Part 4: Chapter 3: Grathmeld
Chapter 3: Grathmeld
Welcome to the Tower of Ar Tonelico Public Access Terminal Network!
Initiate search, personal logs and surveillance records, Lyner Barsett.
Searching... records found.
Commence playback, chronological order.
Playback commencing.
Personal log: Lyner Barsett:
Jack and I headed back to town. He figured we should rest a bit before heading out to the forest to find the Blue Wolves. I still don't know why he's suddenly acting so differently.

Ever since they showed up in Cello Forest, I haven't been able to return to Nemo.

When we're ready, let's head out to Cello Forest.
We headed out to the Cello Forest, but were in for a rude surprise. The Blue Wolves were made out of some kind of mist or fog or something, and physical attacks passed right through them!

My gun's not as effective against them, either. We better head back.
Heh, they ran off, too.

We went back to the inn to plan our next course of action. Luckily, Jack had an idea.

But, by the look of it, I doubt you have any of those types of weapons.

But, if I put my heart in it, I know I can beat them to death with my sword.

If you can't hurt them, then I may as well fight them by myself!
Besides, you'd only get in my way.

Okay, look, I need to get my airship back. Otherwise I'm screwed.
If I can't beat them by force, please tell me what I can do!

If you can master this technique, you can make anything, from bombs to medicine.

They say that he can teach anyone to be a skilled Melder.

Inn: Well... he's at the café at the top of the column.

Inn: He moved up there with his grandchild not too long ago.
They wanted a place with a view, so he opened a store up there.
But, having a store up there can't be safe. I just can't understand that city girl...

We went up to the top of the tower. The store was perched precariously on the edge. Jack decided to chat up the girl at the counter while I found the old man in the back.

Girl: Wow! How did you know that!?

Girl: Oh, well, my name is Noelle.

Noelle: Oh, my. You're making me blush...
Old Man: Ah...ahhh...ahchoooo!!

I heard that your grandfather is a famous Melder. Is that true?
Noelle: Yes. I know he doesn't look like it, but he used to be world-famous.

Noelle: Yes. I think he loves it. He has a lot of free time on his hands now.
Why don't you ask him yourself?

I asked the old man, and he agreed to give me a one-day course on Grathmelding.

It seems to Grathmeld something all I need is a camp, a recipe, and materials. He showed me all the technique, and we practiced by making a weak medicine. He then gave me homework, to create a Missile. This couldn't have come at a better time, since we need bombs to battle the wolves.

Grathmelding... Interesting. So the Lower World retains some knowledge after all...
Grathmelding is this game's version of Alchemy. You use component material items to produce items of all types. It's simplicity itself to use. There's some tricks that become available later, which we'll see as they come up.
I managed to make the Missiles with no problems. The old man was impressed, and so was Jack. He seemed ready to go. Turns out he's not as smooth as he seemed.

But, if you have a Missile, we have a better shot at winning that battle.
...I'm expecting good things from you.

Record available: Data captured from Virus, type War Phantom


Virus deleted.

The Blue Wolves aren't a threat at all. The first couple 'bosses' are just to introduce game mechanics. This ends after the next boss we face.
Record available: Crash Site Surveillance Log.
Display log.

Mayor: ...Oh, yes. Of course.

Mayor: You saved us.
Tenba only works for money, so it's hard for a poor village like ours to rely on them.
But, it wasn't always like that. Tenba used to be a company for the common folks.
I don't know what happened to them...

Mayor: Sorry, I don't mean to complain to you.
We're grateful for what you've done. We'll do anything to help you.

Mayor: Go through the Cello Forest. Airport City Nemo is just on the other side.
It is the biggest city in the lower world. They say that the unattainable is unknown in Nemo.

Mayor: Anyway, our village is poor, so we can't give you much... but, please take this.

Mayor: Yes, I don't mind. And, you can leave your airship here.
We shall watch over it until you can repair it.

Record ends.
Resume log playback.
Personal Log: Lyner Barsett:
Jack stopped us on the way to Nemo. He decided we should camp out for the night. We had an interesting talk.

Look, why don't we camp out here and get some sleep? I'll go get some firewood.

I told Jack what had happened in Platina.

...Take a look.

They hate humans. In fact, they built a huge gate to block humans from going up.

I went to sleep. I think Jack walked off for a bit. I had a dream, remembering when I became a Knight.

...I'm coming, Misha.

I don't see any reason why he hasn't been passed.

You need to mature into a man who is great enough to govern Platina. You shall be my successor!

You're always sneaking around, trying to control everything! Why should I be like you?
Well, you can't force me into politics. And, I'll never change my mind!

Hmm... Out of respect for Lady Shurelia, I'll let you pass this time.
However, some day, you will go into politics.

(I hate having bad dreams. I hope Lady Shurelia and Ayatane are okay...)

Oh, and don't let anyone find out you're an Apostle of Elemia.
That's a pretty big deal down here. Some people might try and take advantage of you.
So we're about to head into Nemo. I hope I can some information there, or maybe a mechanic.
Record ends.
Airport City Nemo... Computer, Airport City Nemo is declared Omega Class Virus Threat. You are authorized to terminate any possibly contaminated inhabitants.
Open a link to the following channel. I need to make certain this is dealt with. He should be sufficient for the task...
Link opened.
Log off this terminal and delete all records of this access. Leave link open by remote terminal.
Confirmed. Logging off system and deleting records. Thank you for using the Ar Tonelico Public Access Terminal Network, [USER REDACTED]!