battle- ELMA-DS
The first battle of the game is technically a boss, although it's a scripted fight that you can't win. Just Attack it with Lyner and Ayatane until Shurelia hits it with her Song Magic, after which the battle will end. You should also note that we have a decent amount of health. That's because Lyner starts at level 10, and is therefore not a total loser.
For this battle we get Ayatane and Shurelia, but don't get used to having them. We won't be seeing either for a while after the next scene. It should also be noted that yes, Shurelia really does hit ELMA for like 400 times what our regular attacks are doing. In fact, that Primal Word song is her weakest.
This battle incorporates but isn't intended to explain the elements of battle, so I'll wait for the game before giving more detailed explanations of what's going on. I will say that our party consists of up to three main line characters and up to one Reyvateil. The main line and enemies act in the order shown by the gauge at the top of the screen, with action rate determined by our speed stats. Reyvateils cast Song Magic, and do so out of order with the turns. You can set them charging a song whenever, and activate it whenever. Song Magic can inflict lots of damage, provide healing, or buff the party.

The behavioral pattern and characteristics of these viruses are unknown... I don't know how this battle will go.

I'll start chanting and we'll see what happens. You two, back me up!

Virus Data: ELMA-DS
Classification: Unknown.
Attacks: Bugs Fang, System Break.
Note: Proceed with Extreme Caution.

Following engagement Knight team attempted to fall back to Platina.

We can't just give up when the going gets tough!

We must look at the big picture. If we die here, who will protect our land?

We must retreat. That's an order!

Without Platina functioning properly, it's impossible to repel these viruses.

We must return to Platina and hold an emergency disaster meeting.
Team continued to flee, with virus ELMA-DS in pursuit. Knight Ayatane attempted to delay virus to allow safe return of Administrator Shurelia.

Lady Shurelia, Lyner, I'm sorry.
Knight Ayatane forced rest of team through divider A7 and sealed it.

But, staying here won't do any good.
If we return to Platina, we may be able to discover a countermeasure that can save Ayatane, and the world.

We cannot exterminate these viruses through conventional means.
Since they can turn into energy and move throughout the tower instantaneously, attacking them is useless.

We must use the Hymn Crystal.

It's in the Wings of Horus, a floating continent several thousand stons away.

Go down to the Wings of Horus and retrieve the Purger.
Take the airship on the other side of this door and head out.

Lady Shurelia...

Hurry! We don't have much time!

You should find it helpful.

Please... hold on until I get back.

Knight Lyner Barsett boarded airship.

Shortly after takeoff, airship was attacked by creature, classification Sleipnir. Subsequent to attack airship crashed on Wings of Horus. Current status of pilot unknown. Record ends.
Hymn Crystal Purger... An unanticipated turn of events. Steps will need to be taken. Computer, delete all records of this access and log off.
Records deleted. Logging off. Thank you for using the Ar Tonelico Public Access Terminal Network, [USER REDACTED]!