Part 8: Chapter 6: Dive
Chapter 6: Dive
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Computer, search for all current records on the actions of Lyner Barsett.
Searching... Records found.
Personal Log: Lyner Barsett
Last night Misha stopped by my room. She wanted to talk to me.

Hehehe... Good night.

...for me anyway...

When we choose the Rest option from an Inn or blue save point with a Reyvateil in the party, conversation events can be triggered. Sometimes they'll want to say things to us, sometimes we've got things to talk to them about. Some of them are funny, some of them are interesting character development. Sometimes they give us an item or grathmeld recipe. The talk topics are stratified into levels, and you need to have completed a certain number of topics in a level do unlock that level in their cosmosphere, as we'll see later on.

It makes me happy to be able to talk to you. And there are so many things I want to talk to you about since we've been separated for so long.

Someone in Tenba goes to that bar a lot.

She's always on the lookout for something fun to do. When she gets bored, she eats.
That's just how she is.

I've never actually bought one, but those cards are popular among everyone regardless of age or sex.

I wouldn't want to see you lose all your money and go homeless or anything.

In the morning we went to the airport. Things didn't go as smoothly as we'd hoped though.

We better ask someone.
Excuse me, what's going on here?
Man: What's going on!? They've cancelled all flights.

Man: I heard that the Tower's Guardian is attacking airships.
It's too dangerous to fly.

All flights have been cancelled.
Hmmm... Bourd must've known we were coming here. That's why he didn't chase us.
Now we have no other choice. We have to take the dangerous route.
And I was hoping to enjoy the flight.

But before that, we should go to a shop and prepare for the trip. Then we can go to the Power Generator.
We went over there, but as always it seems like nothing can go smoothly.


But, no one really uses it now. It's a great little hiding spot.
The door has a lock. But, it's just for decoration...
Let's go! We can't let anyone see us.

Oh no! It's completely blocked.
We can't go this way.

I know someone who might know something. We could ask her.
I'm sure she could help us somehow.

I did it for a reason...

Misha's friend was... unusual.

Oh, Lyner, you've never met Spica before. She sells Kitty Candy. And... she's also a merchant.
I know she doesn't look like it, but she also sells rare Grathnode Crystals.
And because of it, she hears a lot of Top Secret info.

The way you told me about before is blocked.

Have you ever heard the saying, "The hardest things to find are those that are right in front of you?" Well, it's true.
There are places of the Power Generator that don't quite fit right.
They may be parts that have bet, or warped in some way. That's your opening.
Those areas are just too damaged. No matter how many times they fix it, another wall falls off.

Look carefully at the walls. You'll see that one wall looks awkwardly new.
If you blow up that wall, you can reach the pipeline.

So, now can you do me a favor?
Lyner, from now on, can you buy your Grathnode Crystals from me?
I may not look like it, but I do collect high-quality Grathnode Crystals.
You might not need them now...
But, soon, you'll learn to appreciate all I have to offer... Hehehehe...

Now, when I say, "It's 12 leaf per candy..."
You, "...Who cares about the price, I just want to eat a bucket's worth."
Once you say that, my store mode changes.
So, come back soon!

Spica has a random inventory every time you show up. She often has incredibly powerful and incredibly expensive grathnode crystals. She's worth checking in with later in the game when you've got lots of money and nothing to do with it.
We headed back, but this just wasn't our day.


I got it! I'll destroy it using Song Magic.
I've been to the tower with Tenba before.
When I was there, I saw a Reyvateil blast down a wall using a lightning bolt.


I'll be a little nervous, of course... It'll be my first time...

So we went. I'm not going to lie, it was pretty strange. But if it helps Misha grow stronger, I guess it's worth the strangeness.

Dive Shop: Well, aren't you a bold Reyvateil!
Okay, let me tell you how this works.
By diving, you can craft Song Magic inside a Reyvateil's mind.
Well, actually, you're translating the feelings in her Cosmosphere, or mind, into Songs.
The Cosmosphere is filled by her emotions and past experiences.
You pick something out of there and craft a Song with it.
That's your job, buddy.

But, it's hard to realize it all by ourselves.
And, we can't open our minds to just anyone.
Dive Shop: So, they need reliable partners, you see?

