Part 7: Chapter 5: Breakout
Chapter 5: Breakout
Welcome to the Tower of Ar Tonelico Public Access Terminal Network!
Give me internal surveillance records for Tenba's Firefly Alley facilities for the past day.
Loading... files found. Playback commencing.

Guard the third cell carefully. I'll interrogate him tomorrow.
Guard: Yes, sir!

Switch view to containment facility, third cell.

I can't waste time in here...
I have to find the Purger and get back to the Upper World!

Why aren't you in Platina?
And, your armor... You look like a Knight of Elemia!
What's going on?

Have we met before?

Follow their movements. And give me all information on this 'Misha'.
Record found:

Name: Misha Arsellec Lune. Age: 18. Height: 164 cm. Weight: 48 kg.
Note: Beta Pureblood Reyvateil, Hymn Code: MISHA_FEHU_EORIA_ARTONELICO Purpose of creation: Execution of Hymn Crystal 'Chronicle Key'.
Chronicle Key? CHRONICLE KEY?! What are you playing at, Rade? Whatever, it doesn't matter. He'll be dealt with too in the end. Follow their movements through the facility.
So, we now have a Reyvateil in the party for good. At the moment Misha has pretty much the same general abilities as Aurica. We'll see next update how she can get more Song Magic.
And yes, Misha's 18. She's not 'wink wink' 18 either, the reason for her current appearance will become apparent later on. The artbook only includes young Misha as an afterthought so I'll just put her main page up.
Subjects followed to hallway.

Guard A: ...Say, have you Dived recently?
Guard B: Huh? No, I haven't.
Guard C: You better not put it off too long or the boss'll get mad.
Guard B: Yeah, I know. But my Reyvateil's Cosmosphere is just too crazy.

Guard A: Ah, man. That sucks.
Guard B: Yes it does. Last time, I had to do some ridiculous dance, just to craft some magic!
Guard C: Woah, woah, wait. I thought you're not supposed to talk about your partner's Cosmosphere to anyone...
Guard B: It doesn't matter. She can't even craft any decent Songs.
Guard A: Sounds like your Reyvateil is really stressed out.
Once she becomes useless, just ask your sergeant for a new one.
Guard B: Oh yeah... I should probably do that...

Guard C: You! I saw Bourd drag you in! You must've escaped...

Guard A: You can't escape from us.
Guard B: Just surrender now.

Guard A: Do you really think you can beat all of us? What a confident little punk.

And, I'll prove it to you now!
Guard A: Huh? How dare you lecture to us. You're just a Reyvateil.
Guard B: I was getting bored, anyway. This could be fun!
This fight introduces Stored Attacks. Stored Attacks are enemy attacks that target your Reyvateil. By choosing the Guard command, your frontline can leap in front and take the blow bodyguard style. The upshot is that you get a counterattack. For each ring around your Reyvateil you need one person to guard them.

So Lyner, if they target me, you have to protect me with your body and soul.

Let's look at the battle results a bit.

We now gain DP in addition to experience points after battles. These are based on songs used in combat, and are expended in Dives, which we'll see next update. Also note the item results. At the highest harmonic level, you get four items per enemy. This is generally hard to achieve on regular enemies unless they're reasonably robust, but on bosses it is pretty important because there's a lot of otherwise missable grathnode crystals to be had.

But, I haven't forgotten anything about you!

Come on, let's hurry.

Unauthorized access recorded in cell block.

A Dive is that thing where someone goes into the inner world of a Reyvateil, right?

They think Reyvateils are just tools to be used by humans. A Reyvateil can't deny anyone who asks.
Even if she hates the guy, she has to let him dive. It's an order.

Misha... were you forced to put up with this, too?

Let's go.
Subjects stopped in hallway outside storage room.

This item can be a real source of life for a Reyvateil.
It quickly restores MP, which gets drained by continuous singing.
So, it'll be really useful in battle.

Subjects approached director Rade's Reyvateil research unit.

For some reason, this door, it brings up horrible images...
I don't know why, but if I get any closer... I'll lose my mind...

Second unauthorized access recorded.

...But I think I can open it.
Ah, I found it. This pipe connects directly to the pressure valve...
The people who live here sure use interesting technology...

Well down here, the people had to create their own technology, so they understand how all of it works.
So in a way, the civilization down here is more advanced than in Platina...
Because, at least they know how their own technology works.
Great... the pressure is going down.
Let's go.
Subjects moved onto Firefly Alley access scaffold. Subjects paused near Power Plant access.

Lyner, what's going on with the Upper World?

I guess I should have gone back instead of coming here to look for it... Either way...

Let's go.
Power fluctuations detected in reactor core.

We better get out of here! This place is too dangerous.

We have to check it out!

Lyner, are you outta your mind? You're going to get us killed!
Subjects approached nuclear reactor core. Report available.
Post-incident report:
Following the appearance of unidentified enemy, control was lost over Ikaruga Mk. I. The Ikaruga attacked the nuclear reactor core, and if not for the intervention of several intruders the reactor and all of Firefly Alley would have been lost.
Ikaruga's inability to withstand song magic proved a critical weakness, later designs should take this into account. Following battle, intruders fled Commander Rade.

If he keeps going, he'll destroy the Nukular Power Generator! Then, this island'll fall for sure!

This whole island is man-made. It can't float without the Nuclear Power Generator.
So, if it's destroyed, this whole island will fall!

Boss Battle: Ikaruga Mk. I
Ikaruga's a pretty easy boss. Not as easy as ABR, but still easy. He's got moderately powerful attacks, but is very vulnerable to Song Magic. You're joined by an as yet unidentified character who, at Harmonic level 1 and higher, has an intensely useful skill.

It's a free heal on one target, which is awesome. She also uses chainsaws as her weapons, which further cements her as the greatest character ever. We'll be seeing much more of her soon enough.

Reyvateils are supposed to obey their human masters.

Lyner, we have to run!

Guard: It's still flying around out there, sir.

Hmm. They can't get away, so you may as well leave them alone.
Close down the airport, and cancel all private airships. Return all ships at the Floating Wharf to Nemo.
Guard: Yes, sir!

Hmmm hmhmhm... Haa hahahahaha!

Which reminds me.. that wolf-machine back there...
It looked like you've seen it before. What's going on?

...Well, thinking about it won't be much help.
What are we gonna do now?

Usually, we escape by taking an airship from the airport...

Subjects entered Firefly Alley.

Tenba built this city, but ordinary people live here.
Everything on the island was made by Tenba, including the island itself.
The Power Generator, where we were fighting, is right below us.
The city was built on the top part of the generator.
Isn't it amazing?
I couldn't believe it the first time I saw it.
This is what the people of the Lower World are capable of.
They have an insatiable hunger for knowledge.
They strive for technological innovation.

Subject tracking lost.
Useless machine couldn't even send that worthless rock plummeting into the void. Despite their shortcomings I must rely on their resources. For now. Computer, log off and delete all records of this access.
Records deleted. Thank you for using the Tower of Ar Tonelico Public Access Terminal Network!