Part 24: Chapter 13: Virus
Chapter 13: Virus
Welcome to the Tower of Ar Tonelico Public Access Terminal Network!
Give me a summary of the current crisis in Platina up to the present moment. All available details. I need more data!
Loading records... Multiple records on subject 'Lyner Barsett' found, dating back as far as one day. Load all?
Yes. I can always skip them if they're not relevant.
Recorded conversation in location designated 'Restoire', Em Pheyna.

The Star Singer is a priestess who continuously sings for world peace, forever.

My Song is entitled Chronicle Key. It's the only thing that can keep the viruses contained in the tower...

But, it's no use crying about it, right? So, I want to do whatever I can to help.
Platina's in danger, right? I want to go help you save it.
Besides, I may be able to find a clue on where to find my Song along the way.

Ughh, that's enough. So Bourd succeeded in neutralizing Chronicle Key. He wasn't totally worthless I guess. So if they went to the Frozen Eye there's probably a lot of really boring footage of them scaling the Tower. Skip it. I don't give a damn.


We've done so much to help you, yet you still don't trust us.

You're the only one who's worried about this.

Instead of making the decision for us!
Can't you read between the lines!?
Nobody wants to say goodbye to you!
We want to see this thing through to the end!
You can't keep ignoring our feelings! It's just like that one time...

Besides, the people you care for probably have things that they value more than themselves.
...Do you understand what we're saying?

But, I understand how you're feeling.
Come on, let's go to Platina... together!

Come on, let's go.

Hmph. I will never allow the Star Singer to recover Chronicle Key. Never! Track their movements in the Platina region.

Subjects entered city of Platina.

Listen! That's where Platina is governed. So, we have to go there, right?

Follow their movements.

Knight: Yes, sir!

Knight: No, sir. It's been a few days since they left for the Altar of Apostles...

Reyvateil: ...I'm sure she's fine, sir. Ayatane is with her.

Reyvateil: Ayatane has special powers.
When the viruses first emerged from the Altar of Apostles...
After being trapped, they returned unharmed.

Lady Shurelia, Lyner, I'm sorry.
How dare such weak viruses try to hurt me...
We shall be alright for a little while.
...I have my own way of dealing with them.

Reyvateil: Sir! A Guardian has entered the 2nd district!

...Lyner! Is that you!?

Hm, you're too late do anything.

I've been risking my life, looking for the Hymn Crystal that'll save everyone's life...
And when I finally get back, you treat me like this!? You didn't even thank me!

I'm simply evaluating how long it took you to complete your mission. In that regard, your performance barely rates at all.
I can't figure out why she asked you to go in the first place...

But, I'll have to tell you about it later. Right now, we have to find a way to defeat these viruses.
He nearly died a few times, looking for that crystal. But, he finally found it.
He dedicated his life to his mission. You have to take that into account, as well.

No matter how many times he faced death, it doesn't change the final outcome.

I, Radolf, fought by Lyner's side. I must say that he really did impress me.
I've never seen anyone put a mission before him or herself as I witnessed from Lyner.

Dad, what did you want me to do with this crystal?

Lady Shurelia was supposed to take up that duty...
But, she is currently at the Altar of Apostles with Ayatane.
We haven't heard from them for some time now.

Lyner, give the crystal to the Reyvateil that you trust the most.
Downloading the crystal into the Reyvateil will release the true power of the crystal.

You should ask Horai, the owner of Platina's dive shop.

I see. So that's how it got to this.

I thought that you were kind to everyone, but you're not kind to your father.