Dive Shop: Also, the more a Reyvateil opens her mind to a partner, the deeper that partner can see into her.
The deeper into the mind, the stronger the feelings will be to craft more powerful Songs.
So, it's important to bond with a Reyvateil.

In a nutshell this is how it works: After combats we get Dive Points. We spend these to initiate the scenes in the Cosmosphere. This will lead to the creation of Song Magic. Each level represents some aspect of the Reyvateil, which colors interactions with them on it. Cosmosphere level one is Misha's surface personality, so it's pretty much just like the regular Misha we've seen.
Computer, load all logs from the Cosmosphere of MISHA_FEHU_EORIA_ARTONELICO.
Loading... Load complete. Record available for Level One.

...I knew it. Good thing I didn't expect too much.

But, I'll always be with you as long as you're inside this Cosmosphere. And I'll be watching your every move.

If something dramatic happens, she'll craft a Song. But with Misha, she might start crafting songs without all the drama.
But, to visit different locations, you'll need a good supply of dive points.
Significant locations require more dive points. That's because only reliable people should enter them.
To enter those locations, you need to build a reliable relationship with Misha in the real world to earn enough dive points.

Lyner! You're here! Thank you for coming!

So, I need your help. It's a lot harder to craft by myself.
Lyner; Okay. Misha from the real world said she wants Song Magic that shoots a lightning bolt...
Misha; Oh yeah, I can do that right away.
Hmmm... How about this?

If you want more Song Magic, you can search this world to find more.

So, Blue Magic is like proof of my love for you, Lyner.

Thunder Guard: Misha, Lyner. I'll protect you from thunder with my metal shield.

So this is how it works.

Anyway, it's easier to craft powerful Song Magic around here since there's an abundance of energy.
That's why you should craft your Red Magic here to get powerful attacks.

Here we go. Ya!

Dragon: Are you the one who crafted me?

Dragon: You're just a girl...? Do you think you can handle me?


Dragon: You fool! You're 10 levels too early to craft me!

Dragon: You may have the power to craft, but I won't take orders from posers like you who are too afraid of showing the truth.

Dragon: Come back later!

...I have to chase her!

Rabbit: I'm a part of Misha's consciousness. I don't know why I was created, but we'll learn soon enough.

Rabbit: No. I don't have a crystal ball to tell your fortune.

Rabbit: It's because the dragon is beyond the capacity for this world to contain.
Misha's a girl of great potential. She can craft magic that's greater than her world can handle.
This time, she messed up. Misha can craft a dragon, but she's not capable of handling it.

Rabbit: She has to increase her spiritual level. It's important that she willingly does so.
Unless she feels the need to do so, you can't do anything to help her.

Rabbit: As her spiritual level increases, she has to reveal her inner secrets to you.
All the graffiti in this world is a reflection of her unwillingness to reveal her true emotions.
Her true world is underneath all this filth.
Misha is probably afraid to show you her true feelings. And you know why, don't you?

By diving, you're seeing the private 95% of that person.

I know Misha is the one who asked you to dive, but she also regrets asking you.
She wanted you to dive and get to know her more.
But, at the same time, she doesn't want to show you her ugly side.
Girls have many inner feelings, you know?
You need to understand and care for her!

I was trying to impress you, but all I did was embarrass myself...

Misha... why won't you show me your true self?

It's completely the opposite...

I didn't want you to see my real world...

I don't know what I was thinking. You must hate me for trying to lie to you.
All I wanted was for us to be together. I'll be honest with you from now on.

By jumping into the light, Misha's spiritual level will advance by one.
Hurry, before it disappears! Go to the Stonehenge!

I'm afraid to show you the real me... I'm scared that you won't... like me anymore...

I'm so proud of you for being this brave. And, nothing can change that now.

Hey, Lyner... will I see you again in the next world?

How delightfully putrid. Any other records?
Records end.
So they plan to climb the tower. I suppose it's only right to have a little surprise or two waiting for them then, make things a bit more interesting. System log off and delete all records of this access.
Records deleted. System logging off. Thank you for using the Tower of Ar Tonelico Public Access Terminal Network!