I just never saw you act like that before. It was a bit surprising.
So if he was going to download a Hymn Crystal, he'd have needed the Reyvateil's Hymn Code. These two probably don't even know their own codes, so he'd probably have to ask their Mind Guardians.
A brief interlude: I'm not showing the actual conversation that tells us this because they seriously screwed up in the localization and it flows really awkwardly. The Dive Shop guy pretty much tells us that we need to Dive into them and get their Mind Guardian to tell us their Hymn Code. I'm not going to show the conversation with Don Leon, but you will likely note if you're playing along at home and chose Aurica that he says her Hymn Code is MULE_TEIWAZ_ARTONELICO, whereas I earlier in the thread said it was MIR_TEIWAZ_ARTONELICO. The reason? Mir is the localized name of the mother virus, who was named Mule in the Japanese version. They didn't localize the Hymn Code, though, so there's a mismatch. If you want to find out what the deal is with that Hymn Code, then vote Aurica's path for Phase 2 here after Chapter 14. Now back to our show.

Okay, I'll tell you. But, you can't tell anyone else, it's a secret.
I'm trusting you.

Don't tell anyone.

The download of a Hymn Crystal was detected in Platina square.
Oh, thank you for that breaking news. I mean, it's not like our present situation didn't make that stunningly clear.

Horai: Okay, please follow me to the area where we can perform the ceremony.

Horai: Okay, now listen to me and follow my directions carefully.
First, you two have to face each other.
Now, Lyner, take the crystal and hold it up in front of Misha.
Now, let's begin.

Horai: Lyner! Read that! Hurry!

It's bringing back so many memories. I don't know why... but I want to cry.
I don't know what it is... but, I have this bittersweet feeling inside me...
Horai: You won't experience that kind of rush too often, so you better enjoy it now.
I can't help you with anything else. I don't know what kind of Song you got there.
Ask Commander Leard if you have any more questions.

Now, let's go back to the cathedral.

Don't forget that you can't fail. Remember that.

So, Misha...
Your mission is to chant and fight against the Viruses with Lyner.

You will have to fight the same as any other battle. The most important thing is to keep singing.

Moreover, Platina is in great danger. The viruses are taking over Platina itself.

The virues are still at the Altar of Apostles.
We're worried about Lady Shurelia and Ayatane. We have to hurry.
Head to the Altar of Apostles immediately.
By using the Purger, you can exterminate the viruses.

Is that all you have to say?

The interpersonal strife of humans is boring. Show me what happened at the Altar of Apostles.
Loading record...

Okay, let's go!


We just have to delay them until Lyner returns with the Purger.

Misha! Let me hear your wonderful singing voice!

I'll put my whole heart and soul into it!

I HATE this song. Wretched thing.

Come on, let's take them down!
Boss Battle: ELMA-DS:
So, first thing to note: EXEC_PURGER is one of the absolute best boss musics there is, period. Aurica's version is different, and I'll link it later.
As far as ELMA-DS goes, he's not that hard. He's definitely the toughest boss of the phase, though, and if you're underleveled could be a real pain. He's got a powerful single target, attack, Bugs Fang, and a debuff spell called System Break. Dispel System Break with Shaman or an Opal Rice, because debuffs in this are just as nasty as they are in say a Megaten game, where you start taking 50+% more damage after a couple. He's got a lot of health to whittle down, and when he starts getting lower he'll use Harm Wave, a three ring stored attack. This lets you Super Counter, so take advantage of that. Eventually, ELMA-DS will drop. That's where the game decides to really slap you with a good old fashioned fuck you moment.

Hang in there!
Are you ok?!

So, I suspect that the viruses fled into Misha's Cosmosphere.
The shock of the invasion must have put her in a coma.

But, if we kill Misha, the viruses will die...

Even if it is a long shot, I'll do anything to help Misha.

Then we must take her to the Dive Shop.
Lyner, meet us there whenever you're ready.
Hmm, I see they intend to come in. We will be waiting for the humans, though, won't we my child? The humans wish to use both of us, but soon they'll see. As they drown in rivers of their own blood, they'll learn that we Reyvateils are not to be trifled with. And after we slaughter them, you will help me build my Utopia, where no humans can use either of us ever again. It will be so beautiful...
Can Lyner defeat ELMA-DS and save Misha from the diabolical Mother Virus, Mir? What will become of Platina? Find out next time on the exciting conclusion of Ar Tonelico Phase I, Soul!